The Cloverfield Thread: Love it? Hate it?Movies 

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Dan Trachtenberg, the guy who's directing this one, used to be one of the guys on The Totally Rad Show, which eventually fell apart after his directing career started to take off. I've met the guy twice, and he's absolutely one of the most-humble, kind, and downright normal folks out there. I'm so excited for this, especially when we know absolutely nothing about it, and it seemingly came completely out of nowhere. I seem to remember Dan being really into the film ages ago, makes a lot of sense that he'd be directing it.
Looking via CCTV might have been something a bit different. Dashcams and traffic-cams would be a unique way to view the movie. Maybe webcams and phones for all the close dialogue.
So many mixed feels. When I first saw the words JJ Abrams and Cloverfield and trailer I started getting giddy. I really enjoyed the original film to the point where after watching the credits and hearing some garbled words, I recorded them and took them into some free editing software and found that reversing them would give you a clear message. That clear message left me hopeful for a sequel.

Fast forward to now, and this 10 Cloverfield Lane trailer. I watched it full of hope and expectation and I have to say I feel worried. Apparently JJ is saying that this is a 'blood relative' to Cloverfield. So I'm not thinking this is something different to capitalize on the popularity of the original film, while not being the sequel to the original story.
Trailer has now been officially released.


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The sequel no body asked for but we got anyway! :lol:
There were a lot of people requesting it for a while, but JJ was so busy with Star Trek, Star Wars and other projects, I think we just gave up on it.

The first one gave me motion sickness.
I heard that a lot, but I loved it. In fact I may watch it tonight because I know the title of this sequel(?) comes from something either in the movie, in the extra features on the DVD, or the viral marketing.
There's a reddit thread on this, apparently it was an unrelated low budget film absolutely unrelated to Cloverfield. Renamed it and I'm guessing edited some scenes to make some money I guess.
There's a reddit thread on this, apparently it was an unrelated low budget film absolutely unrelated to Cloverfield. Renamed it and I'm guessing edited some scenes to make some money I guess.
JJ has already said it's a "blood relative" of the original Cloverfield movie, so it should at least take place in the same world. And as a huge fan of the original movie (I got super involved in all the viral marketing too) I can tell you, without a doubt, that at 1:35 in the official trailer you can clearly hear the monster make a fluttering sound. Very similar, if not exactly the same as the monster in the original movie.

Super stoked for this movie.
JJ has already said it's a "blood relative" of the original Cloverfield movie, so it should at least take place in the same world. And as a huge fan of the original movie (I got super involved in all the viral marketing too) I can tell you, without a doubt, that at 1:35 in the official trailer you can clearly hear the monster make a fluttering sound. Very similar, if not exactly the same as the monster in the original movie.

Super stoked for this movie.
JJ has already said it's a "blood relative" of the original Cloverfield movie, so it should at least take place in the same world. And as a huge fan of the original movie (I got super involved in all the viral marketing too) I can tell you, without a doubt, that at 1:35 in the official trailer you can clearly hear the monster make a fluttering sound. Very similar, if not exactly the same as the monster in the original movie.

Super stoked for this movie.
Because that was all rewritten to make some sort of relation according to the reddit thread.

"Blood relative" will be the perfect term if the plot is anything like what the link shows except instead of Iran, it's the monster, and at the end, he's devastating Chicago. Will wait for the reviews.
Because that was all rewritten to make some sort of relation according to the reddit thread.

"Blood relative" will be the perfect term if the plot is anything like what the link shows except instead of Iran, it's the monster, and at the end, he's devastating Chicago. Will wait for the reviews.
I'm not really paying much attention to the Reddit thing. Especially since there's another thread on there that talks about some of the people that worked on the movie and a few of them are known to specialize in Monster movies.
So, as mentioned before, the first Cloverfield had some pretty epic viral marketing attached to it. And it looks like this one is no different. It's been pointed out that there are several bottles of "Swamp Pop" soda featured in the trailer, and I think that is what came in contact with John Goodman's face near the end. Anyway, some research was done on this company and they are in fact real (a local store near me has their product, I checked), but they might have some marketing deal with the movie because there are some clues on their website that tie in.

With that said, this was posted today on the Cloverfield Clues blogspot page:

So it looks like on Unfiction and Reddit people are reporting on getting their swamp pop shipments with puzzle pieces inside. The puzzle pieces appear to be from a puzzle of the eiffel tower. Good times ahead boys and girls.

