So the rain stopped long enough over the weekend that allowed me to get out for around 110km in between some showers to test the new gear.
First impressions:
Rear Derailleur: Holy smooth gear changes batman. The first few times I shifted just to keep a constant cadence I had to look down and check that it had actually shifted. I wouldn't say is shifts a lot quicker than my old gear but the smoothness is fantastic.
Weather permitting and another 100km's or so and I should have it dialed in just how I want it.
Shifters: The most expensive part and reason I upgraded.
Couldn't be happier. The indexing is fantastic on them, they are more comfortable and the braking performance is a huge step up. After a few light braking tests I thought I had them sussed out. Approaching a corner at reasonable speed I grabbed the brakes only to realise I had to speed up again before the corner.

I imagine it would be a bit like when a touring car driver tests a F1 car for the first time. Oh and no cables to look at.
Chain and Cassette: Hard to tell with this one but if Shimano's blurb is to believed all the 5700 105 parts are made to run with one another for optimal shifting and smoothness. No complaints on that front from me.
I did however use a SRAM removable link on the chain instead of the Shimano press fit pin just to make easier removal of the chain for cleaning.
Front Derailleur: It turned up on Friday and thought I may as well install it even though my old derailleur worked well with the new gear. I was surprised to find this part to be the hardest to setup well. As the gap for where the chain runs through is narrower (to shift quicker I think) it took a fair bit of fiddling to setup so there was no chain rub unless you cross chain really badly. This is where the trim on the shifters comes into play, once setup correctly and with use of the trim you could cross chain to the maximum without chain rub if one so desired.

Anyway it swaps to and from both chain-rings
way quicker and smoother than the old derailleur so I'm happy I decided to use it.
So overall I couldn't be happier really with the money I outlaid to the end results.
Now, I wonder if 105 chain-rings would help.