ive only read the 1st page comments and half of the 2nd so i dont know most of what is said.
Me and a friend stayed up all nite (not to do this, we just didnt want to sleep) and found the slusho website and got intruged. I had heard about Cloverfield and saw the 1st trailer but didnt know there was so little info leaked about it.
We started to speculate and looked over the trailers frame by frame looking for clues.
Then i googled "Cloverfield, 01-18-08, J.J Abrams" and got the "picture" of the monsters
and compared it with the clip of the monster in the 2nd trailer and they look similar.
And on the slusho website, we were looking around the flash animations and noticed on the history page that if you click the crab holding the sign it goes from Happy, to sad, to bemused, to alert (or close to that order) And they say the harvest the "Seabed's Nectar" on the site. And what lives on the seabed? Crabs.
Now i dont think that its "CRAB PEOPLE!!" attacking, thats stupid and its done its rounds on the web allready.
Also, if you put your mouse over the fish and squid, one is thinking of cheese and another a hammer, which in the Slusho Commercial on site, bottom left near the end theres a woman hitting cheese with a hammer. And in the last split second theres a monkey holding a flag with cheese on it.
What we think is:
Slusho harvests this Special plant which incourages growth which was been eaten by Wales and other smaller creatures. But when Slusho started harvesting this plant, the SeaCreatures started having withdrawl effects.
But in the past Slusho started dumping Toxic waist and Run-off into the sea which was ingested by wales and Creatures. And since it was Toxic, it had mutinagenic(sp) properties and also increased the growth properties. Which is why the Possible picture looks like a wale. and the Flea-like creatures are the parasites on the wale which have sucked the infected blood and have become infected themselves.
But since the world has become a more Eco-Friendly place, the dumping has stopped and caused the Creatures to crave the Toxins and want more. Which is why they come to land.
Slusho, who are hiring employees from all over the world, which is were our main carachter comes in.
Slusho have told them and the government about "cloverfield" And to expect an attack at some time.
---Where Trailer Comes In---
The party insues and in full swing. These loud, groaning noises are heard. hich if you think about it, sound like Wales. The main carachter (Crap, i forgot his name!) Is very keen in the trailer to stay away from the windows or the edges of the building, and acts reluctant to go on the roof.
As all the governments have been warned of this threat, the army attacks the monster first to try defend NYC, but the monster has/aquired some intellence and swipes the statue of liberty to attack back sending the head crashing down in the street.
Thats all we could realy get out of a few pictures an roughly 3 Minuites of footage....And a few cans of Red Bull

and im leaving out a lot of other minor stuff that i thought had no relevance and ive forgotten.
Obviously, i dont think its it, but im guessing it has some relevance to the actual plot.
What do you guys think? Can anyone expand on it a bit?
Edit: Also, on a hi-res picture of the poster, its dawn and the waves are leading away from NYC and there are pieces falling off the Statue, which brings up the possiblity that it cannot be in sunlight (mabye for the reason it could dry up lol) or be in the daylight for some strange reason....?