This is significant because the tower is seen several times in the trailer, which is talked about at the site I linked to in post #217. 👍

Monster sounds have me excited. :)

Edit: For anyone interested, the Cloverfield Clues blogspot page is keeping up to date with the viral marketing which is really starting to pick up steam. Worth a read. 👍
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I'm hopeful for this film. The Cloverfield story needed to be flushed out better than it was, but the glimpses indicated a good story. It was just being told from outside. We were stuck following characters we didn't care about, who had little relevance to the real story. It was a great experimental style, but not one that hit the way the filmmakers hoped.

With this movie I hope we get more information into what is happening, but my expectations are low. So far, we seem to mostly be in a single room/shelter. We had that in the worst part of War of the Worlds. We need more. The audience has a curiosity that needs to be satisfied, not shaken away at the last second like an etch-a-sketch.
I'm hopeful for this film. The Cloverfield story needed to be flushed out better than it was, but the glimpses indicated a good story. It was just being told from outside. We were stuck following characters we didn't care about, who had little relevance to the real story. It was a great experimental style, but not one that hit the way the filmmakers hoped.

With this movie I hope we get more information into what is happening, but my expectations are low. So far, we seem to mostly be in a single room/shelter. We had that in the worst part of War of the Worlds. We need more. The audience has a curiosity that needs to be satisfied, not shaken away at the last second like an etch-a-sketch.
All that extra story stuff you are looking for is in the viral marketing. For instance, John Goodman's character in this movie worked for the company that started the whole mess going back to before the first movie.

I know not many people want to take the time to read about the story outside the movie, but it is what it is.
All that extra story stuff you are looking for is in the viral marketing. For instance, John Goodman's character in this movie worked for the company that started the whole mess going back to before the first movie.

I know not many people want to take the time to read about the story outside the movie, but it is what it is.
It's not about not wanting to take the time to read it. It's about wanting to see that movie and letting me read about romantic melodrama in a disaster on the sidelines.
The viral stuff they did for the first movie was fantastic and it looks like they are already nailing it for this movie. At this point I just really want to know what this movie is going to be all about. Wish there was a survival kit buried somewhere close to me :(
A new TV spot was just released and, although there is no new footage, the credits at the end now list Bryan Burk, Drew Goddard and Matt Reeves as executive producers. They were missing up until now. That is significant because Drew Goddard wrote, Matt Reeves directed, Bryan Burk co-produced for the first Cloverfield movie.

It's all coming together now...
I'm hopeful for this film. The Cloverfield story needed to be flushed out better than it was, but the glimpses indicated a good story. It was just being told from outside. We were stuck following characters we didn't care about, who had little relevance to the real story. It was a great experimental style, but not one that hit the way the filmmakers hoped.

With this movie I hope we get more information into what is happening, but my expectations are low. So far, we seem to mostly be in a single room/shelter. We had that in the worst part of War of the Worlds. We need more. The audience has a curiosity that needs to be satisfied, not shaken away at the last second like an etch-a-sketch.
Consider that the characters only had an 'on the ground' view of events for most of the film, the story did more explaining about what was going on than anyone could expect to get under those circumstances: authorities are not know for being big on releasing up-to-date info to the masses on what is really going on.

Too many disaster movies in the past had their characters quite conveniently placed to get top-level info about what lies behind it all and that has become a contrived plot point, and that is what I feel is the aim of the film makers, to not go for that approach.
So J.J has an idea for a third film, pretty much confirms 10 Cloverfield Lane isn't a true sequel.
The guys on the Reddit board seem to think that one scheduled for release next year listed under "The God Particle" may be it since it's got JJ, Reeves and a few others listed as directors, etc.

Truth is nobody is sure what to expect with this one but it is tied in with the first movie in a few ways (hence JJ saying it's a "blood relative"). We'll find out in a couple weeks. :)
The guys on the Reddit board seem to think that one scheduled for release next year listed under "The God Particle" may be it since it's got JJ, Reeves and a few others listed as directors, etc.

Truth is nobody is sure what to expect with this one but it is tied in with the first movie in a few ways (hence JJ saying it's a "blood relative"). We'll find out in a couple weeks. :)

You know, I don't actually go to cinemas anymore. Think they are overpriced and I hate other people making noise. I only go if it is a movie that I really want to see, and even so I leave it a week or two so that the showing I go to is less crowded. Last cinema film I saw was Jurassic World, before that Star Trek Into Darkness. lol

However, I'm so bloody curious about this Cloverfield Lane that I may actually take the risk and see this one on the big screen. Hopefully, people won't twig that it is linked to Cloverfield so it'll be dead.
I'd like to go Thursday night but my brother wants to go with me so I'll have to wait until Friday night. I'm hoping this turns out to be the sleeper hit of 2016.

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