The cockpit view,PD read!:)

The view from that pic we've all seen is great,BUT(and it's a big but)we haven't seen it in motion. My point is, TDU(test drive unlimited) has equaly impressive interiours, but it's terrible to drive from, almost vomit inducing, with it's lagging, sort of drunk head movements!:crazy: On the other hand, we have LFS(live for speed) which has poor quality interiours, but it's absolutly the best view in any game yet to drive from!:bowdown: It all has to do with the just right FOV(field of view)(which should be adjustable),on/off wheel/hands,fine tuned head movements that are controled by realistic G-forces,a little blur like TDU would also help(for better sense of speed)NOT like NFS's blur-o-rama!:scared:
Basically, what I'm saying is: PD, play some LFS and than replicate that feeling,only better!:dopey: :sly: :dopey:
Please, don't just make beautifull interiours and leave it like that!:nervous:
I think TDU cockpit view is impressive, (in all, I think TDU is impressive overall, considering it's a PS2 game).

just check this nice video ND4SPD posted in the PS2 forum ...

I'm sure they'll get it right and that this forums has zero influence on that at all...
I'm sure they'll get it right and that this forums has zero influence on that at all...

Would be nice if someone from PD would read some topics here once in a while :)

I think they know this site but aren't allowed to comment.. :indiff:
It all has to do with the just right FOV(field of view)(which should be adjustable),on/off wheel/hands
What is it with the wheel and hands thing for people? You want a cockpit, guess what's in it? A wheel, and hopefully when you are driving, your hands. The TDU video shows it and it isn't a distraction, F1:CE has it and it isn't a distraction.

I'm just curious why some people are turned off by the wheel and hands thing. And for those that are; have you tried games that use them and found it just unplayable? I've played a game that has them and only noticed long enough to tell that it accurately followed my input, then my focus was back on the road.
What is it with the wheel and hands thing for people? You want a cockpit, guess what's in it? A wheel, and hopefully when you are driving, your hands. The TDU video shows it and it isn't a distraction, F1:CE has it and it isn't a distraction...

So, in your opinion, what's the difference between the two FOV's (field of View's) that makes one a 'distraction' and the other not, as I don't have either game as of yet and wouldn't know how each one rates.

So, in your opinion, what's the difference between the two FOV's (field of View's) that makes one a 'distraction' and the other not, as I don't have either game as of yet and wouldn't know how each one rates.

I'm saying that neither is a distraction, which is why I don't see the issue people are making of it being in GT5.

I have only seen the above video for TDU and I own F1:CE. In F1 I prefer the cockpit view and I think the way it follows my movements adds to the experience, but since I'm not watching the wheel much at all it isn't a big deal.

The only issue I see with a cockpit view at all is that I am used to bumper cam and a cockpit restricts my vision compared to what I am used to.
I find it funny that TDU has a inside driving view in the game at all. I mean you can't even use a wheel with that game!:dunce:
I find it funny that TDU has a inside driving view in the game at all. I mean you can't even use a wheel with that game!:dunce:
The very first Test Drive on my old Commoddore 64 had a cockpit view.
I find it funny that TDU has a inside driving view in the game at all. I mean you can't even use a wheel with that game!:dunce:

I tried using my MS wheel with TDU and it was horrible! Even after downloading the money wasting "Hardcore" patch it didn't improve any. As a matter of fact, it made it worse because the FF was completely wrong and you would spend most of your time fighting the steering wheel over every little road imperfection. :lol:

