The Cloverfield Thread: Love it? Hate it?Movies 

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Erm no. That defenitely doesn't look like the monster(s) in the movie.

Question for the people who've seen the movie:
Were there actually 2 monsters in that movie? I recall seeing the first one as a white/beige-colored thing that had like 6 legs, and longer body. This monster you could see most throughout the movie; until the army guys finally took that thing down when the helicopter carrying Rob and Beth was flying away.

The second one, was the one that killed Hud. This one seemed a lot darker (skin color wise), more humanoid like, and had very different head than the one shown for the most part of the movie.
Its head looks like the head of a monster/villain I saw one time in an aquaman episode.


Or maybe I'm just blind.
I didn't pay much attention but it wasn't obvious to me at all if there were two different monsters in the movie. So as far as I'm concerned, there was only one. The view from Hud might have been because he was looking straight up at it and the sun was creating a shadow under the monster making it look darker... *shrug*
I dunno, it looked totally different to me. Specially when I saw that the first one was finally getting owned by the bombarding. I thought it was done right there. Of course he took one last hit at the helicopter carrying the cute couple.

The other one, (at central park?) looked a lot smaller. But like I said, maybe I was too dizzy already from that stupid camera moving around all over the place. My cousin was about to vomit at the end lol.
I dunno, it looked totally different to me. Specially when I saw that the first one was finally getting owned by the bombarding. I thought it was done right there. Of course he took one last hit at the helicopter carrying the cute couple.

The other one, (at central park?) looked a lot smaller. But like I said, maybe I was too dizzy already from that stupid camera moving around all over the place. My cousin was about to vomit at the end lol.

If you heard when the camera started up again after the crash on the radio that the monster was still active or something like that that they hadn't killed it from the bombardment we saw from the helicopter.
The majority of everyone I talk to that has seen this movie sais it is not worth seeing so I will just wait until it comes to the cheaper $2.00 theaters. Thanks everyone for the quick reviews and thanks for helping me save at least $17.00.
Well, I've seen the monster, the final eight minutes, and a few random clips. Not impressed. :indiff:

Seems like they managed to mess up on a variety of levels.
I hate to say it, but the harshest reviews seem to be spot on.

Let's just say this...
If a huge monster was walking towards me or standing over me I certainly wouldn't just stand there with a camera watching until I was chomped into monster food. :rolleyes:

There were so many things about what I've seen that tell me this movie was bad... I just can't imagine watching the movie all the way through without wanting to write a horrible review.

I think the reality approach is what ruined the movie. Had they gone with a normal movie approach I think the movie could have been much better. Heck, I have to wonder if the awe of the monster isn't lost because of the poor footage. :indiff:
Overall it just seems like this movie was designed to exploit a generation of internet junkies with nothing better to do than search out answers to viral campaigns.
Damn! how much is the movie ticket in your area?! Oh wait, you have a girl don't ya? if so, then nevermind.
Yeah if Heather and I go and dont buy food or a drink its $17.00 ($8.50x2). Good thing we didnt go. Sounds like we would have been very disappointed. I hated the Blair Witch project and this sounds just like that but add a monster.
If you do go. DO NOT have snacks or eat anything 30 min or less before the movie. You will want to throw up after the movie.

btw, buying snacks at the movie theater is pocket money-suicidal! A combo #1, two medium sodas and a small pocorn..SEVENTEEN FREAKING DOLLARS!
Are you saying you paid $17 for two medium drinks and a small popcorn? Impossible.

And form whatever opinions you like based on the hype and reviews, but saying that Cloverfield just looks like The Blair Witch Project but add a monster is perhaps the most revealing thing you can say if you're aiming to let people know you're movie illiterate.
Not sure if that was directed at me. But I never said I paid $17 for drinks and popcorn.

Half yes and half no, my old friend!

You did declare that Cloverfield appears to be nothing more than Blair Witch + Monster, but it was the post after yours which seemed to suggest the exorbitant food pricing...

Either way, I did not intend to offend (too much).
My wife and I got a large popcorn, two large soft drinks AND a Reese's Pieces for $15.
Which means what exactly?

That I don't even have to watch Cloverfield to know it is most definitely NOTHING like The Blair Witch Project, and THAT makes the claim ludicrous, preposterous, and ridonkulous.

OZZYGT: Foolkiller told you like it is up here in the Great White North. For about $11 you can get a medium popcorn and two medium drinks. But then again the ticket prices are $10 minimum, unless you're a preschooler or pushing a walker.
the 11808 site now appears to have some new pictures added, they seem to suggest that the monster may have been destroyed
Have you seen both movies?
Well, I have only seen Blair Witch at this point and I know that there is a difference between one camcorder and two cameras spliced together into one piece of film footage.

I also know just from this page that, unlike Blair Witch, we have a script and we actually see something more than snot running into the main character's mouth.

The only similarity I can see is the attempt to put you in the first person.
I don't think the methods used make much of a difference. We have two movies that both used a "shot in real life" effect. They try to accomplish two different things, yes (Blair Witch was supposed to scare you, and Cloverfield was supposed put you in the events). However, I would argue that simply because they try the same gimmick to mask what is otherwise a pretty terrible movie that the idea of Cloverfield being "Blair Witch with monsters" is, while flawed, not exactly wrong either.

No many remember Blair Witch not having a plot or being terribly produced (which aren't exactly things that Cloverfield improved that much, either, for that matter). They do remember that it used the whole "this is really happening" camera style. Therefore, the way you view Cloverfield is essentially based on the way you remember Blair Witch, which is why I argue Anderton's point.
Well, I think people like to group things together based on trivial similarities, and The Blair Witch is no more similar to Cloverfield than The Matrix is similar to Equilibrium, or Goodfellas is to Casino.

And yes I did see Cloverfield, and the reason I didn't post my review of how much turd it sucked is because by the time I got to this thread, everyone else had already done it for me.

I liked The Blair Witch project. I allowed my imagination to fill in the blanks and in the end, the movie was scarier than 100% of the horror movies I have ever seen (please let's not turn this into a which horror movie is scarier debate!).
Saw it Sunday and I loved it. I wasn't scared. I didn't really feel suspense or anything. I even laughed when they were being attacked by those creatures in the tunnel and the creatures made the pac-man noise. But I loved it. I loved the way it was made, I loved the monster, I loved the charactors, the ending. I loved it. These are the kind of movies I love. Total hopelessness and doom and destruction.

It was nothing like the Blair Witch. The Blair Witch was terrible. I liked this movie though. It was better than I expected.
I saw the movie last night, in a HUGE and LOUD theater. And it was freakin' awesome.

You guys really think this was a "horror" movie? It was a thriller, with a terrifying monster. Completely different in all respects from something like the Blair Witch Project. You do have to buy into it and take off your cynical movie critic hat, but once you do it's a total blast.

Seriously, I'm just shocked that some of you guys didn't think it was as much fun as I did. So worth 9 bucks.

Also, if you wait for the rental don't bother. You need it LOUD and BIG for the full effect.
Maybe it was me, but did anyone else find the monster's face to be...well, very different? It looked heavily CGI, much more than that scene of it from above.

I can't put it into words, but his face (the colors & design) just looked out of place. Like a cartoon being shown in a real world.

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