The Circuit Experiences are way easier now

  • Thread starter sejtur
Went back and tried to upgrade some silvers to golds also tried a new CE.

Getting gold isn’t any easier, and the new CE’s still have the same frustrating knack for missing the next higher achievements by literally hundredths of seconds (.010). The room for error and improvement is razor thin.

Nothing has changed.
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Went back and tried to upgrade some silvers to golds also tried a new CE.

Getting gold isn’t any easier, and the new CE’s still have the same frustrating knack for missing the next higher achievements by literally hundredths of seconds (.010). The room for error and improvement is razor thin.

Nothing has changed.
There are a lot of people in this thread, the TT thread, and even the Dailys thread that disagree with you.

I figured it was about the same. I think people are getting better at driving over time.
I don't know. I am PSN friends with Aura ( and doing some of the CEs lately I was getting better times than him... by a lot; a half second on some sectors and even more on laps. That ain't normal; he's a GT7 alien.

I didn't know this.... if you complete the daily marathon doing CE you get 5 and 6 stars roulette tickets!

EDIT: maybe it isn't a fact, but it's fishy that I only got these tickets now. Never got them with daily marathons.
A 6 star ticket after golding the Nordschleife lap + getting 5.000.000 cr
A 5 star ticket after golding a couple of other tracks
Yesterday I did some CEs on both accounts and got a pair of 6 star tickets. Today, a 4 star that gave me NOS for the Lexus Gr4 car. DA FAQ?
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There are a lot of people in this thread, the TT thread, and even the Dailys thread that disagree with you.

I don't know. I am PSN friends with Aura ( and doing some of the CEs lately I was getting better times than him... by a lot; a half second on some sectors and even more on laps. That ain't normal; he's a GT7 alien.

Yesterday I did some CEs on both accounts and got a pair of 6 star tickets. Today, a 4 star that gave me NOS for the Lexus Gr4 car. DA FAQ?
I guess cjr3559 and GT5 Level 41 just lost some talent since 1.25.
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I think the cars are around 1.5 seconds quicker a lap on average in circuit experiences now. It won't turn Bronze driver into a Gold driver, but a Silver into a Gold imo.
Or even faster. At Red Bull Ring I found that since 1.25 update I am almost 2.5 faster. I am not a skilled driver (far from that btw) and I found that now I am able to gold circuits like Monza, Nurburgring GP, Fuji and some missions and license at first try without much effort (my previous times were mostly bronze)
In addition I was able to gold High Speed Ring CE at first try after struggling for months not being able to beat my best silver time. Also, I was struggling with the Skyline eco challenge, and golded it last Sunday. Even doing the last meters on inertia, I had a reasonable margin to gold it at 1st try.
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Or even faster. At Red Bull Ring I found that since 1.25 update I am almost 2.5 faster. I am not a skilled driver (far from that btw) and I found that now I am able to gold circuits like Monza, Nurburgring GP, Fuji and some missions and license at first try without much effort (my previous times were mostly bronze)
In addition I was able to gold High Speed Ring CE at first try after struggling for months without being able to beat my best silver time. Also, I was struggling with the Skyline eco challenge, and golded it last Sunday. Even doing the last meters on inertia, I had a reasonable margin to gold it at 1st try.
Same here. I was almost instantly 2 seconds faster with the F40 at Tsukuba, of all circuits.
I hope this is true. I'll have to try the licences some more and maybe even try to gold some CE rather than just bronze them.
Does anyone know if the S-10 licence has gotten easier?
I hope this is true. I'll have to try the licences some more and maybe even try to gold some CE rather than just bronze them.
Does anyone know if the S-10 licence has gotten easier?
It felt easier to me. I had been struggling with Gold before, but managed to finish it in another 20-30 attempts after the update.
My first thought day one was, finally Gt becomes a real sim racer.
We must be playing different games then. My first thought was "how terrible the physics model is comparing to ACC, rF2 or iRacing". GT series was never a sim and probably never will become one. It's a simcade at most.
I hope this is true. I'll have to try the licences some more and maybe even try to gold some CE rather than just bronze them.
Does anyone know if the S-10 licence has gotten easier?
It hasn't for me, I'm still a couple of secs off gold when I rarely manage to complete a lap. Car continues to commit murder if you stay an inch off the narrow dry line.
I don't think they've changed much. I've run Spa for 40-50 hours and still gold is out of reach for me. If anything, the circuit experiences are still a little too difficult.
At Goodwood there is no way one can make the Martin shift sideways like the replay does. I'm .113 off of gold on that sector, bronze on the full lap, and gold on the rest.
As posted, I golded High Speed Ring yesterday but I think that just came with game experience. I didn't attempt Trial Mountain.
Overall I think GT7 is going to wind up with the Arthur Award for difficulty. I mean, why waste time on the last three licenses at all when you can just buy all the cars they offer? Why suffer the frustration golding the first two? And those stupid chili races, with Missions there are tons of them. If I'm having trouble, I want the option to turn the difficulty down but nope! Screw the player. Then there's the constant battle over the Tokyo 600. Never mind Spa, PD wants to make that one race as difficult as possible. There's also the MTX. I wouldn't mind it asuch if it would stop trying to steal my IRL money! Every Time I spend $20, it takes several minutes to show up, but if I spend another $20, they both show up immediately. Why can't the first one show up that fast?
when i saw this thread that the circuit experiences were easier i tried several that i was about 1 or 2 tenths short of gold. In about 20 minutes i got gold in Spa, Trial Mountain, Brands Hatch and a few others. Trial mountain i am even top of the standing now compared to my friends, of whom several or A or A+!
So, yeah, unless i have suddenly got a whole lot better at this game (I haven't) it is way easier to get gold now.

