The central: HOW TO gold all licences, mission challenges and track experiences thread (video guides inside)

  • Thread starter Alex p.
Yeah, the drifting missions, you have to watch the Youtube guides to get a gold-level time. The only one I have silver on is the crazy Tsukuba one. You will receive 20k credits for getting a gold level score.
If you don't get it, you don't get it.
It's safe to say that, in this thread created to help people out, the guy posting "drive faster lol" without recalling that a bunch of the missions don't actually require going faster is very much the person who doesn't get it.

If you're not helping or needing help, stop posting.
Yeah, I don't like the St Croix one either, there are a lot of complex corners and turns you have to memorize and be good at in order to score a gold lap. A good first step would be to note what sector times the demo ghost clocks that way you'll know if you're on the right path. The part before the bridge is a trickster and needs caution while driving through it. Any wall hit leads to being disqualified from the race. I absolutely hate Sector 4 and 5. I failed many times in those sections, that's why I totally hate them with a passion.
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You gotta have extreme patience and wills of steel in order to survive and gold the lap attack at St. Croix-C. That's all I can say about it folks. I don't know if I'll ever be able to do it, and my skills have gotten better and it's still a challenge in itself. That's so weird, the sectors were easy to earn a gold time on.
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Huge effort here on this thread. I wanted to ask some general questions. I am now focusing on getting gold on circuit experiences. I managed to get Gold in Monza and was super happy;-)

Next on the list are:
1. Red Bull Ring
2. Barcelona
3. Spa
4. Interlagos
5. Possibly Le Mans

First of, I al using a controller, so I struggle to accelerate smoothly or apply a certain % of breaks. Any advice on how you do it?

Also, I want to learn breaking points on these tracks. How to see where exactly a ghost starts breaking?

Also, for those on a controller…which assists do you keep and which disable to be faster?
I'm on a Dualsense on PS5. For me the triggers work quite well in modulating break and throttle. But it is still a bit of guess work for me. I am not able to consistently apply the amount of break or throttle that I want. But at least roughly. I guess it comes down to practice. Try and hit 50 or 80% trigger and then just keep doing it until it becomes muscle memory.

For breaking points you can watch the replay and then repeatedly stop and start it by pressing the smallish menu button next to the touch pad. Then when you found the moment where they start breaking you need to find something at the track that you can remember. Also try and find your breaking / turn in / acceleration marks when watching the replay in real time to make sure that you can do it in game.

Personally I try to avoid assists even on the controller. But e.g. in Gr. 3 cars or others with tons of power I personally use TC 2 because I am not good enough at modulating throttle on corner exit and have too high a risk of power oversteer and spinning.
I can only race using the wheel, can't control a car at all with the controller, but found the controller easier for the drift trials (still struggling to gold them all though!).

My son races using the controller, and volunteered to do the drift missions for me - turns out he was worse at drifting than me! 😂
you guys should call my brother Finn. the man is INSANE at drifting…till he spins out of control
I absolutely hate the lap attack on St. Croix. You have to perfect your driving for basically almost every turn, draft and corner. The positive thing is, it's not on a wet road.
Huge effort here on this thread. I wanted to ask some general questions. I am now focusing on getting gold on circuit experiences. I managed to get Gold in Monza and was super happy;-)

Next on the list are:
1. Red Bull Ring
2. Barcelona
3. Spa
4. Interlagos
5. Possibly Le Mans

First of, I al using a controller, so I struggle to accelerate smoothly or apply a certain % of breaks. Any advice on how you do it?

Also, I want to learn breaking points on these tracks. How to see where exactly a ghost starts breaking?

Also, for those on a controller…which assists do you keep and which disable to be faster?
I would definatly turn off TCS and ASM with cars, which are not TOO powerful and/or AWD. RWD powerful cars it makes sense to activate TCS. Breaking points are a thing of trial and error my friend, just gradually test what is possible. :)
I have finally cracked Spa on a controller, albeit it is dual sense edge moonlight black. I was able to adjust things better for how I wanted it to feel.

I gave up on trying to get gold at Spa three months ago, around the last week in October. I just didn't have it in me. Gave up.
I gave up on trying to get gold at Spa three months ago, around the last week in October. I just didn't have it in me. Gave up.
Why? Did you get GOLD on other tracks? Spa is so unique, so important! I love everything about it: the track itself, the light when you go through S4, the car (911 RSR). It took me 2 weeks probably and I did learn a lot! Do not give up. Analyze where you struggle and find ways to improve. Not giving up is a very important character trait.
I managed to gold all the Sectors, but not the lap attack. Well maybe I shouldn't just throw in the towel. Hope and faith is all I can depend on for this challenge. I guess I'll have to rely on the demo replay and it's ghost. And write down all the sector times that it clocks. That will let me know if I'm on the right track or not.
I managed to gold all the Sectors, but not the lap attack. Well maybe I shouldn't just throw in the towel. Hope and faith is all I can depend on for this challenge. I guess I'll have to rely on the demo replay and it's ghost. And write down all the sector times that it clocks. That will let me know if I'm on the right track or not.
Check this and see how I got help from people. It was hard, but I did learn a lot!

I am doing the master license tests and man, I don't have words for how much I loathe rallying of any kind. I didn't sign up for this.

Also the lift oversteer on road cars. The V12 Ferrari at Tokyo, dab the brake and she's all over the place, there's no way the real car is set up like this, there would be dead people everywhere. Even the blue RX7 test, the lift oversteer is preposterous.
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😁 I did it at last!

Gran Turismo™ 7_20250313204325.jpg

What is the next most difficult one?
Which ones have you done so far? Last time I did these, Lake Maggiore was the hardest, Tsukuba was probably the second hardest. The rest are pretty easy with the right car.
That is the only one I have done so far, only because it was the first one on the list, then I found out it was a hard one.

I'll try Lake Maggiore next, do you have any tips/advice please?
That is the only one I have done so far, only because it was the first one on the list, then I found out it was a hard one.

I'll try Lake Maggiore next, do you have any tips/advice please?
There are separate threads specifically about this race. I suggest you check those out. Good luck. Lake Maggiore is really tough.
The hardest CE known to man is the Nordschleife lap attack, you have to know every single section and be quick at it at the same time with hardly no errors. One small slack-off will result in a silver time.