The "conspiracy" conspiracy


Think about. Is there an underground elite clan out there who's sole purpose is to propose conspiracies about things to make the world more interesting? Are there people out there only want to screw with out minds and keep us wondering, and start flame wars? It would be almost as big as the Illuminati, especially if they were responsible for all the major conspiracies (moon landing, Area 51, 9/11, Titanic Saddam Hussein, Star Trek).

What if it was a highly funded and very creative agency hired by the government to seed out those of "weak faith" in the "system"? It could be anything, you never know. What if they're aliens?

What if they came here and taught us everything we knew, and then infiltrated all the major organizations, only to have little "splinter cells" form and try to tell us the truth?
Sort of a "Unified Theory of Conspiracy Theories", huh? I like it.

Maybe Jordan could create a Conspiracy forum. I'm sure it would be a big hit.
Think about. Is there an underground elite clan out there who's sole purpose is to propose conspiracies about things to make the world more interesting? Are there people out there only want to screw with out minds and keep us wondering, and start flame wars? It would be almost as big as the Illuminati, especially if they were responsible for all the major conspiracies (moon landing, Area 51, 9/11, Titanic Saddam Hussein, Star Trek).

What if it was a highly funded and very creative agency hired by the government to seed out those of "weak faith" in the "system"? It could be anything, you never know. What if they're aliens?

What if they came here and taught us everything we knew, and then infiltrated all the major organizations, only to have little "splinter cells" form and try to tell us the truth?

Effectively making this thread the conspiracy conspiracy conspiracy?
If you follow the logical course of this thread, it gets back to Danoff's thread of "I think therefore I am"

Of course there are conspiracy people out there. Look at the garbage that came out of the media coverage of the aftermath of hurricane Katrina. Half of what we heard was lies.

But I don't think that there's an "Illuminati" like group running everything.
Time is conspiracy... I swear to god sometimes I look at my watch and 5 min. goes by but it actually reads 1hr. has passed. WTF? :dopey:
If you follow the logical course of this thread, it gets back to Danoff's thread of "I think therefore I am"

Of course there are conspiracy people out there. Look at the garbage that came out of the media coverage of the aftermath of hurricane Katrina. Half of what we heard was lies.

But I don't think that there's an "Illuminati" like group running everything.

That's what your kind wants us to think. You're probably a part of it.
Did he write a book?

If not, then the illuminati has nothing to do with Machiavelli.

Nop its an album of him. Released after his death.

"Makaveli The Don" - Killuminati: The 7 Dayz Theory.

He does have red the book about Machiavelli when he was in prison and one theory says that he did wanted to do the same thing that Machiavelli done. I mean, telling that he's dead but he aint. Whatever... Its complicated...
Not really, it's also pretty typical. I read some 10 page article on him a while ago. Frankly, I don't think issueing false medical documents and police reports is a legal prank to pull, especially when millions of people know who he is...

Or they just want you to think that.
Not really, it's also pretty typical. I read some 10 page article on him a while ago. Frankly, I don't think issueing false medical documents and police reports is a legal prank to pull, especially when millions of people know who he is...

Or they just want you to think that.

Its all about the government dude...


Well like I said, I'm working on some documentation with my friend that could prove that he is. WE BELIEVE that he is, probably not you, but we found numerous points that proves that this has no sense at all.

For my part, HE IS ALIVE !!!
AHAHAHAHAHA good one dude lol
Dude, I took that photo last week! Anyways, CSIS sent me in to expose the truth. They believe it's about time this information got leaked.

And 9/11? The US Government had nothing to do with it. Same goes to the "Turrurists" that Bush seems to hate. The event was staged by a group of disgruntled Canadian aerospace engineers. There was another incident where a canadian aero company (shall remain nameless) designed an incredibly powerful fighter jet that could easily be compared to a modern Avro Arrow. Unfortunately, due to major pressure from the US Government, the project was forced to be scrapped. When ordered to destroy the prototypes, the engineers decided to get crafty and take their anger out on the US. A few beers later, they were stripped of all tracking devices used by the Canadian Air Force to track their stealth aircraft. Within a matter of hours, they were airborne and nothing could be done. In order to ensure friendly relations with the world, the Canadian Prime Minister, Jean Chretien decided to keep his mouth shut. The guilt is the reason he retired in 2003.

You really should try to look closely at some of the photos. It's amazing how much they give away
Dude, I took that photo last week! Anyways, CSIS sent me in to expose the truth. They believe it's about time this information got leaked.

And 9/11? The US Government had nothing to do with it. Same goes to the "Turrurists" that Bush seems to hate. The event was staged by a group of disgruntled Canadian aerospace engineers. There was another incident where a canadian aero company (shall remain nameless) designed an incredibly powerful fighter jet that could easily be compared to a modern Avro Arrow. Unfortunately, due to major pressure from the US Government, the project was forced to be scrapped. When ordered to destroy the prototypes, the engineers decided to get crafty and take their anger out on the US. A few beers later, they were stripped of all tracking devices used by the Canadian Air Force to track their stealth aircraft. Within a matter of hours, they were airborne and nothing could be done. In order to ensure friendly relations with the world, the Canadian Prime Minister, Jean Chretien decided to keep his mouth shut. The guilt is the reason he retired in 2003.

You really should try to look closely at some of the photos. It's amazing how much they give away

It's stupid to think that the world is conspiracy free, the world isn't that normal, there are things that are hidden from the general public, more so for their own safety.