The Cloverfield Thread: Love it? Hate it?Movies 

  • Thread starter YSSMAN
"Oh Hai. Im the Cloverfield monster." Real picture is real. I swear. I'm still not sure where this picture came from. It's a figure of the monster thats going to be in the movie. It DOES look like the one in the trailer. Srsly.

EDIT: Hah! Found ittt.

EDIT: Sorry guys, this is fake. And yeah, it does look sucky.
if thats actually right, my god does that suck. id still watch it to know what it is exactly and how it came about.
"Oh Hai. Im the Cloverfield monster." Real picture is real. I swear. I'm still not sure where this picture came from. It's a figure of the monster thats going to be in the movie. It DOES look like the one in the trailer. Srsly.

EDIT: Hah! Found ittt.

frankly I'm not buying it, if it is true than I am very disappointed since that looks more like something human sized
"Oh Hai. Im the Cloverfield monster." Real picture is real. I swear. I'm still not sure where this picture came from. It's a figure of the monster thats going to be in the movie. It DOES look like the one in the trailer. Srsly.

EDIT: Hah! Found ittt.

Sorry, but this one was turned down the other day...

AICN says no, Paramount confirms

Harry on AICN
Well... ok, let's check on these. The alleged CLOVERFIELD monster comes from MovieWeb - That is not an early design - nor is it - the final design. It is, according to my sources (and my sources do kick ass) - "BUNK"

SO I looked up "BUNK" and found that it is a built in platform bed... or a trough for feeding cattle... or sleeping quarters... or...... HUMBUG, NONSENSE! So... I guess you can sleep on that image, feed it to your cattle... or just know that it's total [BS].
So... this is obviously a female monster... or a really, really cold male monster... :crazy:

It kind of looks like the monster we've seen in the videos and trailers. At least the knee and leg. Plus, the Statue of Liberty head had three scratch marks across the face, and guess what?
:confused: never seen those posters before!
Here's two:

And yeah, im guessing therl be very little storyline, just Destruction and explosions and stuff. And who knows, they may even make a Sequel or a pre-quel to explain the story more. Which would be annoying, but we'd all be just as hooked!
Do you ever watch JJ Abrams shows? His main technique, aside from being deceitfully vague in his mysteries, is character development to push the story.

Plus, the director was supposedly hired because of his character building and storytelling styles. At least I hope so as he has no sci-fi, horror, suspense, thriller, etc. experience. Of course, if you can properly tell one of those stories you don't have to know how to "create" suspense. It just happens.

frankly I'm not buying it, if it is true than I am very disappointed since that looks more like something human sized
I am sure it is all in the scale.

Although, I am curious as to what makes all of these creatures become bipedal? I mean, every movie monster is bipedal and really only Godzilla and King Kong made sense as they were both supposed to be a form of previously bipedal creature. Assuming you take into account that the original Godzilla was basically a radioactively mutated dormant T-Rex, at least that was what the scientists hypothesized. The new Godzilla was basically a really big Iguana, which they did show a lot of quadruped walking and swimming. But why must every large monster walk on two hind legs? They better be part ape or dinosaur. Coming from the ocean they have a lot to explain why this thing walks upright, as that would not be beneficial under water, and even difficult to impossible at certain depths without a massive skeletal structure.

Hopefully the debunking is correct or we get some good pseudoscience. Abrams loves his pseudoscience.

Yes, except I'm sure J.J. will deny this, too. I bet he gets a kick out of these, though.
You know he has as much fun creating these things as the fans do dissecting them.

Someone PM'd me a viral Lost campaign featuring "vandalized" billboards.
I think the Viral campaigns are bad ideas.
Right now I do not plan to see Cloverfield and the only thing that will change my mind is an actual image of the monster.
With only a good glimpse of the monster I'd actually consider heading to the theatre but for now I feel like a guy who's been lead on one too many times by a girl.
Why not play it cool, sit back and see what happens? :sly:

When I see the monster, I may go see the movie- it's that simple.
Although, I am curious as to what makes all of these creatures become bipedal?

