The biking thread

I'm not your buddy, guy...

...Well I'm not you guy, friend....

Well I'm not you friend, buddy.

(Having a Canadian for as a close friend means I can't resist South Park Canadian jokes.)

Enjoy all the same. I doubt I'll get to see the video since YouTube isn't pals with China but some pics would be nice if you get a chance. 👍
Had an interesting ride this morning.
Got up and it was 0.2 degrees celsius. By the time I got the kids sorted for breakfast and I had put on long base layer top and bottom, padded knicks, a jersey, wind proof jacket, long gloves and then my short cycling mitts on top it had risen to a glorious 2 degrees.

My god the first 5km were cold. That's when the fog rolled in. The visibility wasn't horrendous by enough to make me nervous about being spotted by cars considering I was on a road with a 100kmh limit with no verge. To make matters worse I had to continually wipe the water from my glasses to help well give me some visibility.

Anyway once the fog cleared and by the end of my ride it had risen to 7 degrees without a cloud in the sky. Turned out glorious. Ended up doing around 45km averaging about 28kmh. Would loved to have kept riding but I had other commitments.

Now onto some important stuff.
How to park your bike Peter Sagan style after a training ride.

A ton of road bikers around my location have Trek 1.1s. Is it really that good, or is it just easier to find?

For big-brand entry-level bikes, it's way up there. As with Specialized, Trek frames are great quality - Taiwan really has it down when it comes to frame manufacture.

If I remember correctly, their frames and forks have a lifetime warranty (I was reading an article about a guy who bought a Trek road bike in the early 90's, put over 70,000 miles on it, and Trek still replaced it when it developed a fault 20 years later, which is awesome)

Since Bontrager are owned by Trek, their finishing kits are usually made up of parts that come out of the Bontrager factory which, if you didn't know, is a good thing!
For big-brand entry-level bikes, it's way up there. As with Specialized, Trek frames are great quality - Taiwan really has it down when it comes to frame manufacture.

If I remember correctly, their frames and forks have a lifetime warranty (I was reading an article about a guy who bought a Trek road bike in the early 90's, put over 70,000 miles on it, and Trek still replaced it when it developed a fault 20 years later, which is awesome)

Since Bontrager are owned by Trek, their finishing kits are usually made up of parts that come out of the Bontrager factory which, if you didn't know, is a good thing!

I have a '09 Trek 7.3 FX that has too many "Bontrager" stickers to count. Very well made bike. Shame it's too small for me but I never liked it as much as the road bikes.
How have I not seen this thread before!? I love biking! This years cycling season got off to good start, but has been pretty rocky as of late.

I can't find the picture I took, but heres a factory photo of my Trek 1.5 62cm that I bought last summer. It had an aluminum frame, carbon fork, Shimano pedals/shoes, and a speed distance computer. Great bike and a nice upgrade from the old Trek 2300 I use to ride. Rode it on two days of RAGBRAI last year, along with recreational riding in the country, and communing to class with it on campus.


Sadly, my 1.5 had a rather short life. A 30 mile an hour collision with a negligent homeowners 50lb dog I had 3 weeks ago was enough to send it to bike heaven.



These show the most obvious damage. The frame was also bent, scratched all over, and the uncertainty of the carbon forks condition ment that was a write off too.

I was beaten up pretty bad, got a broken wrist and lots of road rash out of it. Flying threw the air and landing on concrete at 30 isn't as fun as it my seem.

Not going to directly post the aftermath, but here they are if anyone wants to see.

The dog owners insurance covered my totaled bike, so it was time to shop for a new bike... again. Timing worked out ok, because Trek is heavily discounting some of there bikes right now (because Trek's going to an 11 speed rear hub next year) so I was able to move up to a full carbon 4.5 62cm.


Using aero bars right now so I can ride with a cast, its a little different from normal but getting use to it. Hopefully I get my cast off before RAGBRAI rolls around this year because I really want to ride the whole thing.

