The biking thread

All good mate, whenever suits you I'm in no rush and will be in Sydney for the next week anyway. 👍
You should come to Europe one day and ride some of the famous cycling tours.
Heh - that's where I am now too :lol:

The thing about a trainer is that while they are indeed extremely boring, it is an excellent tool for short but very intense sessions. This way you can actually build a very solid foundation to go onto the road with. You won't be able to properly train with the elements, or for endurance, but you can build a lot of strength and explosive power on a trainer, as well as using sessions to focus on a smooth cadence without rocking your body.

If you get a trainer, head over on YouTube and play GCN's indoor training sessions. At least then you'll have a goal you're working with on the trainer 👍
Today I repurposed my old Giant road bike and stripped, cleaned, rebuilt it without the heavy parts like derailliers and brakes.

I now have a suicide bike. Hopefully it’s a first, didn’t find anything on google other than fox gear but I didn’t want one of those.

The only thing I kept was the rear cassette so I have a single speed 39-21 to pop to the shops on. Getting the chain back on was a nightmare, I know rivets aren’t meant to go back in so in the end I used a piece of wire coat hanger as a rivet lol. With the gearing it has I think it’ll hold.

I should probably invest in some grippy soled trainers because my feet are now the only way to stop it. Can’t wait to start my commute on it from the new place.
How often do you guys change your chains? Never really thought about it until now.

I measure mine with the Park Tools chain checker. I normally get about 5000 km out of mine so about 6 months for me.
It does change though if you ride in wet and dirty conditions which lowers the mileage.
How often do you guys change your chains? Never really thought about it until now.

My old bike went 5 years on the same chain with no issues, certainly racked up tens of thousands of miles. I took great care to maintain it and the slight stretch never caused issue. It’s now had the same chain for 3 years which is currently held together by a piece of coat hanger (as a rivet) and works fine lol.

Current bike will have a new chain after 1 year or roughly 10,000km of use simply because I don’t want the rear cassette to be destroyed by an old chain as I’m quite sure it’s not cheap to replace it.

On a motorcycle I’ve have 40,000km+ out of a chain before it ate my final drive gear so I’m sure a bicycle with less torque going through the drivetrain can handle it.
Interesting. I know majority are on road bikes here so I imagine you'll get better mileage out of them.

Mud and wet conditions is a good point, which there's a lot of where I am! Though I usually clean and give a good wipe down after rides if it's particular bad. Also wondering if my 1x set up puts more stress on the chain than a 2x or 3x. I'll look into the chain checker tool.
Also wondering if my 1x set up puts more stress on the chain than a 2x or 3x.

I’d imagine it doesn’t thanks to less shifting on the crank ring. I ditched my front derailleur a while back and stuck with a 1x8 on road and it was fine, even with a narrow chain. If you’ve got a made for purpose 1x system with a narrow-wide chain it shouldn’t experience any more wear and stretch than normal.

Scooped up some goodies at a party yesterday. Friend ordered the gillet and it came in too small for him and the cap was a trade for a pack of playing cards and a 20 minute ‘service’ (basic maintenance) of his bike. Score.

How odd is that .

Froome is under a magnifying glass after his bloodwork showed some odd numbers, and today, during the opening of the Giro he lost 37 seconds in a 9.7km time trial. Which is usually his specialty.

So odd.
How odd is that .

Froome is under a magnifying glass after his bloodwork showed some odd numbers, and today, during the opening of the Giro he lost 37 seconds in a 9.7km time trial. Which is usually his specialty.

So odd.
Just hours after a crash...
Someone explain things to me. My understanding of biking dynamics isn't enough right now.

As my "daily driver" I ride a 29er XC hardtail with a 100 mm fork, all aluminium, weighing 10,6 kg and running on 2.3" fast tread XC tyres.

Last year I bought a cyclocross bike, again all aluminium, weighing 10,5 kg and running on tyres that are pretty much the same as on the MTB, just 35 mm wide. It never performed like I had expected it to, being no faster than the MTB and noticably less comfortable to ride. I shelved it and put it on sale.

This year I pulled it out of storage as nobody has bought it yet and decided to give it another try. For some reason it felt a lot better and I upgraded it a bit, the wheels I bought for the MTB as a winter pair fit the cross bike too so I swapped the wheels and retained the original tyres. Weight went down by quite a bit, now being just barely over 10 kg and it's always said that the weight loss is best felt on the wheels so I was slightly excited to see how it rides.

The verdict was that nothing had changed. It didn't feel any better than with the original wheels, didn't accelerate any better, and to top it off it still isn't any faster than the MTB on pavement and gravel roads.

