The biking thread

@W3HS thanks mate. 👍

Righto a couple of things on the agenda.

Firstly the new wheels.
I got out this morning albeit it was stinking hot. Initial impressions are excellent, it rolls better for sure as I freewheeled down some little slopes where I often do and the bike picked up a couple of kmh extra so I was happy about that.
They most definitely feel stiffer when cornering and seem to get up to speed easier, as it was very hot I didn't push too much so when I get the chance I will do so and see what they can do.
Overall so far though couldn't be happier, oh and that freewheeling sound. :D

As some of you may know I decided to build a flat bar road bike out of my left over bits that I had, ahem upgraded over the year. Felt the bits just sitting there doing nothing was a waste and this way I can use the bike to just pop up to the shops and go for rides with the kids.
I needed some brake levers, gear shifters and tyres. The parts were duly ordered and turned up today. :D

Behold Frankenbike.
Ta da.



Didn't turn out too bad I think even with the dodgy arse cheapo pedals on it (they have reflectors Brad).
Took if for a quick spin around the block to test it and it shifts well, some minor adjustments and it will be really good. After riding it a bit I may fiddle with the position of the brake and gear levers a but it feels pretty good.
Even though the tyres are 25's they still look huge compared to the other bike when riding it.

Just not sure if Mrs Shaun was happy about me building it in the kitchen though. :dopey:
It did have two distinct advantages though.
1. Just below the air conditioner.
2. Right next to the coffee machine. ;)
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Wasn't it a squeeze getting 25s into the forks and dropout? I'm surprised they fit so well on a road frame.

I had in mind the exact same conversion for my bike when I finally get back to riding again, except I was planning to swap the gears out for a single speed since Chiang Mai is properly flat (in the city). After a few months I work i should be able to pick up a proper road bike from one of the many bike shops here, but I still prefer the idea of a self build like the previous example.
Wasn't it a squeeze getting 25s into the forks and dropout? I'm surprised they fit so well on a road frame.

Yeah they fit fine, are a bit of a squeeze getting past the set brake calipers even when in the released position. Worst case put the wheel on first then pump up the tyre.

I had in mind the exact same conversion for my bike when I finally get back to riding again, except I was planning to swap the gears out for a single speed since Chiang Mai is properly flat (in the city). After a few months I work i should be able to pick up a proper road bike from one of the many bike shops here, but I still prefer the idea of a self build like the previous example.

In reality I don't need the 2X9 gearing but as I had the parts thought may as well use them. The 9 at the back would be plenty for what I'll do with it.
Couldn't bring myself to turn it into a fixie though. :P
Is the Garmin GPS based? I've had similar faulty readouts on my phone tracker telling me I have speeds equalling the bicycle land speed record! :lol:
Yeah GPS based.
Pretty sure it was an upload issue with Garmin Connect because when uploaded to Strava it shows a more reasonable 53.6 kmh top speed.

Still pretty sure I can convince the kids it's real. ;)
Ah that GPS speed, I've registered 135km/h before due to weird GPS issues, but that is seriously impressive :bowdown: :lol:

Still yet to break 90km/h in actuality, descents are never long enough.
I think I've gone nuts. Since last Monday the temperature hasn't been above -10°C once, the lowest being just short of -20°C on yesterday evening and the norm having been around -15°C during daytime, and my daily distances have ranged from 14,19 km to 21,49 km with the average speed between 23 and 24 km/h every day. Snow, ice, the usual Finnish winter.
It started snowing today and I was planning on riding my bike. It was kind of funny walking by the bike racks at the other school near me and seeing their bikes caked with dirty snow.

Yeah they fit fine, are a bit of a squeeze getting past the set brake calipers even when in the released position. Worst case put the wheel on first then pump up the tyre.

So you fit different sized wheels onto your bike? I've been thinking of doing that with mine. I want some (what are they?) 700c comp rims for my most recently bought bike.

Also, after the flat bar conversion which felt better? Flat or drop?
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Top speed I reached last year was 109 km/h, there is this long downhill section and curling up on my triathlon handlebar did a great job of reducing my frontal area. It easily gives me + 15 km/h.
I think I was going faster once but that day my computer didn't work, I was slipstreaming a semi downhill and passed it with at least 30 kmh or so.
Too bad the downhill section ends in a sharp bend right into a small town.

Still yet to break 90km/h in actuality, descents are never long enough.