nice to get the credits payed out but in a way it is sort of a shame; i was really proud at the golds i got when the game was harder...

Went back and tried to upgrade some silvers to golds also tried a new CE.

Getting gold isn’t any easier, and the new CE’s still have the same frustrating knack for missing the next higher achievements by literally hundredths of seconds (.010). The room for error and improvement is razor thin.

Nothing has changed.
I agree, nothing has changed IMO. Most of my play time over the last 1-2 months has been heavily focused on CE and I don't see any changes in difficulty.
Yeah, I was a couple seconds of my Nord time. Still Silver. At 90% CE completion though.
How do you check your overall CE completion progress?
The occasional sector (on most Circuit Experiences) has a difficulty spike that takes a decent amount of time to perfect. Full laps tend to be easier as you build up a time buffer. Negating any particularly difficult section.

Nordschleife is not hugely difficult time wise. It’s the concentration needed to nail a full lap, with little scope for different lines. In my very first attempt I was a few tenths off Gold. Then progressively got slower as frustration and mistakes crept in. As ever, some time away, and I beat Gold almost immediately.

The most difficult Circuit Experience to date was one of the rally challenges. Mainly because the jumps & landings where so unpredictable.
Agreed on Rally CEs. Such a PITA! And the Tokyo ones - God I hate them. So little margin for error and the turns all look the same! And 6 different configurations!? Ugh, so easy to mix them up in your head. They're still super hard; I'm struggling there. Meanwhile the Nordschleife wasn't that difficult for me. Took maybe an hour combined to Gold the whole thing. However the 'Ring is one of my favorite race tracks, it's been in heavy rotation for me ever since GT added it, so I know it like the back of my hand.
My problem is with the Nordschleife CE is not so much the track since I know the track pretty well, it's the damn car. The thing understeers a lot.
I guess cjr3559 and GT5 Level 41 just lost some talent since 1.25.
If tests and CE’s were so much easier I would have golded this IA-10 license test first attempt since 5+ months ago when my silver was .4 off the gold time.