I agree with what FoolKiller said about the wheel/hand being a distraction. Do you people look at what your hands are doing and what angle your steering wheel is at when you're driving in real life or do you concentrate on the road?
I play TDU on a PC(HC mode) with a MOMO wheel and it's flawed(Understeery with moon gravity:dunce: ) but kind of OK when you get used to it. I play it mainly
for it's freedom, good amount of sweet cars(pretty good sound also(not all cars))and really good graphics...
As for the wheel/hands on/off disscusion, just try LFS(or GTR2, a bit lousier than LFS, but still very good) on the PC(still best thing out there if you want a true sim) and you'll see what I mean. It's more a matter of personal taste and what you play with,because before I got the wheel, I used to play with keyboard and had to see the wheel/(hands) to know where the front wheels are facing,but when I tried it with the wheel,it was distracting and steering wheels didn't quite match(virtual/real),also it looked kinda stupid seeing two steering wheels/hands out of sinc. Plus, if you have your monitor close to the steering wheel,in perspective it almost looks like it fits the virtual dashboard so it adds to the imersion and feeling...
What can I say,try it and see for your selves:tup:

p.s. The cockpit view in TDU is nicely done,but it has too small FOV, ie you don't see enough to the sides,and when you turn,your virtual head just doesn't behave right,kinda lagging all the time,I don't know how to explaine it, again, try it...;)
Fool: I had commented on it before, but I think it's hard to know until you'ver tried it.

I've used the cockpit view in Colin 5 & found it interesting, but in the end I did not use it. The problem is, it restricts your view too much IMO. The major thing missing in all video games is peripheral vision & the cockpit view in restricting your sight lines makes that problem even worse.
I play TDU on a PC(HC mode) with a MOMO wheel and it's flawed(Understeery with moon gravity:dunce: ) but kind of OK when you get used to it. I play it mainly
for it's freedom, good amount of sweet cars(pretty good sound also(not all cars))and really good graphics...
As for the wheel/hands on/off disscusion, just try LFS(or GTR2, a bit lousier than LFS, but still very good) on the PC(still best thing out there if you want a true sim) and you'll see what I mean. It's more a matter of personal taste and what you play with,because before I got the wheel, I used to play with keyboard and had to see the wheel/(hands) to know where the front wheels are facing,but when I tried it with the wheel,it was distracting and steering wheels didn't quite match(virtual/real),also it looked kinda stupid seeing two steering wheels/hands out of sinc. Plus, if you have your monitor close to the steering wheel,in perspective it almost looks like it fits the virtual dashboard so it adds to the imersion and feeling...
What can I say,try it and see for your selves:tup:

p.s. The cockpit view in TDU is nicely done,but it has too small FOV, ie you don't see enough to the sides,and when you turn,your virtual head just doesn't behave right,kinda lagging all the time,I don't know how to explaine it, again, try it...;)

Now that you explain it that way, I see where you're coming from and I do agree. The way I have my steering wheel set up infront of my LCD screen, it would fit right in with the cockpit view.

The problem with "cockpit view" in racing games is due to the screen. In a car, we have the angled windshield and side windows which can't really be "simulated" in a racing game. If there were to be a racing simulation game that came out where a triple screen set up would make full use of the whole view as in the side screens would be the side windows and the front would be the windshield and dashboard only. Of course, you would need a TV that's as big as a car's windshield in order to make it somewhat work. :lol:
One other point: I realise that in F1:CE the cockpit view is completely unobstructed because you're not really "inside" the car.
First off LOL at speedfreak69 for thinking TDU has interiors as impressive as GT5

On topic, if GT5 includes any extra in cockpit effects like g-force or head turning it will be optional.

Oh and if you want a really bad cockpit view see rFactor and the default 'vibration'. Makes you wonder if the car is going to fall apart it shakes so bad
Would be nice if someone from PD would read some topics here once in a while :)

I think they know this site but aren't allowed to comment.. :indiff:
Yes. I know somebody around here who's very related to the PD's GT project; he/she posts quite often, specially here. So don't worry, they do read :)

Unfortunately for the sake of our "friendship", this ragazzo will never say his/her username. Wich comes to mind, I haven't talked to that person in a while now....:(
I'm saying that neither is a distraction, which is why I don't see the issue people are making of it being in GT5...

My apologies..I mis-read your original post..

When you said...

...The TDU video shows it and it isn't a distraction, F1:CE has it and it isn't a distraction..."

For some reason my eyes read it as:

"...The TDU video shows it and it's a distraction, F1:CE has it and it isn't a distraction..."