Word is that the monster in the movie is some kind of mutated human, possibly a by-product of the whole Slusho! thing. Well, thats the rumor at least... There is a MySpace page about a girl who appears in the trailer, on the newest episode, she receives a package containing the Slusho! special ingredient that says "DO NOT EAT," and she does anyway. This also ties into the story of the Slusho! creator who had a dream where he found this stuff, proceeded to drink and drink it, and he grew to enormous sizes.

Dunno. I'm still eager to see it.
Word is that the monster in the movie is some kind of mutated human, possibly a by-product of the whole Slusho! thing. Well, thats the rumor at least... There is a MySpace page about a girl who appears in the trailer, on the newest episode, she receives a package containing the Slusho! special ingredient that says "DO NOT EAT," and she does anyway. This also ties into the story of the Slusho! creator who had a dream where he found this stuff, proceeded to drink and drink it, and he grew to enormous sizes.

Dunno. I'm still eager to see it.
I'm not going to say this story is getting cheesy, but it sure as hell is getting weird. But at least, it's somewhat unique.
My theory... (spoiler)

I think the 'Cheese' refers to a YouTube skit called "Monkey Cheese." Remember, at the end of one of the videos we saw a chimp with a flag with a piece of cheese on it? If you don't know the skit, a guy picks up a piece of cheese from the ground and eats it after being warned not to. He then mutates into a monkey (chimp) and says, " Monkey Cheese!"

What I think, this "Can't drink just 6!" means you cannot drink 6. The reason? You'll mutate into something after drinking 5. Once mutated, you become a feed source for the monster. Also, those mini monsters we hear in one of the clips are mutated humans, who feed on non-mutated humans.

The 'chimp with the flag' is a clue to this video, which is a clue to what happens in the movie.
Could be. If the postings on AICN were right, people get "melty," and God only knows what that means...
Well, I think if you drink Slusho, you would of blow up into a marshmellow like one of the girls that was surrounded by the IBC guys. I was thinking that if that was possible, smaller and more faster monsters came out of you like a Face hugger ordeal.
Did anybody ever make sense from those clues at the slusho! website?

Hammer, Cheese and Oven Mitt.

Well... Just throwing stuff out here...
Oven mitts protect people but also imply something hot is around.
Cheese is bait for mice, food for anything, a symbol for money, easy to destoy, and in the case of that picture- full of holes.
The hammer is symbolic of work, power, destruction, and implies there's something in need of banging.

Put all those things together and I could come up with a metaphor for nearly any story I can recall. :lol:
Well... Just throwing stuff out here...
Oven mitts protect people but also imply something hot is around.
Cheese is bait for mice, food for anything, a symbol for money, easy to destoy, and in the case of that picture- full of holes.
The hammer is symbolic of work, power, destruction, and implies there's something in need of banging.

Put all those things together and I could come up with a metaphor for nearly any story I can recall. :lol:

That narrows it down! :lol:

Actually, here's a post from a guy who claims to have watched the movie.


Utterly Brilliant.


For the past year or so, that’s been the question that everyone has been asking. Well… they also wanted to know: What was that trailer? What’s the name of this movie? Who are those actors? What is a SLUSHO? What does any of this mean?

Having seen the film, I can tell you – I have completely forgotten the marketing. I no longer care why the film is titled CLOVERFIELD, I don’t think it has a secret meaning – other than the fact that the movie that the marketing would lead you to, if it will… will knock your cinema-going mind into the floor of the theater.

CLOVERFIELD is a bold genre-reinvention unlike anything we’ve ever seen before.

The basic premise that we know is there. The film is found footage, not an assembled film. The footage is recovered in Central Park. From trailers and ads you know that it probably starts at a party, something happens, and we think there is a giant monster. You’re pretty sure there’s a giant monster attacking New York City… specifically Manhattan.

Well, I’ve just come home from watching CLOVERFIELD. The security on me and my wife for seeing this movie was un-frickin-believable. I suppose some would have the temptation to snap a pic of the monster and send it out online to end, forever, the “mystery” – but folks… there’s no mystery.

The movie is ****ing brilliant. It’s what we were told it was going to be. An intimate perspective on an impossibly grand scale human disaster beyond most human levels of comprehension.