Instead I get this after 4 or 5 tries. Lose talent? Don’t think

If tests and CE’s were so much easier I would have golded this IA-10 license test first attempt since 5+ months ago when my silver was .4 off the gold time.

Instead I get this after 4 or 5 tries. Lose talent? Don’t think

View attachment 1203956
I won 10 million credits with CE since I read this thread. I managed to get the Jaguar XJ13 with those.
Let me repeat. 10 million credits with CE. My skills didn't magically improve overnight. Before this update I was frustrated as hell. I didn't even spend a lot of time repeating the races to get all golds. Maybe just for the tokyo expressway races, where there's a lot of understeer and it's easy to get disqualified for touching the walls.
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I'm struggling with a few, just because they using cars I'm struggling with and Tokyo being narrow at most turns and keep hitting a wall at some point on the track or another and the cars are fast, Hate that Buggati VGT at St Croix with a vengeance :) .
If tests and CE’s were so much easier I would have golded this IA-10 license test first attempt since 5+ months ago when my silver was .4 off the gold time.

Instead I get this after 4 or 5 tries. Lose talent? Don’t think

View attachment 1203956
I didn’t say that everything is easy now, remember? The caroussel sector on the nurb CE took me like 10 tries or more to gold. It was really hard still. But the rest was way easier.
I agree, nothing has changed IMO. Most of my play time over the last 1-2 months has been heavily focused on CE and I don't see any changes in difficulty.

How do you check your overall CE completion progress?

Agreed on Rally CEs. Such a PITA! And the Tokyo ones - God I hate them. So little margin for error and the turns all look the same! And 6 different configurations!? Ugh, so easy to mix them up in your head. They're still super hard; I'm struggling there. Meanwhile the Nordschleife wasn't that difficult for me. Took maybe an hour combined to Gold the whole thing. However the 'Ring is one of my favorite race tracks, it's been in heavy rotation for me ever since GT added it, so I know it like the back of my hand.
Your My Page shows Circuit Experience percent.
I spent all day doing Tokyo east and East reverse gold. Are you telling me it was even harder before?
They were ridiculously hard before, for me at least, it felt like pure luck when I got a gold. I quit doing them before golding them all. Haven't done them since 1.25.
I don't think they've changed much. I've run Spa for 40-50 hours and still gold is out of reach for me. If anything, the circuit experiences are still a little too difficult.
At Goodwood there is no way one can make the Martin shift sideways like the replay does. I'm .113 off of gold on that sector, bronze on the full lap, and gold on the rest.
As posted, I golded High Speed Ring yesterday but I think that just came with game experience. I didn't attempt Trial Mountain.
Overall I think GT7 is going to wind up with the Arthur Award for difficulty. I mean, why waste time on the last three licenses at all when you can just buy all the cars they offer? Why suffer the frustration golding the first two? And those stupid chili races, with Missions there are tons of them. If I'm having trouble, I want the option to turn the difficulty down but nope! Screw the player. Then there's the constant battle over the Tokyo 600. Never mind Spa, PD wants to make that one race as difficult as possible. There's also the MTX. I wouldn't mind it asuch if it would stop trying to steal my IRL money! Every Time I spend $20, it takes several minutes to show up, but if I spend another $20, they both show up immediately. Why can't the first one show up that fast?
Try the Spa endurance with the Nissan R92CP, I dominate it every time with that car. Tokyo 600 with the Enzo.
I didn’t say that everything is easy now, remember? The caroussel sector on the nurb CE took me like 10 tries or more to gold. It was really hard still. But the rest was way easier.
Understood. After my license test post I worked on upgrading some othe license tests and they didn’t take as many attempts to get gold.

I’ll split the difference and say I must be better and they are a little easier. 🙂
I did struggle with the Nordschleife CE but now it is for sure easier, most sectors gold in second try when before I had difficulties reaching silver at some sectors. (DS4 user)

IMHO, they should stop changing physics. I prefer a challenge even if that means I will not gold everything.
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