I love riding bikes and it is by far my favorite sport/activity. :)
Welcome to the GTP bike club. 👍

Shame about your old bike, but the new one looks really good.
Using aero bars right now so I can ride with a cast...

I had to read that twice :lol: That's awesome, good effort.

Sorry to hear about your incident, that blue and white colour scheme on your old bike is/was gorgeous. I hope you are fit again in time for the RAGBRAI, you'll be setting some PRs on your new carbon steed!

How are you finding the switch to carbon? Do you feel as much shock and vibration on your new bike as on your old one?
Welcome to the GTP bike club.

Shame about your old bike, but the new one looks really good.

Thanks! :)

How are you finding the switch to carbon? Do you feel as much shock and vibration on your new bike as on your old one?

So far I like it a lot. It's a bit more rough, but the lose in weight and increased responsiveness is well worth it. On my old one I could flex the frame if I was really pedaling on it sprinting or climbing, but with the switch to carbon I'd assume that's disappear or at least be reduced. Haven't had much of a chance to ride all-out on the new one yet to confirm the change.

As of now I would for sure recomend upgrading to a carbon frame if you get the opportunity too.
Confused quotes there. :lol:

Mmmm...carbon. Have been looking at a Dogma 2 frame for when I move country. I was worried about flex though since my current bike has lots of give in it which is why it's probably in one piece.
I just don't know if I can trust myself with a carbon bike. I'm so rough with my current bike that I don't think a carbon one would last very long, and I'd probably get hit by a car within weeks of upgrading!

I'm not such a serious cyclist, so I can't really justify a new bike anyway!
I use mine for commuting on a daily basis so I have a feeling that a carbon frame might not live up to the abuse I put my bike trough.
I thought carbon frames were meant to be super tough and able to deal with the hardiest routes and the most ham fisted of owners?
Perhaps. I really can't say since I haven't owned a full carbon bike and put it through its paces.
They are tough and can put up with the kind of abuse that bikes should get (just look at the abuse they get on the Paris-Roubaix), but dropping them, or getting nudged by cars is often the end of the bike. Carbon hides flaws well, and you don't want to be riding a carbon frame when it fails!
I'm not sure anything which couldn't withstand a car bump is fit for my purpose. The amount of times I've hit or been hit by cars in heavy, slow traffic is uncountable. I just accept it as part of the ride, but if my frame was to give out after a few collisions I'd be disappointed.
But but carbon frames are super smexy to look at especially in unpainted form. Surely that's enough to overcome any of their shortcomings.

Also welcome T. Glad you come out of the run in with the dog ok. 👍
I'm a frequent rider. I have an older Guerciotti race bike and a garbage run of the mill mountain bike. I need a daily rider bike because I'm just nervous riding my semi rare Guerciotti around.

I looked around on Craigslist and I found a deal for a Schwinn Traveler for $80. It's an older bike but I think it'll get the job done. I don't know what the condition is of the bike but I'm going to check it out soon.

This isn't the picture of the bike I'm purchasing, someone elses picture.


I told the guy I'm about 5'8 and he responded saying somewhere in the lines of 'the seats adjustable so I don't think you'd have any problems.' Hopefully I won't. I've been seeking a daily bike for a few months. I've been looking at this one also.


The reviews make the bike seem really nice but I can't get that bike right now, it's a shame that I had the money for it a while back. I spent it on misc garbage things I didn't need. Oh well. So, what do you guys think of the Schwinn Traveler?
Sram XX1 already mounted. After nearly 500 km i can say this is awesome setup. Worth it's money.

Chain never get off from chain-ring, during racing works like a charm. I'm using biggest chain-ring that is, 38T, bike is slower on even ground like tarmac that it was before, but it re-compensates on rough terrain. In forests, on up-hill sections and it's so quiet, there is no rattling from rear dérailleur, chain never hit's the lower bike frame. 👍


I just love the weird look of lefties.

I personally don't like to have my handle bar so low compared to the seat. My hands cramp up completely in that position.