What is the monster? How do you describe something that doesn’t look like anything you’ve ever seen before? It’s not a ****ing upright walking whale. It doesn’t look like any iteration of GODZILLA that we’ve ever seen. It is enormous. And even though I’ve seen it… I am hard-pressed to come up with a comparative creation. You know that big ****ing thing in THE MIST? It isn’t that. Is the creature a biped? I’m not sure, I think it might’ve been a four-legged beastie… it has a tail, it has teeth and freaky eyes like that horse that died in ANIMAL HOUSE. It’s kinda of a grayish-yellowish-off-white looking thing. But more important than the creature is what this ****er does. He basically goes bug-nuts.

The creature isn’t the groundbreaking thing about the film. It is, but it isn’t.

You see, what has me so excited about this film is that this is the giant monster movie that isn’t at all like any giant monster movie we’ve seen before… but is exactly that movie.

I guarantee you that as this movie takes place… all the **** that you’ve seen in Giant monster movies is happening. Somewhere a general is screaming about nuking New York…. Somewhere is a politician screaming that you can’t nuke New York. Another General wants to know why our weapons are not affecting this thing. A PRESIDENT wants to know where it came from – and several thousand journalist are trying to figure all that out too.

But this film isn’t about the scientist, the generals, the Presidents, the mayors or any of the big people. This time, the film is from the perspective of those people that live in those buildings that the monster is breaking through. This is about the people running in the street that scream, “GODZILLA!!!” and run. This is about trying to survive that insanity. Not just that, but to try and save one life.

Like SAVING PRIVATE RYAN, but instead of Nazis it’s a giant monster.

This is a handheld camera movie – knowing this and knowing not to sit too close is probably a good thing… but having said that… you can’t sit far enough from the screen to feel safe. As many of you people know, I am in a wheelchair – and while watching movies, I have my brakes on. There was one moment, so unexpected and so intense that I went 3 ft back.

What about the characters?

You learn everything you need about them in the first 20 minutes. Rob is going to Japan to a new job. He has a brother Jason and a best friend Hud who gets strapped with filming testimonials at his surprise party – but Hud has the hots for Marlena and got talked into it by Jason – who was told to do it by Lily, who loves him. Oh – and they’re taping over a tape that Rob shot of the morning after he and Beth finally did it – after being friends forever. But now he has to go to Japan for his career and Beth shows up with some dick at his party because he didn’t know how to talk with her after they had sex.

It’s a fairly real situation that could happen to anyone. These are just regular good people in the rat race – and trying to have a good time. When the **** goes down.

I wasn’t expecting to like any of the characters. That changes… a lot.

My favorite character? Probably Hud… our cameraman. He’s not a professional photographer, though this “tape” tells an incredibly focused and direct story of epic sweep and filled with intimate reveals. But HUD is “the best friend”. But if I could compare him to any character actor, I’d say he’s like a reigned in Bill Paxton. He’s not going around screaming obscenities… but the **** that comes out of his mouth cracks me up.

The story of this film is actually beautiful though. When the world goes to ****, you instantly think about the person you love that you don’t know is OK or not. That’s this story. Beth left Rob’s party before the **** went down. They had a fight. When it all goes to hell – Rob and his friends are just trying to get off the island, when a call comes… Beth is somewhere… she can’t move, she’s bleeding and she needs help. And oddly… 911 is busy.

This group of friends sets off through the biggest sort of hell you can imagine to save Beth. Characters die. **** goes horribly horribly wrong – and it rules!

There’s no score, there’s no rules, there feels like there’s no script and no movie. It feels found, but it is so huge that you can’t ever really believe that… but handheld film just has never had a story of something this fantastical or huge happen. The movie is a landmark genre film. A true milestone in film.

It is all at once art, commercial and grotesquely gleefully gargantuan.

This frankly launches two giant film careers at once. As of this second, I will see and eagerly anticipate every film that J.J. Abrams produces. This sort of stepping back from a genre convention and reinvention is EXACTLY what needs to be done. It isn’t simply going, “Oh, I can make a better Godzilla movie,” but the audacity of saying I’m going to tell that story from one of the most loathed film approaches – the found footage – and simply make the most ****ing amazing found tape ever. It won’t just be what it is, but the characters and the story and the emotion and the scope and the journey that the tape takes us on. I can’t wait to see what’s next.

