Cinder cone, small framed hardtail right? That should be a good project, get busyI envy your passion @KungFury. I know nothing about bikes but I had a breif fascination with 90's steel mountain bikes that still lingers. I've got all the parts for quite a nice '93 Kona CinderCone I need to work out how to put together one day in amongst a few other bikes. I'd love a nice quality 90's road bike too. You should throw some pictures up of your older bikes.
The time has come (ie summer) for some new tyres.
Decided this time to go completely different and everyone I speak to says these are the ducks guts, the internet agrees mostly.
Me thinks they look great and I can't wait to give them a test run tomorrow.
Vittoria Corsa G+.
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A little update on the tyres
Cheers.Oooo I do like that Fuji.
Yeah...The ban hammer strikes again.![]()
I've started riding to and from work this week. It's only a 6km trip each way but it's alright to start with, as I get fitter there is five or six different routes I can choose from.of varying distance and difficulty.
I've borrowed a mates Azzuri Voltri, it's my first experience with road bikes and it's taking some getting used to but I'm enjoying it, other than the sore butt from the seat. I'm going to try keep it for a month or so, make sure it's definitely something I will keep up, then start looking for my own bike. I've been reading places like the bikeradar forums and things to see what sort of commuters people are using and for my sub-$500 budget I'm hoping to get something secondhand like a Giant Defy with Shimano 105's. Something I can put slightly more forgiving tyres on, mudguards and a rear rack. Does anybody else have suggestions on bikes of similar spec/secondhand price range I may have overlooked?
So my local bike shop has a new employee, who also has airbrushing and designing skills. This week the owner has announced that they're starting with complete bike customization.
This is my current bike:
My new outfit for this season is going to be an all black Bioracer outfit with pink bands around the sleeves of the shirt, and sleeves of the bibshorts. So pretty much all black with some pink lines on the ends.
My idea was to pair the outfit and the bike. I love contrasting colours, but I also love the fast look of a black bike.
In terms of main colour I want a matt finish, and either black or a grey colour, like a RAL 7021 (left) or 7024 (right)
In terms of text I want to keep it minimalistic, but with a nice finish. I'm riding a Granville Sonic with a Campagnolo Chorus groupset. To keep it really simple, I was thinking of having GRANVILLE vertically down the toptube, and SONIC on the sides of the downtube. And then the logo of the bikeshop on the headtube.
Either I go really simple, and have them white, or I could be a little flashy and pair that colour to the colour of my outfit, which is RAL 4006:
It's a little daring, but somewhere I think it would look absolutely stunning. Some other colours I was thinking about for the letters is the colour of the spoke nipples, which is RAL 2001:
Or a Mclaren kind of bike, which would be combining black or very dark grey with Orange or red, kind of like the S-Works Venge Mclaren bike:
The outfit is determined already, so it's 100% certain that'll be black and pink. I've also yet to find a cool font for the GRANVILLE and SONIC logo's on the frame.
What do you guys think?
For a 6km ride you could manage with just about anything with 2 wheels and a saddle. The real benefit of 105 (to me) is the brakes are a massive jump from lower level sets. Other than that any chainset would do you ok as long as it’s got the right ratios, which most will have.
I commuted on a Giant road touring bike with low end components and quality 28c slicks but the bike was never an issue, it was getting to work sweaty and hot and getting motivated in the morning to bike rather than jumping on my motorcycle.
There’s plenty of good advice on motivation and what not on bikeradar, and the internet in general.
With £500 bucks for a commuter you might want to opt for a reasonable level MTB or gravel as you’ll get more comfort (although your ass will adjust and get used to the soreness), wider tyres (hence more comfort), robust geometry and more chance of having mud guard compatibility. A road bike might be overkill for a 6km commute unless you want to take up road riding as a hobby, to which some of us here would say “do it!”.
All in all the main thing is enjoyment and the benefit of cycling. I’ve commuted on a £20 junker* from the scrap heap that have been just as capable of a 30 mile round trip commute as the £1000 road bikes I was scalping (try silly commuter racing if you can).
* Beaters that cost next to nothing but got the job done well:
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Yeah I'm about to start tidying up an old MTB and give that a few rides, also scored a 90's Apollo Concorde for $20 I have to go pick up, both of those will do the job for the mean time.
The reason for looking into a higher end bike (read entry level) are the options to vary my route as I get fitter, there's probably six different ways I can go to and from work with the longest being up around the 30km mark I'd imagine. I'll just use the Apollo and mountain bike to get familiar with working on and maintaining bikes until a nice Giant Defy pops up. The early Defy's have guard and rack provisions and from all reviews are a great bike for the price.
Glad to see the thread get a bump, I thought I'd killed it. Has everyone been riding much? I've had a lot of fun getting used to the road bike (aside from the sore ass) and have really been enjoying it up until we had bad weather and I got the flu. I've probably lost any fitness I gained but I should be back on the bike Tuesday. I got Strava so I can see my improvement but it hurts seeing how much faster some people are, some people aren't human.
Honestly, I like the sound of a black kit with highlights but the pink is very loud. The orange looks great and I think would be a nice little compliment to the grey/ black scheme. Can’t get over that pink though lol.
Can’t really say I have any fresh ideas about the logo and lettering but white on black is a timeless classic and will go with any other colour kit you might want in future. If you want minimal perhaps small logo lettering where a top tube bag would go or places like the seat stays or front fork arms might keep it from being too “decorated”. Like the idea of the shop logo on the head tube.
Recently I have been looking at the prospect of putting it on a trainer and hooking it up to something like Zwift so that I can just pump out some mileage when convenient at home.
Seems like you should be following the advice of other mere mortals and getting another bike for the trainer instead of risking such a nice bike on something the manufacturer specifically advised against.
There is nothing wrong with fitting a carbon bike to a turbo trainer. I do it myself, every bike enthusiast and pro team do it. Only the rear is fitted to a turbo trainer, so if you snap your frame, it means you bought a frame that is unsafe for road use. Only make sure you follow the instructions with the turbo trainer and you're safe. Seriously, if you snap your frame on a turbo trainer, you are either the hulk or you ride the worst CF frame ever.
Have you ridden on a trainer before?
It's seriously one on the most boring things to do even with the likes of Zwift so it's something to think about.
I have one I'll sell if you're interested, hardly been used. I thought the same that it would be a good idea but it just sits there now doing nothing, honestly I'd rather just ride in the bad weather. As you're in Melbourne now you could try before you buy etc etc so if you're interested at all just let me know. 👍