The cockpit view,PD read!:)

GTR 2 (PC)


All of above are from in-game, not renders or CGI.

Yeah, but i think the GT5:P cockpit looks much better, and it's just a RENDER!!!

BTW, is Lazenby's a real brand in Britian? I'm a Yank, so...
Why? But 3PS3, 3 games and 2 new HD TV's and you're ready to go.. Racing is not a cheap sport, not even in virtual life..

If I'm going to spend that much money on a simulation. I'd rather just build myself a little track car and do ACTUAL track events IN REAL LIFE. Honestly, you have to be really silly or have more money than brains to buy 3PS3s, 3HDTVs and 3 copies of the game just to get a better FOV. Don't tell me how racing isn't a cheap sport. Been there, done that and still saving up money for a new suspension set up so I can do it again.

I don't care how well you have your GT5 set up. You can't simulate the feel of going balls to the walls down a straight at 120+mph then having to slam on the brakes for a chicane.
I'm a bit iffy on the whole 'what's included in the in-cabin view', for the simple reason of eye-focus and distance. Sitting in a car is one thing - you have different things at different distances away from you. The steering wheel and switchgear is at a different distance to the dash, which is at a different distance to the windshield...

I've never liked in-car views simply because you can't do it right on a flat screen, where everything is flat. In a real car, you don't look at the steering wheel - you look over it because it is lower than eye level. To look at it, you're looking down, and focusing closer. So to have an in-cabin view with a steering wheel painted onto the front of it (no matter how photo-realistic) to me is unrealistic, and it is a distraction to me, because it intrudes into my field of vision, which in a real car is spent looking through the windscreen at the road. I can look down at the gauges or down at the wheel, but when I'm looking through the windscreen, I'm never looking at the steering wheel.

Having a dashboard and other nice visuals at the bottom of the screen hinders your view of the road, as useable space on the screen is being taken up. I used to play MS flight-sim, and my biggest bugbear was that 80% of the screen is taken up by the cabin. You can't see where you're going. In a real plane this is not the case - you adjust your seat (i.e. point of view) to give you the best view out of the windshield, while allowing you to look down at the 'dash'.

Anything that puts the cabin on the screen with the forward view is going to eat up your field of vision, and I like my field of vision. Hence when I played GT, I always ran the bumper cam. Always.

While having the realistic cabins might be very nice to have (I'm not saying don't have them), I for one would find them annoying.

Also, as long as the game displays on a flat screen, it's always going to be less than it could be. In a real car you are constantly moving your head and eyes to look around. You focus on different distances as you're looking far ahead, close ahead, in your mirrors, at your dials... etc.

The only thing I could think of that would sufficiently model these things, and allow a realistic in-car view, would be to ditch the TV and run a setup through some sort of motion tracking VR headset. That way it could display an accurate field of vision, and move your viewpoint as you move your head. Difficulty factor: If you have to ask, you don't want to know.

But, I'm just being picky. I'd go more for field of view than visual eye-candy. There's no piont having a photorealistic dashboard if you can't see over it...
^^^That's what I've trying to say all along in this thread. You just did a hell of a better job than I did.:lol: Very good post! *thumbs up*
The problem with what I see in the Prologue images is that we get to see too much inside the car and not enough out the windscreen. It looks as if the camera's POV is behind where our real eyes would be reducing what is in front of us to a pretty small portion of the image. Maybe there are good reasons for doing this (use of the side mirrors, working gauges, etc), but I already have a wheel and two hands, so I don't need to see more on-screen.
I see we have two different complainst going, aside from the wheel/hands issue. You feel there is too much dashboard and not enough windshield. Others wasnt to completely see the mirror out of the side window. To remain realistic you have to make a compromise. If you clearly see teh side mirrors in every car than you will definitely see too much of the cabin. If you just see fropm the bottom of the dials to the top of the windshield you won't see any side mirrors at all.

All they need to do is move in a bit. We don't need to see the logos on the steering wheels, just the bottom of the gauges.
If you had this view then it isn't your real-life field of view, because I would have to bend down and lean forward to get this in my car. If you did thsi there would be no side periphery, which a hint of movement in the corner of my eye in real life makes me aware of a car coming up out of my blindspot.