Try slipstreaming other cars downhill, just make sure you don't ride your bike *exactly* behind the car so you crash into it should it brake.
So you fit different sized wheels onto your bike? I've been thinking of doing that with mine. I want some (what are they?) 700c comp rims for my most recently bought bike.

No, still the same size wheels (700c) just different size tyres. Slightly wider at 25mm instead of the 23mm ones. Doesn't sound like much but it does make a noticeable difference, work well for what I use that bike for.

Also, after the flat bar conversion which felt better? Flat or drop?

Can't really say which is better as the two are set up for a different purpose.
The flat bar which I use just to knick up to the shops and go for small rides with the kids is perfect for that, much better and more comfortable than my road with drop bars. Not having clipless pedals helps for those scenarios also.
Conversely my road bike is much better/faster for longer rides (what I mostly do) and going up and down hills. I still prefer the road bike but it just wasn't suitable for what I mentioned using the flat bar bike for.

Really depends on your type of riding, if it's around town and commuting etc a flat bar is probably the better option. If you go on longer rides on the open roads a road bike is the better option. Weighing up what you do the most here is what will make you decide on the best type of bike for you. If you do both types of riding and can't have or afford two bikes for that matter my personal choice would be a road bike just to make the longer rides that more enjoyable.
I second slipstreaming down hills. I've hit some high speeds (80+ was the highest I remember in recent years). I think it was @Emptyone who said no downhill is long enough to crack 90kph, are you meaning in the UK? I've seen roads in Inner Mongolia which could do it, I've costed at 80 on some for miles on a 200kg motorcycle. ;)
I've only been flat out on regular routes where i know the surface and lights, bends, traffic, ect...

From experience I've hit rocks (fallen hardcore from trucks) and large pot holes doing over 45kph and only had busted tubes to show for it. I dropped down from 100psi to under 90 and managed road debris with much less issue regarding punctures.

At the end of the day, if you hit a rock it's not going to do anything other than buckle a wheel at worst. I've not known of anyone taking a fall from hitting road debris. (Road biking, of course).

Edit: I've been thinking for a ling time that this thread is somewhat misplaced. I'm not sure about all of us but I know for many frequenters of this thread that 2-wheeling is a way of life, not just a sport or weekend activity.

I'm sure @Shaun's life has alter largely due to biking and it is a bike part of peoples lifestyles and experiences like Evan's tour of Aus. I just think a revamp is needed to bring this thread out of the depths.
It's not everyones cup of tea but without two wheels under me my life isn't complete. I love bikes so much more than a hobby.

Bikers of the 'Planet, we salute you! :)
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Try slipstreaming other cars downhill, just make sure you don't ride your bike *exactly* behind the car so you crash into it should it brake.

I like living thanks :lol:

I second slipstreaming down hills. I've hit some high speeds (80+ was the highest I remember in recent years). I think it was @Emptyone who said no downhill is long enough to crack 90kph, are you meaning in the UK? I've seen roads in Inner Mongolia which could do it, I've costed at 80 on some for miles on a 200kg motorcycle.

Well that's impressive, I probably cracked 100kph whilst coming down the Tourmalet, which was definitely plenty long and downhill enough, but didn't have a speedo on me. Besides, all the hills here are short and sharp, not long enough to get your teeth into ... mostly.

Plus the surface is wet all the time because England.
I've been out twice and that was while doing a sweep around a corner and the first time it threw the front of the bike away and the second time it hit the rear and it sent me and the bike flying. I'm a-lot more careful after that though.
I'm sure @Shaun's life has alter largely due to biking and it is a bike part of peoples lifestyles and experiences like Evan's tour of Aus. I just think a revamp is needed to bring this thread out of the depths.
It's not everyones cup of tea but without two wheels under me my life isn't complete. I love bikes so much more than a hobby.

Bikers of the 'Planet, we salute you! :)

Yep most definitely mate. 👍
I wont go into too much detail and bore everyone to death but it's been a real life changer for me.
Apart from the initial substantial weight loss my life has been on an upward slope since taking it up.
I'm about to turn forty in a couple of weeks and I can honestly say I've never felt both physically and mentally better about myself.
Just wish I had found the sport lifestyle 20 years ago.