Guess that's what I get for being up for over 24 hours with a sleeping disorder! DOH!
I've used the cockpit view in Colin 5 & found it interesting, but in the end I did not use it. The problem is, it restricts your view too much IMO. The major thing missing in all video games is peripheral vision & the cockpit view in restricting your sight lines makes that problem even worse.
This is where many of us are coming from.

I haven't been able to get LFS to work on my PC, but with Forza 2 (and my 360 hopefully returning from MS Repair in a month) and GT HD/GT4, I really don't care any more. The one cockpit view I'm aware of that did work fairly well was Toca 3's, although you still had peripheral view issues. Other games though gave you a rotten letterboxed view of the road which one poster here from last year put well. "It kind of looks like you're driving from the back seat." A proper cockpit view should be spacious, giving you an excellent view of the road. At least to a point. The view in the Polyphony pic above is still a bit too constrained.

I've fallen in love with GT4's roof cam. It gives you a great view of the road and the cars around you. It's not right by a long shot, but it does give you what's lacking in most games. A great view of the track, and a look at the space beside your car, which is rather crucial especially in turns or passing.

As much of a perfectionist as Kaz is, I'm betting that all the driver views offer something cool and immersive for us.

Edit: After staring at the driver view once again for a while... I'll have to see it in motion, but... actually, that does look very good.
First off LOL at speedfreak69 for thinking TDU has interiors as impressive as GT5

fanboyish a bit are we?

Pretty similar quality I would say...(GT's got more polys and slightly better textures)

quiet_storm: Well,you would need 3 ps3(or more graphic cards on PC) to run 3 screens(bloody expensive),so that's why they add more FOV to get around this problem with single screen...
tenacious D: I agree about the last Colin,it had lousy head movement in cockpit view and horrible steering,and it was actually worse to play with the wheel!:yuck: +you have to try LFS,it's just the best and it will run on even the modest of computers(not being graphicly intesive)!👍
If you have a good setup,it will run at 60fps with everything maxed @1600x1200(4AA/16AF)and 20 cars! Then it looks like one of those industrial sims,really clean and smooth!:dopey:
To all readers, sorry for next few lines on Croatian :).

Gle, ne znam imas li X360 i jesi li igrao TDU u 720p HD - sve izgleda super, zabavno i OK i tu nema greske. Ali ici tako daleko i usporedjivati ovo sto donosi GT5:P s time je ipak pomalo neozbiljno :). U odnosu na ovo, TDU je cak i na X360 - crtani film. Pa cak i ova slika gore je render i nije iz igre - dok su sve ove nove cockpit slike iz GT5:P iz igre.

Jedino sto izgleda koliko-toliko blizu je in-cockpit u PGR3 - a vjerujem da ni onaj u PGR4 nece biti los. No, ipak treba biti razuman - ovo sto radi Polyphony je tptalno izvan ovog svijeta. Uz napomenu kako ce citava stvar ici u 1080p pri 60 fps, dok je TDU jedva izgurao 30 fps u 720p, dok PGR4 najavljuje napokon puni 720p (PGR3 bio je upscalean na 720p sa 576p), ali i dalje u samo 30 fps. Super su druge voznje i svi na ovom forumu ih jako vole i postuju, no ovo je ipak s neke druge planete u usporedbi sa svime sto postoji trenutno.

I naravno, pozdrav svakom novom clanu iz Lijepe nase :D.

BTW, evidence of above - without fanboyism.

TDU (X360)


PGR 3 (X360)


GTR 2 (PC)




