The cockpit view,PD read!:)

Can't learn it through online translators :crazy:

"Gle , does not type imas li X360 plus are li playing TDU into a HD whole lookout super VGA , entertainment plus OK plus here does not have greske. Limit ici so that far away plus usporedjivati this hundred carry GT5P: with hereby had yet paint silly. In relation with this TDU had cak plus at an X360 cartoon. Then cak plus this cartoon up had render plus is not through gaming whilst have been whole ove nove soft drink imagery through GT5P: through gaming. Merely hundred lookout how many - that near site had in - soft drink into a PGR3 and vjerujem yes we do nor that into a nece to be los. Than , yet is required to be unprejudiced this hundred is doing Polyphony had tptalno without ovog lucid. Hard by mentioned of how ce quotes thing ici into a 1080p over fps , whilst had TDU just jostle fps into a 720p, whilst PGR4 announcing ultimately amply 720p (PGR3 been had upscalean at an 720p from an 576p), limit still into a merely fps. Super VGA have been mate voznje plus all at an ovom forum them tightly vole plus postulation , than this had yet with some other planet as compared to svime hundred percentages currently. PLUS of course , give my regards to each learner clanu through Trig colonize"

:crazy: :crazy: :crazy:

Oh man, that's so funny!:D :lol: :D
p.s. Croatian is a biatch to learn(even for croatians;)), rather learn japannese,at least you could understand what Kaz is saying!:P
p.p.s. In TDU driver takes his hand of the wheel for the gear changes.
p.p.p.s. Although car's interiours/exteriours look amazing, look at the surroundings,they are lacking in detail I think,a bit barren...hope that'll be addresed by the time the game comes out...:nervous:
Oh man, that's so funny!:D :lol: :D
p.s. Croatian is a biatch to learn(even for croatians;)), rather learn japannese,at least you could understand what Kaz is saying!:P
p.p.s. In TDU driver takes his hand of the wheel for the gear changes.
p.p.p.s. Although car's interiours/exteriours look amazing, look at the surroundings,they are lacking in detail I think,a bit barren...hope that'll be addresed by the time the game comes out...:nervous:

I agree some parts of the track lack in great detail, but if that's what it takes to have 16 cars of that detail, I'll take it.

The cars are the stars and they've never shined brighter
+I still can't figure out why didn't someone from the big studios like EA, or PD for that matter, hire those 3 geniuses that make LFS or at least buy the license for their physics/vehicle behaviour engine??💡

The LFS devs have been contacted by a big studio, but refused the offer.
I wish PD made the mirrors usable. In TDU you can actually see what happens behind you with a good amount of detail.

And also, in TDU the driver takes off his hand to shift gears
(except if the car has flippers (or how are they called?), then you can see him press those)
Dustdriver, speedfreak 69, I was more talking about the driver taking off his hands off the wheel not just to switch gears, but to shuffle the steering wheel. The GT:HD driver takes his hands off the wheel to switch gears and quickly change the direction of the car while drifting etc

The mirrors in GT5:P are useable, but they look to not have alot of detail. That's fine for me considering they have 16 cars on track in 1080p @ 60FPS.

How many cars does TDU have on track and in what resolution?

Seriously, you guys are acting like TDU is somehow close to being anywhere GT5:P is at.


I mean I'm not a graphics whore and I think TDU is probably a fun game, the graphics look decent enough, but it's no GT5:P. Let's not kid ourselves

EDIT: sacrifices have to be made. do you want TDU graphics but high detailed rear view mirrors? or do you want GT5 detail and poor rear view mirrors? rhetorical question if you ask me
I agree some parts of the track lack in great detail, but if that's what it takes to have 16 cars of that detail, I'll take it.
The cars are the stars and they've never shined brighter
I agree, I play LFS which honestly looks like an early PS2 game, but I don't mind, cuz it feels real and every corner you take(drift;))right puts a smile on your face. I'm certain that GT5(which is a year away probably) is going to feel just as good with amazing visuals on top of that! I just hope they've fired the sound guy/s and gonna do it right this time! Isn't it ironic that a stupid arcadey game like NFS has best engine sounds of all...:confused: :irked:
I'm not saying in any way TDU is comparable to GT5P.
But it's just a shame to have such beautiful graphics, but poor quality mirrors.
I've learned that in video games sacrifices have to be made.

We all want high detailed mirrors, changing weather, day to night changes, 16 cars, highly detailed cars, highly detailed tracks, tire marks that stay, huge billowing smoke effects, smart AI, damage that rivals TOCA, and the list goes on and on

PD won't be able to include all of that, unfortunatly. I like what they have included so far and I'm happy. Anything else is just icing
Earth: We're just dissecting and analasing parts of the game/engine/whatever,we're not comparing the two.

