The Bugs & Glitches Thread (New OP)

  • Thread starter KiroKai
Didn't see this in the first post or in my brief check of the others.

I'm having a major tire glitch in the 10-lap Silverstone race. All of my attempts were in the R8 Race Car '01 with the TC off except on the 3rd attempt. I pitted at the end of lap 6 in each race.

On my first attempt I used RS tires front and rear. When I entered the pits my rear tires showed 4 on the degradation scale and the fronts were nearly shot. RS tires were selected when I pit but after leaving the pits the car was noticeably more squirrely. By the beginning of the 9th lap my rear tires were totally gone and I had to abandon the race. I don't see any reason why my rear tires would be totally gone in 2 laps when they still had decent traction after 6 laps on the first stint. I was drunk at the time so I just kinda wrote it off and did some other lower tier races.

I attempted this race again twice this morning with similar results.

I used RH this time and the only reason I had to pit at the end of lap 6 was for fuel. The tires had plenty of life left in them. They were of course replaced in the pits with RH again. After leaving the pits the tires felt like full rain or sport hard tires. No traction and the car was sliding sideways in even the slowest corners. By the middle of the 10th lap the car was nearly undrivable despite the degradation meters all showing good life left.

My last attempt was just as bad. I chose RS this time and turned the traction control on to 2. I had a massive lead at the end of lap 6 when I went in to pit. Just like the first race, the front tires had taken the biggest beating but I was only tracking 3 seconds slower on that lap. After I left the pits the tires felt like RS this time but at the beginning of lap 10 it all went to hell. The rear tires went away fast and by the end of that lap the car was uncontrollable. I got the "Skin of you teeth" trophy at the finish line despite a 40 second lead at the beginning of lap 10.

*Edit- forgot to mention that during the pit process the tire meters all reset to full and showed the correct tire. It's almost like the game is showing that the tires were replaced but in reality they hadn't been.

I haven't tried this race in a different car and the only other "endurance" race I've attempted was the 24min of Le Mans. I seemed to have tire issues in that race as well but it's hard to tell with a wet track.

I was ten seconds slower per lap on RH than RS when i tried that race in the r18 Audi - the car was very slippery on exiting the pits. It did seem a little bit less drivable. The S class races are so easy towards the end that you could pit more often and still win, though.
According to the game the vw 1200 weighs 1160kg surely this is a glitch? That would mean it's heavier than the samba bus O.o
Just some quick thinking . See most of you guys have done 20million glitchin' (I'm not bothered with) and now you're complaining over corrupted gamesaves , disapearing cars and so on ... well , think about it again :D
AGREED. Lol...
Yesterday while doing the BMW seasonal for my son there was a payout glitch. Inatead of the 110,000 normally given it paid out over 1,000,000Cr!

When I tried it again 30min later for my other son it worked as normal.

Did a search, but found nothing on this.

I was drifting Tsukuba online tonight, and at corners 13/14 the track seems to lack the same physics as the rest of the track. Went from what felt like CH to SH, and back once I reached corner 8. I was in my Carlton that pushed 450 hp - and it can burn rubber in 4th. It seems to take much more to even slide in this section.


Or am I just slowly going crazy...
This happens because the game counts it as off track and traction control is turned on just for the spot that is off track
Anniversary cars don't count towards the trophy, if you have them.

Thank you. I posted a topic in the general questions area and they told me about that. Did they post about that somewhere or are people just finding out from buying the cars?
Didn't see this in the first post or in my brief check of the others.

I'm having a major tire glitch in the 10-lap Silverstone race. All of my attempts were in the R8 Race Car '01 with the TC off except on the 3rd attempt. I pitted at the end of lap 6 in each race.

On my first attempt I used RS tires front and rear. When I entered the pits my rear tires showed 4 on the degradation scale and the fronts were nearly shot. RS tires were selected when I pit but after leaving the pits the car was noticeably more squirrely. By the beginning of the 9th lap my rear tires were totally gone and I had to abandon the race. I don't see any reason why my rear tires would be totally gone in 2 laps when they still had decent traction after 6 laps on the first stint. I was drunk at the time so I just kinda wrote it off and did some other lower tier races.

I attempted this race again twice this morning with similar results.

I used RH this time and the only reason I had to pit at the end of lap 6 was for fuel. The tires had plenty of life left in them. They were of course replaced in the pits with RH again. After leaving the pits the tires felt like full rain or sport hard tires. No traction and the car was sliding sideways in even the slowest corners. By the middle of the 10th lap the car was nearly undrivable despite the degradation meters all showing good life left.