The issue is becoming whether there should be a cockpit view from a focus point or from a full range field of view. Until I actually drive in-game I can't tell you what I would prefer, but if I were given a choice ahead of tiem I would choose realistic frame of view, because if you chose my focal point only then you wouldn't even have gauges visible, just top of the dash to the lip of the roof. Then what's the point?

I thought what they meant was that we could control that during the replay, if we're talking about the same thing.
That's how I understood it too.

Two questions;

1. Will PD be able to re-create every single one of the cockpits in time for the final GT5, especially if there is going to be as many cars in GT5 as in GT4? how many cars do you think is going to be in GT5?
Yes. I read an interview with KY where he discussed their image scanner they were using that allowed them to quickly scan the interior of every car and required little work rendering the final image.

2. Will PD be able to convert the speedometer in time for GT5:P?
What do you mean by convert? MPH to KPH and vice versa? If it is an in-cockpit view then it shouldn't change from what it really is. And many American cars have both on analog gauges and a way to switch on digital gauges, so I doubt they would have to do much anyway. Plus, from what I have seen it looks like you will still need to rely on the HUD gauges more than the actual cockpit gauges, or at least have the option.
Anyone else feels like the in-game Wheel is actually a nuisance? I've just started playing with my DFP and for some reason, i'm always put off by the wheel and the hands... they take away from my concentration because they don't follow what i'm doing with "My" wheel and hands... its hard to explain, but it sort of creates a paradox and its somehow confusing... besides, i have a wheel and hands in front of me... i don't need another one that moves slowly and totally not in pace with the car...

I wish there was the option of just making the wheel and hand disappear...
I lower my seat just low enough so my wheel lines up perfectly with the wheel in the game and match my hands up. It is a perfect match. Lots of fun.
I lower my seat just low enough so my wheel lines up perfectly with the wheel in the game and match my hands up. It is a perfect match. Lots of fun.

same here...and if you are only looking at the wheel ,or are destracted by it,you are not concentrated enough on your racing lines etc etc etc...:)

ask any real racing driver(i know a few,and they would say the same)if you are racing,your vision should be towards the next corner or opponent,not the wheel!!!:)

same here...and if you are only looking at the wheel ,or are destracted by it,you are not concentrated enough on your racing lines etc etc etc...:)

ask any real racing driver(i know a few,and they would say the same)if you are racing,your vision should be towards the next corner or opponent,not the wheel!!!:)


no you don't understand... what distracts me is the fact that i see two wheels moving at different intervals. I don't really look at the wheel, although i do look at my Revs, and that's enough to throw me off because the hands are literally too slow.

Anyways, i end up racing in the bumper cam instead, which works a lot better. But i wish i could have a closer camera in cockpit, without the in-game wheel.
If you had this view then it isn't your real-life field of view, because I would have to bend down and lean forward to get this in my car. If you did thsi there would be no side periphery, which a hint of movement in the corner of my eye in real life makes me aware of a car coming up out of my blindspot.

This is what I've mentioned before. The view from the cockpit you see in GT5 is pretty much what you see in real life, it just doesn't take account that everything surrounding the actual windscreen itself is peripheral vision when you're driving a real car. If you think about your actual peripheral vision you'll realise than when you're driving you *can* see the wheel, dashboard, side mirrors etc.

Basically what I'm trying to say is that the view is realistic.

Yes. I read an interview with KY where he discussed their image scanner they were using that allowed them to quickly scan the interior of every car and required little work rendering the final image.

Don't suppose you have a link to/copy of the interview do you? Sounds like quite an interesting method they use.
no you don't understand... what distracts me is the fact that i see two wheels moving at different intervals. I don't really look at the wheel, although i do look at my Revs, and that's enough to throw me off because the hands are literally too slow.

Anyways, i end up racing in the bumper cam instead, which works a lot better. But i wish i could have a closer camera in cockpit, without the in-game wheel.


The solution to all this is very simple.

Give people the option to adjust certain things, such as:
- turning the steering wheel on/off (like in LFS)
- seat position (front - back, up - down)
- vertical viewing angle
- turn on/of blur on the edges of your screen (to simulate the need to refocus your eyes to a side mirror, for example, by looking left or right)
- ...

That way nobody is disappointed and the real pro's can adjust the view exactly to their likings.
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Love it, feels like the games made around it. Only thing I want is drivers side wing mirror to be visible at all times.