Had a really strange experience at the supermarket the other day when an older guy that I'd guess was about 60 said to me. "You ride bikes don't you".
After my initial shock I said yes why do you ask and the guy said no reason I can just tell by your legs. (I was wearing shorts). Got chatting with him a bit and it turns out he was a top amateur rider in his time and still rides now. Hopefully I'll still be riding at that age also.
Another big tell-tale sign is the white hands tan arms combo that many rider proudly sport, myself included. :)

Other give aways include pedal scars on the shins and crank pattern scars on the calves. Many of which I'm glad to have to honour of suffering for.
Behold Frankenbike.
Ta da.
Hey mate, not sure how I missed this :crazy:. Relying on the Alert thingo seems a bit fraught with risk.

The bike turned out very different to how I pictured it - but it looks pretty nifty 👍 . I think its the fat handles that add emphasis to the flat bar. Would you consider bull handles at some point?

Very cool that you built a second ride out of a parts bin basically 👍.

When you ride around on that and then hit the Premium League bike, does it feel alien?

edit: Are those cantilever brakes?
Another big tell-tale sign is the white hands tan arms combo that many rider proudly sport, myself included. :)

Currently sporting that look myself, I wore a singlet for the first time in years yesterday and Mrs Shaun said to me, you do know how ridiculous your tan looks don't you?

The bike turned out very different to how I pictured it - but it looks pretty nifty 👍

Thanks. 👍

I think its the fat handles that add emphasis to the flat bar. Would you consider bull handles at some point?

Not sure I fully get what you mean.
Do you mean something like this?


If so, yes it did cross my mind the other day after riding with my son for about an hour.
To me anyway it feels more natural to have my hands in that position rather than on the flat part of the bars. Not sure if it's a by product of riding on the hoods and drops on my road bike but it just seems more natural.
I'll see how I go over the next couple of weeks before deciding on them.

When you ride around on that and then hit the Premium League bike, does it feel alien?

Not really but I'm mostly just tootling around on it, I'd imagine if I was trying to ride it fast then yes it would feel completely different. The above bar ends may go a bit towards alleviating that though.

edit: Are those cantilever brakes?

Nope, normal dual pivot you will see on any modern racing bike.

Edit: Must Resist.
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So, I woke up this morning two hours before my normal time. After tossing and turning for half an hour I realised I wasn't going to get back to sleep.
What to do? The choice was obvious, ride to work instead of waiting for my lift.

Quickly inhaled a banana and two chocolate biscuits, put the lights on my bike and set off on the 54km journey.

In the end I averaged around 31kmh which I was pretty happy with considering I had to slow a fair bit on some unknown roads in the dark.
Just checked the weather and it seems the wind is going to pick up into a nasty headwind for the trip home. Looks like I'll be riding home a bit later in the week :lol:.
All in all it was quite enjoyable and I must do it again.
I used commute a 15k each way and never got bored of it. On the days when I weren't hungover I'd try to make a time trial of it and end up throwing up sometimes when I arrived. The last 2km was a crazy uphill.

The problem I then had was that because I'd arrive so early I had to wait half an hour for the receptionist to arrive and unlock the door.
In the snow?
As much as I love riding that's not my idea of fun.
Good luck!

I know what you mean, it's amazing how competitive you can become just with yourself. I'm constantly trying to beat various splits of mine on Strava. It's nice to see how much you can improve over time.
Ok, so after sweating up a storm in the garage I've got the new wheels fitted.
A few pics.




A little bit after ordering them I had a bit of a oh god moment they might not look good on my bike. Anyway now their on it I'm quite happy about how they look.
From spinning them in the bike stand and holding up the front wheel they spin true and very well. The proof will be in the first ride.
I'll be up early tomorrow before it gets too hot and providing it's not blowing a gale I'll be heading off to test them out. Can't wait. :D

Since I'm running a 10 speed setup and these can take 11 speed a spacer is provided to use for the ten speed. Worked very well and just by spinning it up in the stand it seems I'll not even have to make an adjustment to the rear derailleur.

Make a nice noise when free-wheeling too. Not as loud as a lot on the market which I like.

Now a little bit of waiting to put Frankenstein together. ;)
Those Racing Quattro's look good on your Spesh! They really suite the bike.
My jack-of-all-trades 29er undergoing its 1500 km service. Sometimes it feels like these things spend more time as pictured than on the road.

Had a bit of a moment yesterday, I took the bike out for the first time this year and cycled down an extremely steep and fast hill. I got half way down and the back tyre went, puncture I guess. I must have been going 40mph maybe more with the back end weaving around all over the place.

The concrete on that road is pretty rough too, if I had come off it would have grated my skin all the way down to the bone :ouch: My bright white seat is no longer white.