Originally posted by DODGE the VIPER
What if this cloning info gets into the wrong hands, what will happen then?
Originally posted by TAFJonathan
First of all, it's not verified . . . likely a farce. Secondly, the company, Clonaid. is affiliated with the Raelian cult movement which believes that humans were placed on the Earth by extraterrestrials thousands of year ago, and that we are destined to be immortal. They want to clone young human bodies into which we can transfer our brains in old age to remain immortal. It really does sound like a bad movie.
Originally posted by Jordan
You need to understand that it is easy to discount what you're saying without any relevant details, km. Here's a nice list of stories about the cloned baby girl...
Originally posted by hanker
when are these scientists going to get back to the real problems in this world,
Originally posted by M5Power
Such as...?
Originally posted by slip2rock
I'm sure that there are more real clones than Dolly the sheep wandering around...
Originally posted by hanker
when are these scientists going to get back to the real problems in this world, not worrying about clones
Originally posted by milefile
Good point. The purpose of science is to improve the lives of mankind. When it is not doing this it is degenerating into superfluousness.
Originally posted by vat_man
I remain extremely dubious - the success rate for most labs producing cloned animals is about 1 in a 100 - and that's a LOT of eggs to obtain from one human. Even if they got lucky, this poor girl's probably going to suffer from a lot of problems.
Originally posted by M5Power
Perhaps they're doing a clever job of hiding their failures.
Originally posted by vat_man
I'm sure with all the investigation journalists have been doing on these guys in the last couple of weeks that would have come out by now.