The Cloverfield Thread: Love it? Hate it?Movies 

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The devil's in the details.
I've got a feeling we're seeing the basic concept but the details will make the difference between an awesome monster and a cheesy monster (that and the movie has gotta kick butt).

Glad to see this new art, especially that one of the monsters that detacht from the big one! :scared:
You know, when I first heard this parasitic creatures theory I thought that it was going down a bad path, but the more I think about it the more I realize that a Godzilla sized monster is easy to avoid in a city the size of New York. You can see the destruction from halfway across the city and can move away from it. Granted it has speed on its side, but if you were actually paying attention and it wasn't specifically chasing you getting out of the way should be relatively easy. I mean, even in the trailers we see them using the subway tunnels, a brilliant idea for avoiding something that huge.

But if said monster is dropping what would be like a tick to us and they are looking for food while being anywhere from dog to human sized there is no escape. They can go where you can go. Sure the monster is creating massive amounts of damage, but the parasites are the truly scary things.
Yep. I think those little buggerz will be the scariest part (as heard in the trailer). I've got an opportunity to see it tonight, but I'd have to go alone, and I'm afraid I don't want to be that douchebag who sits all by himself...
Yep. I think those little buggerz will be the scariest part (as heard in the trailer). I've got an opportunity to see it tonight, but I'd have to go alone, and I'm afraid I don't want to be that douchebag who sits all by himself...
Not a douchebag. Trust me. I used to work in a movie theater and as I got free passes and most of the people I socialized with worked with me it meant on my day off I could see free movies, but had to go by myself because my friends were at the movies working.

I got used to it. Now after my drinking outings at my favorite bar, which shares a parking lot with a shopping center and a movie theater, I will often see a movie to sober up if everyone leaves too early to sober up at the bar.

EDIT: What would you do with friends at a movie anyway? Talk? I hope not.
EDIT: What would you do with friends at a movie anyway? Talk? I hope not.

one of the biggest social oxymoron's (I believe that would be the correct word) of our generation and yet most of us are guilty of it (including myself just about every weekend)
Talk before hand and afterwards, usually. That, and you don't have to sit next to strangers. Strangers are bad, remember?

Still haven't decided. Now that I've got my pants off and feeling hungry, I may just stay home and do homework (like a good kid) and watch the numbers come in from the primary.

...Plus, I don't want to leave my brother out in the cold. He has to work tonight and we've been planning on seeing it for a while now. I'll be a "good brother" and go see it with him on Friday...
Yeah, the parasites will be the worst (more than likely). After I heard about the concept I actually thought of the Body Snatchers but figured the concept would be too well known to come across as original.
That said, I haven't seem them try the body snatchers concept using human sized insects (something along the lines of a cross between a spider, flea, and crab). :yuck:

these drawings of the monster have only made me want to see the movie more, definitely a unique shape.

Yeah, funny thing though. The guy who claims to have seen it said it was grayish-yellow white. All the monsters so far have been green and brown. The video trailers we've seen show the monster as being green with dark areas.

Proof that guy didn't see jack squat?

hmmm, like that girl?


((in a matter of opinion, I am not a Halo fanboy))
Well, I had a chance to watch Cloverfield but I turned it down because I have school tomorrow and I wanted to know what other people thought about it before seeing it.
Well, I will be seeing it next Wednesday. Plans have been finalized. I will give my thoughts then.
They showed more of the monster in the latest trailers on TV last night. The monster did appear to be white in color. Maybe that guy did see the film.
They showed more of the monster in the latest trailers on TV last night. The monster did appear to be white in color. Maybe that guy did see the film.
Have to watch for them. The most I've seen of the monster on TV has been the same as that .gif.
Have to watch for them. The most I've seen of the monster on TV has been the same as that .gif.

The new one is a clip of the monster being attacked. Rounds are hitting it and there are bright explosions. You can clearly see its hind legs, tail and those middle mini-arms.
Well, what I got from my friend who watched it that:

That coming out of the movie, your ears will hurt and her boyfriend thought it was annoying that the POV was through the moving camera
and I just found out that they have a Japanese comic on it
Two of my friends saw it last night and they were a bit wishy-washy on it. I still really want to see it, but its definitely curbing my expectations, which is probably a good thing...
I just found out what happens, more or less. Some guy who just saw it posted what mostly happens. But, no pics of the monster, yet. That's what I want to see, mostly. I want to know if there's going to be a toy version out soon. If so, I'm going to get it for my boys. I'm sure it's going to be a hot item for the next few weeks.
Well, what I got from my friend who watched it that:

That coming out of the movie, your ears will hurt and her boyfriend thought it was annoying that the POV was through the moving camera
and I just found out that they have a Japanese comic on it

Seems like there was a member here who said he wouldn't see it if the camera did that.
Ah, ok.

I'm not sure, but I believe the review I read on ebaum's might be the story.

I've read a lot of reviews from people in Australia, and it's overall a 'good' film. I know what happens to everybody, and mostly why. I also know I wont ever watch this film because it's mostly viewed from that handheld camera. A few people compared it to Blair Witch, which, I absolutely hated. I think it is the worst movie gimmick there is. A lot of people complained of getting headaches from the stupid handheld camera footage. Also, constant bright flashes of light and explosions to keep things hidden were headache inducing, also. That's not for me. I hate that sort of thing.
Well, that pretty much proves the EBaums synopsis. Guess I will be watching this just for the monster after all.
What I love the most about reviews so far...

The fact that viral campaigns suck in the life-less chumps of the world only to have them slap bad reviews on the film in an effort to salvage their bruised egos and victimized wallets. :rolleyes:
Looking at Youtube for more of the monster and it appears that people stated to saw the monster and we already saw it. But here is the image of the removed videos and a small pic ture of the monster