The Cloverfield Thread: Love it? Hate it?Movies 

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Bad Robot updated one of their ARG specific sites with a note from John Goodman's character to his daughter, something about a silverware set given to him from his father after WWII. Something along the lines of he was going to pass it on to his daughter but his wife is actually trying to sell it. Someone on Reddit was able to track it down on the Chicago craigslist and now they are trying to figure out what to do next. Several people have emailed the seller but no answer yet.

This stuff is pretty awesome.

Edit: They figured out an address, someone is going to drive by and check it out.
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Well without spoiling myself too much, I've read just about enough to be disappointed that this movie pretty much has nothing to do with the first one and is more of an "anthology" film using the Cloverfield name. Sucks, but it still looks interesting enough so I will go see it.

16 17 reviews posted on Rotten Tomatoes so far with a 94% rating. Looking good so far.
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Well without spoiling myself too much, I've read just about enough to be disappointed that this movie pretty much has nothing to do with the first one and is more of an "anthology" film using the Cloverfield name. Sucks, but it still looks interesting enough so I will go see it.

16 17 reviews posted on Rotten Tomatoes so far with a 94% rating. Looking good so far.

I'll probably base seeing it on what your opinion of the film is. Lol
Still hearing great things about 10CL. Rotten tomatoes rating is holding at 92% and earned it's "certified fresh" stamp of approval sometime this evening with 83 reviews in. I've been avoiding spoilers like the plague, can't wait to see it.

In the mean time, the ARG stuff is still going on and loving every minute of it.
Still hearing great things about 10CL. Rotten tomatoes rating is holding at 92% and earned it's "certified fresh" stamp of approval sometime this evening with 83 reviews in. I've been avoiding spoilers like the plague, can't wait to see it.

In the mean time, the ARG stuff is still going on and loving every minute of it.

Read on IGN that they love the film, apparently John Goodman nails it.
Read on IGN that they love the film, apparently John Goodman nails it.
That's what I hear too. 👍

Edit: If anyone is interested in reading about the ARG for this movie, Collider put together a large post detailing everything we know so far HERE. It's long but a good read.
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Really intrigued in seeing this one. The trailers for this make me want to see it more every time. ( on another note, awesome stuff from Bad Robot with the promotional campaign of the film 👍 )
Ok, so I went to see the movie last night. HOLY CRAP. Without giving anything away, John Goodman laid down a terrific performance here. All three actors were great, but his performance is award worthy. This movie was so full of twists and turns. It was nice following along with the ARG before the movie was released and seeing the connections while watching it. Best ARG moment for me:
John Gallager Jr's character finishes the Cat Fish puzzle they were working on and then says something about pieces missing. Two of the pieces missing were one of it's eyes, and those two pieces were the ones found in the survival kit that someone dug up in Louisiana. I leaned over to my brother and was like "I know where they are!" :lol:
I'm probably going to hold off on a spoiler review until after I see it again and give other people time to see it, but damn. I highly recommend it. It's holding 91% on rotten tomatoes and that is certainly well deserved.
Saw this two weeks ago and genuinely loved it. Jumped out of my seat 4 times in the film, never ever done that before. Surprised it kept a 12 rating, could easily have been much darker and more graphic.

I loved the way it was set up so simple. Focus on a few characters, and nothing else. Jon Goodman was genuinely excellent, creepy when needed to be and sometimes with a very black sense of humour. The ending was a nice touch - he was mad, he was insane, but he was right.

And Michelle's one-liner at the end to everything that keeps coming to her had the cinema in stitches.

(FYI I remember three of the times I jumped - the car accident, the woman trying to get in, and the gunshot)
Approaching $90 million worldwide, which is most definitely a success given it had a $13 million budget. Holding 89% on Rotten Tomatoes too. 👍
For those interested:


I pre-ordered the Best Buy exclusive steelbook today. 👍
Saw it tonight and while you role eyes with Goodmans theories, the ending ... holy moly :lol:

Great acting from all three actors. Seeing the limited space and everything, it all came down to performance. And wow, they didn't disappoint.

A worthy watch. 1000 times better than the first one, and no induced motion sickness (hear people got it in the first one)...

Good movie 👍

So......... anyone watch this yet? I just finished it:

And I am not sure what to think. Finally they released another that connects to the original, but 95% of the movie doesn't even take place in New York when the whole monster thing is going down. We get some glimpses of the destruction and a tease of the monster at the very end, and that's it. Pretty disappointed in that. Don't get me wrong, it was still pretty interesting. Started slow, but once the action picked up it was pretty good. Maybe not good enough for a theatrical release (hence why Netflix picked it up after Paramount decided not to release it) but the special effects were still top quality and nothing screamed "budget film".

Overall I would give it a 7/10 just because, as a big fan of the original, I still want to see more during that period in time. From a different perspective, or anything really. Good popcorn flick for sure thought.

So......... anyone watch this yet? I just finished it:

And I am not sure what to think. Finally they released another that connects to the original, but 95% of the movie doesn't even take place in New York when the whole monster thing is going down. We get some glimpses of the destruction and a tease of the monster at the very end, and that's it. Pretty disappointed in that. Don't get me wrong, it was still pretty interesting. Started slow, but once the action picked up it was pretty good. Maybe not good enough for a theatrical release (hence why Netflix picked it up after Paramount decided not to release it) but the special effects were still top quality and nothing screamed "budget film".

Overall I would give it a 7/10 just because, as a big fan of the original, I still want to see more during that period in time. From a different perspective, or anything really. Good popcorn flick for sure thought.

Yep, loved the sideways look at things seen so far (some.)
The glimpses, especially the end are not of Clover, at least not the monster in NY - that last shot was above cloud level as the capsule came in, making that an improbably vast, adult version of Clover, over five miles high.
Chris O'Dowd had some great lines.
I watched this yesterday, without any spoilers it was ok, not brilliant but not nearly as bad as some of the reviews. A lot happened just becuase, any wasn't very deeply explained and it was tacked into the Cloververse, but as a sci-fi space disater movie it was ok.

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