This games as a whole are totally different,and also, one is out for months already and the other is in development and won't be out for a year,so you can't really compare them.
Heh. The cockpit view looks nice for gt5p. TDU's cockpits have a very tight field of vision, making it hard to see in, so's I use bumpercam instead. PD's looks nice, and hopefully it'll be better that TDU's. As far as gameplay in TDU, btw, the lack of steering on the d-pad blows. If I'm too lazy to bust out the dfp, then I use d-pad. Forced to use the stick=ghey!
I've learned that in video games sacrifices have to be made.

We all want high detailed mirrors, changing weather, day to night changes, 16 cars, highly detailed cars, highly detailed tracks, tire marks that stay, huge billowing smoke effects, smart AI, damage that rivals TOCA, and the list goes on and on

PD won't be able to include all of that, unfortunatly. I like what they have included so far and I'm happy. Anything else is just icing

You speak the truth so does thee !.... 👍
I have to make a point about something.

Turn 10 was really slow to release screenies or videos of Forza 2, and when they did like a month before release, there were lots of issues which were fixed when the game shipped. There are still issues, just minor ones.

Who knows what stage of development Prologue is in? On top of that, it's not coming out till October at the earliest, and who knows when in the west? What's more, Prologue is just a demo, and Gran Turismo 5 proper will be out at the end of 2008 at the earliest, more than a year off. There is plenty of time to optimize and polish things on both offerings.
What is it with the wheel and hands thing for people? You want a cockpit, guess what's in it? A wheel, and hopefully when you are driving, your hands. The TDU video shows it and it isn't a distraction, F1:CE has it and it isn't a distraction.
It's not a distraction.

I'm just curious why some people are turned off by the wheel and hands thing. And for those that are; have you tried games that use them and found it just unplayable?
Yes, ToCA 3 has a good cockpit view with a reasonable FOV (it could be just a tad better).

The problem with what I see in the Prologue images is that we get to see too much inside the car and not enough out the windscreen. It looks as if the camera's POV is behind where our real eyes would be reducing what is in front of us to a pretty small portion of the image. Maybe there are good reasons for doing this (use of the side mirrors, working gauges, etc), but I already have a wheel and two hands, so I don't need to see more on-screen.


It's not a distraction.

Yes, ToCA 3 has a good cockpit view with a reasonable FOV (it could be just a tad better).

The problem with what I see in the Prologue images is that we get to see too much inside the car and not enough out the windscreen. It looks as if the camera's POV is behind where our real eyes would be reducing what is in front of us to a pretty small portion of the image. Maybe there are good reasons for doing this (use of the side mirrors, working gauges, etc), but I already have a wheel and two hands, so I don't need to see more on-screen.



You know what they say in NASCAR 8 wheels are better than 4.
Just think what you can do with 4 hands and 2 wheels.
SOme of you are forgetting that GT 5 Prologue isn't fully optimised, hence not everything will be perfect or close to it.
About the cockpit view, i think that many people are forgetting that when you're in a car you tend to be seated quite a distance from the steering wheel(for safety reasons), get in your car(or someone elses) look directly infront as if you were driving, now check your peripheral, you'd be amazed the amount of things that are actually in-view, you just don't focus on it while driving. As long as the digital pad on the wheel allows head turning, i'll live with that.

TDU in car view is nice, the shakey cam works rather nicely, but the blur effect leaves a lot to be desired.

That said, GT5 P/GT5 is pretty much going to bring it and HARD.
SOme of you are forgetting that GT 5 Prologue isn't fully optimised, hence not everything will be perfect or close to it.
We're forgetting nothing. We already have experience with Prologue, so we know changes to the final product will be made, maybe even major ones.


I'm with MasterGT. I think there's too much of the dash in view to be entirely realistic. Having said that though, it looks like I'd be happy with the driver cam position PD implemented above.

Woops, but I'm forgetting something. From Amar212's excellent thread:

"I talked to the guys that are working on it (GT5 Prologue) and that was all from the version coming out this November. And as far as going in and out of the car you can do that, you can play with the camera.."

It sounds like we'll be able to position the driver cam. If this is true, that will mean the end of driver view woes forever!
You could adjust your seat position (FOV) in TDU along with the amount of blur. I think its default camera was perfect.
I'm with MasterGT. I think there's too much of the dash in view to be entirely realistic.
All they need to do is move in a bit. We don't need to see the logos on the steering wheels, just the bottom of the gauges.

If the user has control over our "seat position", then that would probably work great, too.

"And as far as going in and out of the car you can do that, you can play with the camera.."

It sounds like we'll be able to position the driver cam.
I thought what they meant was that we could control that during the replay, if we're talking about the same thing.


We're forgetting nothing. We already have experience with Prologue, so we know changes to the final product will be made, maybe even major ones.



Im sure we know exactly whats going into GT5: Prologue, because we are in-effect, the producers/programmers working on this game :rolleyes:. Im sure we are entitled to our opinions, but GT5 Prologue was shown at E3, with only 6 cars...then the next week in Japan with 16? Oh look we all knew that beforehand didn't we? What experience do "we" have with GT5 Prologue? case and point, we only know what we've seen thus far. Obviously the code isn't fully optimised, else the online would have been stated as having 16 player online, but it doesn't.