Then there’s Matt Reeves, I don’t know this guy. But I’ll tell you what. You’re gonna mark his name after this. He just came out with a film about as SUNDANCE as you could imagine. This is like an INDIE film – that you’d dream Spielberg would make. Remember the beard’s WAR OF THE WORLDS? Now just imagine that, but with the disarming nature of handheld photography. Where if the camera got dropped and suddenly you’re looking the other way… you don’t see the seams. There’s no backlot, this isn’t two blocks at a time… it’s ****ing Manhattan being torn to **** and they’re just smack dab in midtown and midtown has giant lice monsters and some monstrously huge creature… and then there’s the ****ing military… and they are on target, and buildings get hit, **** is going everywhere – and the man directing this apocalypse is Matt Reeves and the planning to just deliver what this spectacle is – is daunting. But sir, BRAVO!

Folks – CLOVERFIELD is worth the obsession, worth the months I’ve had to put up with fans wondering what the hell it was – worth having to deal with reporters asking me what it was – and I didn’t know either. This is a towering movie. A complete reinvention of the disaster movie, the giant monster movie and even the love story. I absolutely love this film and the only thought I had when it was over was how I wanted to watch it 5 more times today.

I want to see the details, I want to watch this film once I’m so familiar with it that I can appreciate the complexity of the frames and the shots. To try to pull the film apart – but I don’t think you’ll be able to. It is just that ****ing good! And the flaming hobos... holy **** man... flaming hobos, but not with shotguns!

Good Bad Robot, Good Bad Robot!!!

Hey, Solid, do you have a link to that? I want to send it to my friend that's going to go see it with me.

Tentative plans are to either see it opening weekend on Saturday, the 19th, or after our regular weekly post-work bar outing the following Wednesday, the 23rd.
I don't buy it.
Too vague in far too many spots. :rolleyes:
Maybe but I doubt it... Plus, there isn't any honor left these days, if this guy saw the film he'd spill the beans. :lol:

Btw, I suggest you do it on the 23rd as to avoid a bust.
See this movie on opening weekend and there's a good chance you'll come home and post on the GTP that the Godzilla-Blair Witch project was a total waste of time. :ouch:
Wait until the 23rd and you'll be able to find out if it is worth watching and you'll avoid the incredible audience that is bound to show up and help this movie bring in millions on the opening weekend.
Btw, I suggest you do it on the 23rd as to avoid a bust.
See this movie on opening weekend and there's a good chance you'll come home and post on the GTP that the Godzilla-Blair Witch project was a total waste of time. :ouch:
Wait until the 23rd and you'll be able to find out if it is worth watching and you'll avoid the incredible audience that is bound to show up and help this movie bring in millions on the opening weekend.

I regularly wait for the Totally Rad Show guys to approve of a movie before I dive in head-first, but at the same time Harry on AICN (the guy who wrote the review in Solid's post) and I often have similar tastes in movies and our feelings about them. We'll see. I'm still very, very excited about this movie.
Btw, I suggest you do it on the 23rd as to avoid a bust.
See this movie on opening weekend and there's a good chance you'll come home and post on the GTP that the Godzilla-Blair Witch project was a total waste of time. :ouch:
Wait until the 23rd and you'll be able to find out if it is worth watching and you'll avoid the incredible audience that is bound to show up and help this movie bring in millions on the opening weekend.
The reviews wll be out pre-opening and then I have gone to see busts before. Just check out the AVP: Requiem thread for my latest.

Besides, I have a feeling that short of finding out it literally melts your brain I will still see it just to satisfy my curiosity.

And as far as crowds are concerned, if I go on a Staurday it will not be in teh evening, but a post lunch/drinks matinee.
im half and half now. I have one side going, should i read all the suppoused spoilers and compare to the actual thing but possibly ruin my viewing experience. Or dont and end up going insane before it!
god, it realy shows how effective this type of advertising is for the majority.
Are you sure? Seems like another bunch of fake nonsense. That .gif a couple pages back didn't make the monster appear to have a tail.
Are you sure? Seems like another bunch of fake nonsense. That .gif a couple pages back didn't make the monster appear to have a tail.

well it did say that they were made by fans who had seen the movie, and they all share the same general look.
A friend of mine made a joke and after that all I can say is that if this ends with Slusho is People I will demand my gorram money back.