My last attempt was just as bad. I chose RS this time and turned the traction control on to 2. I had a massive lead at the end of lap 6 when I went in to pit. Just like the first race, the front tires had taken the biggest beating but I was only tracking 3 seconds slower on that lap. After I left the pits the tires felt like RS this time but at the beginning of lap 10 it all went to hell. The rear tires went away fast and by the end of that lap the car was uncontrollable. I got the "Skin of you teeth" trophy at the finish line despite a 40 second lead at the beginning of lap 10.

*Edit- forgot to mention that during the pit process the tire meters all reset to full and showed the correct tire. It's almost like the game is showing that the tires were replaced but in reality they hadn't been.

I haven't tried this race in a different car and the only other "endurance" race I've attempted was the 24min of Le Mans. I seemed to have tire issues in that race as well but it's hard to tell with a wet track.

This bug seems to affect everyone in online and s-class races. I hope it will be fixed soon.
The bug is discussed here:
Thank you. I posted a topic in the general questions area and they told me about that. Did they post about that somewhere or are people just finding out from buying the cars?
Personal experience.
My trophy popped up with car #75. Take away 25 and you have 50. Power of maths.
sorry to hear that, I haven't done kart races yet so I am not sure if it will happen to me too, we'll see I guess!

A day later and it just did the same thing! Ugh, im such a stickler for all golds this is bugging me out.

I'm going to try the other two cart races.

P.S.- everytime this happens my ps3 asks me to send a glitch report and I did, maybe 10 times now.
I've also noticed that on other cars. Especially if you switch from sports to racing exhaust, etc. at the pre-race car settings menu, versus doing so in your garage, GT Auto or the Start>Menu>Car Settings area.

Also, anyone notice how cool it is that now adding intake, catalytic converter, or header changes the sound as well? Kinda cool! Not a glitch, btw.. Just worth noting :P

It happens with all cars, no matter where you apply the modification. It's a glitch, but I find it nice to exploit since you can look for your favorite exhaust tip and leave the stock exhaust which is the one that usually sounds better. Did it with the GT40 and now I have the sweet stock sound with two massive drain pipes coming out of the rear.

And really? The Cat converter changes the sound!? Is there anyway to confirm? I don't have much Cr. and I don't want to spend them in mods :P Either way, that sounds great!
When I start a race I can sometimes get an electric engine sound for a few seconds and then it will switch over to the right one. I think that it only happens when I drive a car with an upgraded exhaust/intake, but I'm not sure.
When I start a race I can sometimes get an electric engine sound for a few seconds and then it will switch over to the right one. I think that it only happens when I drive a car with an upgraded exhaust/intake, but I'm not sure.
Happens to me also... More so on two tracks; Rome & Cape Ring

It's not an electric engine sound you're hearing lol, it's just how the car sounds from the road noise, transmission gears, intake, and aero effect going around the car... Pretty much how your car sounds when you take away the engine noise and exhaust note.
Jumped in a free run Nurburgring online, chose my C7, went onto track, only to find I had stolen someone else's BMW Z4 '03! I could tell it wasn't mine as: A) I don't have one, and B) It wouldn't let me use interior view!

It was rather funny!
Happened twice now. GT All Stars Championship race, after finishing the last lap, no menu's or anything. The car just goes 49mph around and around the course. No response from controller, have to power off the ps3 and start over again.
Is the L1/R1 problem happening on the T500 or on the DS3?

oh sorry. it has never worked on the T500. it used to work with the controller (what i use for menus, etc.). after 1.02 update, the controller's L1/R1 functions don't work in the menus. the actual buttons themselves do work (checked in another game).
Any problems since the glitch? I've already got 23.5 million credits, and 98% in career mode (with all stars acquired), but what about you? Note that I didn't do the money glitch...

I'm at 99% complete and around 28 million and had zero problems since update 1.02. Clear skies ahead!

Same as Jerome, but much less money/completion. No glitches except online (lots of work to be done there) and the R1/L1 buttons not working.
In one of my races. I think the GT Championship in IA. Was racing on Laguna Seca, 6 laps, with my R18, and lapped two of the NASCAR cars, on the last lap, and won the race. Didn't get the trailblazer trophy for it, unless there is something that I'm missing. I didn't wait for the AI cars to cross the finish line, to show the gaps that I had on them, but just went to the replay, and skip past that too. Not sure if that caused it or not.
When in menus that supposedly support paging functions, L1/R1 buttons on DS3 controller do nothing. DS3 set to controller 1. G27 also hooked up. Game Version 1.02.6933458A
Same happens to me. L1/R1 on DS3 works again if I unplug the wheel.(DFP) I noticed it when trying to turn the car in the paint menu.
Edit: I see this has been mentioned a few more times since I quoted Dragonwisky. Oh well it is annoying.:-S
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