All they need to do is move in a bit. We don't need to see the logos on the steering wheels, just the bottom of the gauges...



Think about that a bit, how do you see the gauges without seeing almost half the steering wheel, depending on the car and model. Ever been in an Infiniti G35, the steering wheel is one gaudy piece. While it's understandable, wanting a fully unobstructed viewing angle, driving a car is rarely unobstructed. Normal city and highway driving is more demanding than racing, in racing you have, crews giving you track position, cars in your closest proximity and the like. Heck audio cues such as loud exhaust tip you off as well. In a normal street car you have none of these things, just your mirrors. Ever had a car damn near dissappear, only to find out he's a few feet to the side, in your blindspot. B pillars, hinders lane changing slightly as do C pillars, the A pillars can do a number on you when turning corners. So I pretty much expected PD to try to authenticate driver position, from the looks of it they are almost right on, but the view indicates that the individual is about 5'9"-6'0", with the seat in the proper position. Essentially what Im saying is aunthenticity is golden, and if to be aunthentic PD has to include seeing a lot more steering wheel than you want, that they shall do. ( TBH no one drives with their faces right behind the wheel, you can see about 60% of your arms( 10 and 2 position) in normal everyday driving.

But we all love having options, so it's only fair they allow you to remove what you don't want in your field of view. I prefer to get the whole atmosphere done right. Just my copper rumblings.
Anyway, I think(judging by the new screenshots) that the FOV is just about right,but we really have to see it in motion, cuz (like I said in the first post) it can be really nice to look at, but terrible to drive from(TDU,DIRT)!:nervous: Still, I hope they've also captured the feeling and realistic g-force movement as well as the amazing detail of the interiours!💡
p.s. I'm starting to bore even my self bringing this up again:embarrassed: , but I really,really hope PD tryed LFS, that cockpit view is spot on(not graphically obviously,but feeling/imersion-wise)!👍
my optimum position would be only just seeing the top of the windscreen (smallest amount of roof lining so you dont get so much tunnel vision) and the lowest edge of the instument binnical with the clearest view of the dials (artistic shading/lighting permiting) so as to glance down and read the tach/speedo/other guages whilst racing.Also no steering wheel or hands when im using DFP as an option.
how do you see the gauges without seeing almost half the steering wheel, depending on the car and model.
You just answered your own question. As I said, all we need to see is the whole gauge.
Who needs to see anything below that? Seeing the bottom of the steering wheel will do no-one any good.


It's not a distraction.
It would be for me. FK or somebody mentioned on the first page about how when you are driving in real life, you won't be looking at your hands or the wheel, which is true. But when all of that is on my TV screen, my eyes will not focus the same way they do, when I'm looking at the car in front of me, then some, when I'm actually driving a real car.
The view from that pic we've all seen is great,BUT(and it's a big but)we haven't seen it in motion. My point is, TDU(test drive unlimited) has equaly impressive interiours, but it's terrible to drive from, almost vomit inducing, with it's lagging, sort of drunk head movements!:crazy:

Uh...yes it has been posted in motion. Sadly, in an automatic Nissan Z.
First people want **** pit views in the game and now everyone is complaining about field of vision. Seriously guys, the only way you're going to get the same or closed to the same FOV as in a real car is if TV companies starts making wider aspect ratio Televisions.

I understand there are things that can be done to improve FOV in a game when racing in cockpit view but it can only go so far before it becomes unrealistic. people say to move the camera up closer to the steering wheel to improve the FOV but then you'll be driving 1" away from the steering wheel and won't be able to see the side mirrors or the cars passing you on the left.

If you want a wider FOV then PD will have to make the game in an extremely wide aspect ratio. Then they can extend the FOV side to side and make some people happy while pissing off other people because now there's a black bar on the top and bottom of their screen. :lol:

I'm not trying to step on anyone's toes. Just stating my opinion on certain things. You can't expect to see out of a 16x9 screen as well as you can see out of your windshield and side windows when you're driving your car.

Edit: What the heck? Why is **** censored? It's just another name for a rooster.
If you want a wider FOV then PD will have to make the game in an extremely wide aspect ratio. Then they can extend the FOV side to side and make some people happy while pissing off other people because now there's a black bar on the top and bottom of their screen. :lol:

Why? But 3PS3, 3 games and 2 new HD TV's and you're ready to go.. Racing is not a cheap sport, not even in virtual life..
Which raises a point... GT5 needs a better way of doing the multi-monitor setup or the quick-look to the side.
Looking off to the side at 90* just doesn't cut it, the way it is right now.


Two questions;

1. Will PD be able to re-create every single one of the cockpits in time for the final GT5, especially if there is going to be as many cars in GT5 as in GT4? how many cars do you think is going to be in GT5?

2. Will PD be able to convert the speedometer in time for GT5:P?