All of above are from in-game, not renders or CGI.
Pozdrav i tebi Amare:cheers: , TDU igram na PC-u(1280x1024,4AA16AF) i vrti se izmedju 50-100fps-a tako da je uglavnom prilicno ugodno i definitivno bolje nego na X360 sto ti navodis.;)
Ali imas pravo, tek sad sam uocio ove nove fotkice bolje kvalitete i izgleda jebeno dobro!:dopey: Mislim, nikad nisam sumnjao u vizualnu kvalitetu Kazunorijevih bisera,(pa GT4 na prastarom PS2 jos uvijek izgleda bolje nego vecina novih igara!)od GT2 koji sam igrao za vojnog roka 99/00 na PS i svega izmedju na PS2,pa tako nisam ni sumnjao da ce sljedeci nastavak na PS3 izgledati nista manje nego bolesno!:eek:
baj d vej, nemoj da te prevari ono new member,visim ovdje od dvije tisucite jos dok smo slinili po prvim preview fotkama od GT3,u biti, kupio sam PS2 medju prvima u HR(sumnjivi uvoz iz Italije:sly: )zbog GT3!
I stvarno,iako ti je to u biti posao(kupujem Gameplay), vidim da si prilicno strastven sto se tice igara, pogotovo GT-a, pa imas jedan veliki RESPECT:bowdown: od mene za trud i skupljanje novih informacija da mi mozemo pasti oci!:dopey:
+I still can't figure out why didn't someone from the big studios like EA, or PD for that matter, hire those 3 geniuses that make LFS or at least buy the license for their physics/vehicle behaviour engine??💡
Imagine LFS with the graphics of the new GT!:dopey:
Or GT with LFS physics!:sly:

Amar: Uskoro ces i ti valjda na godisnji negdje s pregrst H20-a!;)
Can't learn it through online translators :crazy:

"Gle , does not type imas li X360 plus are li playing TDU into a HD whole lookout super VGA , entertainment plus OK plus here does not have greske. Limit ici so that far away plus usporedjivati this hundred carry GT5P: with hereby had yet paint silly. In relation with this TDU had cak plus at an X360 cartoon. Then cak plus this cartoon up had render plus is not through gaming whilst have been whole ove nove soft drink imagery through GT5P: through gaming. Merely hundred lookout how many - that near site had in - soft drink into a PGR3 and vjerujem yes we do nor that into a nece to be los. Than , yet is required to be unprejudiced this hundred is doing Polyphony had tptalno without ovog lucid. Hard by mentioned of how ce quotes thing ici into a 1080p over fps , whilst had TDU just jostle fps into a 720p, whilst PGR4 announcing ultimately amply 720p (PGR3 been had upscalean at an 720p from an 576p), limit still into a merely fps. Super VGA have been mate voznje plus all at an ovom forum them tightly vole plus postulation , than this had yet with some other planet as compared to svime hundred percentages currently. PLUS of course , give my regards to each learner clanu through Trig colonize"

:crazy: :crazy: :crazy:
Can't learn it through online translators :crazy:
:crazy: :crazy: :crazy:

LOL!! :D:D:D:D:D

We've been just speaking about technical differencies in platforms, while I pointed some in-car pics of other games to point the GT5: P superiority of both lighting and details.

BTW, gamersyde has nice 1080p pics, and here is the interior one. Jaggies are visible on comp-screen, while on 1080p screen they will not exist. Pplease do not fall under 1080p biased commentaries which do not take nature of Full HD screen technology into account while posting their oppinions - as the other forums members do at this very moment.

One other point: I realise that in F1:CE the cockpit view is completely unobstructed because you're not really "inside" the car.
Right. I just don't see teh wheel and hands as a distraction. How much vision is restricted will be something that can only be determined from game to game once you play it.

Guess that's what I get for being up for over 24 hours with a sleeping disorder! DOH!
No probs. I have sleep apnea, so I know the feeling of being worn out.
Why do you not have a quality posts tag yet amar212?

anyways, GT5's interior wipes the floor with every other current racing game.

TDU suffers from lower resolution, less polys, less textures the list goes on and on.

As for PGR3, just look at the difference between the side view mirror between it and GT5. That should be enough

GT5 cockpits and cars have

- HDR lighting which is obviously better then competition

- the driver's hands are detailed higher and more realistic looking then the other games. I'm sure GT5 is probably alone when it has the driver take his hands off the wheel to change his grip. His hands are not super-glued to the wheel ala F1 and other racing games.

- GT5 developers go that extra mile. look at the visible stitching the a-pillar on the Ferrari. You won't see that in any racing game other then GT5. To me that is why PD always makes the best looking games. They go that extra mile when making the cars. They add that extra detail. It's probably KY's love of cars