Thinking of buying a second set of rims with Schwalbe Big Apple tires on my 29er. Should be better for road use and in sandy environments.
+ should be a good look to have balloon tires on a 29er. Have to first find out if they even fit in my frame :P
After two years of riding I've get used to it, but i just got new OPI Stem, with three spacers and new handlebar + 20 mm rise so this gives me new bike position, more comfortable. This would be last upgrade to my bike in this year.

Maybe next birthday ill fund myself Scalpel Carbon Frame, would be awesome to shake some more weight of my Scalpel.
That would make an awesome commuter, especially if you don't have any hills and could rig it with a single gear (not fixed).

Very nice bike. 👍
Well the city I'm currently living in has some decently steep hills. I only take them when necessary because my calf muscles get worn out kind of fast. I think I'll deal with the gears for now.
I need some help about things.

If I take my bike to Thailand I'll have to strip it, pack it, ship it and assemble it one the other end. It could takes months to ship also.

For the price and hassle I could buy myself a fixie, stick it in a suitcase and have a bike the moment I arrive there. Before I get any hate (I'm not a fan of fixies at all) I'll be swapping out the rear fixed sprocket for a single speed ratchet sprocket which one would find on a normal 'granny' bike.

It'll be for commuting and nothing else.

So firstly, I need some input on the issue, secondly, if I do go through with buying one it'll be from Taobao, the Chinese Ebay and will pretty much come DIY.

I'll be sticking with the most basic stock parts but they are available in so many colours and such I'm lost on what to get.


Here are some of the combinations available, but bear in mind that I'm not looking for 'flashy' just utilitarian and minimal (so mostly black, white or grey).



You get the idea. The thing is, these bikes are going for ~500元 which is pretty much the cost of a new shirt. I don't care if the parts are crap since I can replace bit here and there and it'll only get smashed and abused in Thailand anyway since I won't be parking it indoors (unless I get really attached to it and it becomes a money pit).
Here are some of the combinations available, but bear in mind that I'm not looking for 'flashy' just utilitarian and minimal (so mostly black, white or grey).


I like the Yellow and black one. It's the best looking and least cheap and tacky looking one out of those. Are those bikes really that cheap also?

Another Schwinn I'm eyeing.



It's not a bad price at all. I'm still waiting to get in contact to pick this other bike up. I have to link through my parents to pick it up since my car is broke and they're the worst at planning things. I had plans one day to pick up the Traveler and my parents just bailed out. I was steaming pissed. That bike is probably already gone but I'll try again to get in touch with the seller.
I like the Yellow and black one. It's the best looking and least cheap and tacky looking one out of those. Are those bikes really that cheap also?

My wife liked the yellow one, but it will show the dirt and certainly show the imperfections in the casting. They cost so little because a) China - everything is made here b) the materials are basic quality and c) because they are mass produced with no variation - all the bikes use the same components.

I looked into a brand new Specialized but I haven't got $4'000 spare at the moment. :(

I've checked with local air lines and they will fly my bike as checked baggage at no extra charge once it's boxed up. Still tempted to get a single speed for simplicity (my road bike is due a service; new chain, brake pads, cables & what not. Again) so I might take that to Thai and keep it as a downhill racer while buying the single speed for commuting since Chiang Mai is mostly flat.
I looked into a brand new Specialized but I haven't got $4'000 spare at the moment. :(

:odd: Not going with anything else than total overkill, I presume... I've bought three of them brand new and the total just barely edges over that!

And surely enough I'd like to buy a couple more. For the summer tarmac rides a road bike, very likely a Secteur as that's all I can afford and it has the same geometry as the Roubaix which I test drove a while ago, and for a go-anywhere bike a 29er hardtail, probably a Carve as I already have a 26" Rockhopper Expert (which would give way to the new one) and anything below the Carve would be a downgrade. In the past I have, and still actually do, held the opinion that 29ers aren't quite as brilliant all rounders as they're claimed to be seeing that they're inherently less manoeuvrable but in this case it wouldn't hurt a bit as I'll retain my 26" full suspension for the technical trips.

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