the clones are coming

  • Thread starter km


it has started the first of maybe many cloned human's have began could this be a start of a clone war :mischievous: :confused:
Cloning people was bound to happen sooner or later. What's the point though? What are they going to do with them? Parts? It seems like we don't really need help making babies. Do we really need clones.
I'm not crazy about it.(morally) I guess science never knows when to quit.
Yes, whether you agree with it or not, it is (or should I say, was) going to happen somewhere sooner or later. I don't think there is really a practical purpose - it is just because it is a challenge and goal in science that is attainable. Has anyone checked out a few of the stories in detail? The baby girl that was born is a clone of a 31 year old woman...who just so happens to be the one who gave birth to her! She cloned herself, and was actually the one to give birth to herself! :eek:
Yeah, the group that did it is a little bit off their rockers...we'll have to see what the official DNA reports say next week.
What if this cloning info gets into the wrong hands, what will happen then?
Originally posted by DODGE the VIPER
What if this cloning info gets into the wrong hands, what will happen then?

I don't consider that blonde-ish madam the right hands.

If you ask me, I'd say this is just another freak cult seeking attention. Pardon my harsh tongue.
Probably, that's what i thought...but if cloning becomes "authorized" then i'm sure some evil person will probably create many clones for evil purposes...
First of all, it's not verified . . . likely a farce. Secondly, the company, Clonaid. is affiliated with the Raelian cult movement which believes that humans were placed on the Earth by extraterrestrials thousands of year ago, and that we are destined to be immortal. They want to clone young human bodies into which we can transfer our brains in old age to remain immortal. It really does sound like a bad movie.
i hate to tell u this but aliens did bring life to this planet u know that Asteroid that wiped out the dino's that was my kind coming to your puny planet soon our mighty clone army will take over and then we will move on to the next planet so start :bowdown: to our might race :lol:
Originally posted by TAFJonathan
First of all, it's not verified . . . likely a farce. Secondly, the company, Clonaid. is affiliated with the Raelian cult movement which believes that humans were placed on the Earth by extraterrestrials thousands of year ago, and that we are destined to be immortal. They want to clone young human bodies into which we can transfer our brains in old age to remain immortal. It really does sound like a bad movie.

Seriously? I hadn't heard about that. I guess I have been to caught up on other news to look into that to deeply.
Originally posted by Jordan
You need to understand that it is easy to discount what you're saying without any relevant details, km. :) Here's a nice list of stories about the cloned baby girl...[url][/url]

To be honest, I don't understand why this company -- called Clonaid, and for those of you who don't know, are affiliated with a group believing space aliens first colonised the earth -- would lie about something like this. I mean, of course it gives them notoriety, but like the Wright Brothers, they have to prove it at some point, so it would be utterly pointless to lie. I guess we'll see very soon. :)
I saw the Raelians getting blasted by the fine dunderheads at FoxNews, it was really something special to see this cult squabble with a news reporter whom knows equally little about creation, evolution, DNA, biology, or cloning.

"Something special" alright, like watching these new "30-minute court" programs type-special.

Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line....ha ha!
I'll believe in a cloned human when I see proof. Then I will pay close attention to see how long she lives and how much she suffers as she dies. Who'd think the first cloned human would be a big fat success?

As far as the practicality, purpose, and morality of clones... meh... I'm not even going to bother with that here. It basically touches on every aspect of life and life itself. Way to big for
Originally posted by hanker
when are these scientists going to get back to the real problems in this world, not worrying about clones

Good point. The purpose of science is to improve the lives of mankind. When it is not doing this it is degenerating into superfluousness.
Originally posted by milefile
Good point. The purpose of science is to improve the lives of mankind. When it is not doing this it is degenerating into superfluousness.

Unless it works for my oil scheme, or harvesting organs.

This could be the most beneficial thing to mankind ever.
I remain extremely dubious - the success rate for most labs producing cloned animals is about 1 in a 100 - and that's a LOT of eggs to obtain from one human. Even if they got lucky, this poor girl's probably going to suffer from a lot of problems.

Very dubious. I'm a big supporter of genetic based medicine, as I think there are potentially enormous benefits, but I can't see any moral or ethical justification for cloning at the moment. The technology just isn't there to do it safely.
Originally posted by vat_man
I remain extremely dubious - the success rate for most labs producing cloned animals is about 1 in a 100 - and that's a LOT of eggs to obtain from one human. Even if they got lucky, this poor girl's probably going to suffer from a lot of problems.

Perhaps they're doing a clever job of hiding their failures.
Originally posted by M5Power
Perhaps they're doing a clever job of hiding their failures.


I'm sure with all the investigation journalists have been doing on these guys in the last couple of weeks that would have come out by now.
Originally posted by vat_man


I'm sure with all the investigation journalists have been doing on these guys in the last couple of weeks that would have come out by now.

Maybe, but I'm talking about a really clever job. Perhaps I need to watch more news; I haven't really seen any since Christmas.

I still don't understand why the company would claim it unless it was true. They know they're going to have to prove it at some point, so why ruin your reputation by lying?