And that's where my understanding ends. It's slightly lighter, definitely more aerodynamic, has at least theoretically lower drivetrain losses due to larger cogs being used, but nothing of that translates into a speed advantage. I can't quite wrap my head around to why it goes like that. The 29er shouldn't have a chance but it doesn't only put up a fight, it holds its own while being a lot more comfortable and versatile.
It's slightly lighter, definitely more aerodynamic, has at least theoretically lower drivetrain losses due to larger cogs being used, but nothing of that translates into a speed advantage. I can't quite wrap my head around to why it goes like that

Still a few variables to consider the biggest being if you ask me is perceived effort in the mind.
I'm guessing you don't have a power meter on both bikes so what you may think is enough/same effort for less speed may not quite be the case.
There's many a day when my average speed at the end of a ride makes me feel like a bit of a legend (in my mind at least haha) but digging into the stats average power is down. Whether it was favourable winds, riding in a group whatever a power meter simply doesn't lie.
Basically speed is a horrible metric to measure yourself against, just way way too many variables.

Anyway onto the actual bike the first thing I'd be looking at would be the tyres and pressures as both could cause some of the issues you mention.
Stationary Trainers.

I already know the general consensus here is to skip it and just go for a ride. My problem is that half the year the roads are covered with ice and snow. Coupling that with me starting taekwondo has left my bike completely untouched this year. Because of a late thaw, I skipped the Cyclothon this year because of lack of seat time.

This is coming up because I came across this on Craigslist. For $50 I can't really go wrong but I don't need another thing sitting around not being used, either.

My thought was to put it in the theater room so instead of just sitting on the couch watching something (usually alone anyway), I could ride instead, as the likelihood of me going out after taekwondo class is over at 8 or 9 pm is, frankly, zero.


It'll work and make you sweat etc etc.
For $50 you can't lose really as you say, never know you might enjoy it ok too.
Just wasn't for me that's all but then again our bad weather doesn't come close to yours.
Due to the uselessness of the talk me down thread in the premium forum I've gone ahead and put down my $500 deposit on my dream bike.
The deposit just gets me a spot in the build queue and I pay another $500 when I get measured and fitted for the bike next week.
At 6 weeks prior to the build commencement half the balance is to payed with the full amount on pickup.

So by next week at the fit and selection I need to pick the bike, components and paint.
Currently at 99% sure this will be the bike.
Originally because it's a steel frame I was going to keep it old school and get a mechanical group set but have decided now it will most likely be Shimano DI2.

Those as it turns out are the easiest picks and I'll be struggling with not only what paint scheme to use from what they offer but also which colours. I've flipped and flopped a few times already :lol:.

If anyone wants to chime in with any paint ideas feel free to do so, look under the finishing section of the website.

The bikes themselves when seen in real life are simply flawless, honestly feel like a kid at Christmas time. Just hope and touch wood I should have it by Christmas.

Oh well at least rule 25 will ring true for me. :dopey:
That is a beautiful bike @Shaun, I don't think it matters what colour you go, it will look spectacular.

I'm still riding the crappy Azzuri and not fixing my mountain bikes. bike had the flu for a couple of weeks which is usually followed by asthma so haven't been riding to work, I know it will just make it worse.
I really like the colour scheme on one of the banner photos (attached). I'd be hard pressed to pick my own with all the possibilities though, ha.


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I really like the colour scheme on one of the banner photos (attached). I'd be hard pressed to pick my own with all the possibilities though, ha.

Because GT40 livery. :P

Yeah founder and owner of the brand is also as motorsport fan and a few of the colour palettes draw inspiration from there.
The Martini racing scheme looks great.

One set of colours I had running through my head was the blue, red and silver from the current Torro Rosso livery. I love that blue.
@TB I’m not getting notifications for this thread despite being subscribed. Anything you know about as a super powerful mod man?

Also, stationary trainers work as well, if not better sometimes, than getting out on the road because there is no rest that the road affords a rider at times (traffic lights mainly). It does entirely depend on your will to train though whether it’ll be worth the investment. I know many people who have bought exercise machines and done as little working out with the addition of a machine as they did before. You really have to want to ride it so perhaps work out a reward system for yourself to get you riding it.

@Shaun, that bike is glorious. Can’t wait until you give us a first ride review.

As for colour schemes, go with what you know will stand the test of time and speaks to you personally. It’s all well and good having a great bike but if you aren’t 100% on the colour scheme it’ll feel flawed.

If I was lucky enough to happen upon a chance for a custom paint job I’ve always been inclined to go with a motor racing inspired livery. I’m particularly partial to the Castro’s colours:

In my cycling world I’ve been smashing PBs all over the shop and my local bench mark climb is become quicker by the week.

Did my first group ride with the local riding club yesterday and enjoyed that. I’d always been nervous of riding with them because some are ex-pros and I thought I’d embarrass myself but I was well matched to their pace and it was more of a casual ride than a race. Looking forward to joining them again soon.

Gave up using Strava for my commute. It just flooded my feed with 10 minute rides.
My alerts are working alright.

Is this thread listed here:

I suppose it's possible the name may have changed, even if only slightly. You could try unsubscribing then re-subscribing. Just to rule that out.

Ok, thanks. I’ll try that.

It’s been an issue since the new GTP format came in some time ago with the alert feature. I get notifications from time to time but not as often as the posts that they’re supposed to alert me to.
Yeah I don't get the alerts anymore either. I'll try unsubscribe and re-subscribe .

Jumping back on the bike tomorrow after probably three weeks off with a lingering flu. Hoping it's not too early but it has to be done.