So, the new frame turned up yesterday.
Parts stripped off other bike and getting ready to start.
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Starting to look like a bike.
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And it's complete.
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A quick video after quickly dialing in the gears to make sure it's at least rideable.
Once the cables have stretched I'll give it a final tune for some crisper shifting.
Putting it together all went smoothly albeit a long process due to having to do other things in-between building it. The only concerning part was the very first process of belting out the original bottom bracket bearings with a hammer and a punch. Each blow was met with a cringe on my behalf listening carefully for any cracking sounds, all was good though and really I shouldn't have worried as that's a normal process anyway and carbon fiber is strong and flexible to an extent.
Knocking in the new ceramic bottom bearing was less stressful but still required care as the last thing I wanted was to damage the bearing as it wasn't cheap. Oh does it turn smoothly

way better than the Shimano bottom bracket bearings, with the chain off spinning the cranks sees them turn by themselves for a decent time once you let go of the pedal.
So far very happy with it but I haven't had the chance for a decent ride yet (that should come tomorrow), just took it for a quick spin around the block to calibrate the Garmin on it.
I haven't cut the fork yet as I'll try the stem in various positions with spacers before deciding if it needs cut as once done it's irreversible.
The seat looks a bit out of place with the red but unless one the same but in black and white pops up cheap it's staying as I'm quite fond of it now.
must resist.

Another day maybe come tax time.