The Corporation.

  • Thread starter milefile
The corporation is its own organism. Perhaps another species further evolved than humans. This corporation has humans instead of cells. It is omniscent and indestructible. It can only really be destroyed by another corporation.

Another reference to "1984" The book. The party is immortal and is alive as only an ideology. Therefore it is indestructible.

Its like, if you had an amoeba floating aimlessly. It knows it could easily die, if a slight increase in temerature occured. Now, that single celled animal, would probably choose to become part of a full organism. In a full organism, this single cell, may be somewhere in the bottom of it's foot. But being there it is ensured longevity, and security. All of these cells are living and dying to keep the whole organism alive. Pretty soon, all of these cells floating around realize they have no choice but to assimilate into an organism, to be able to survive.

I have just described the evolution from single celled organism's into the first multi celled organisms. It is, of course, a juxtaposition of the corporate world, if you will. The single human "cell" will soon realize it has no chance on its own. It must assimilate into a corporation. Its sort of the bitter reality.

I actually find this to be a perfect analogy.

The corporation, among the humans. It is almost like the newest form of life. It exists, completely dependant on humans, but we humans are completely dependant on our cells. They come and go, but the human keeps on living, relatively indestructable from certain perspectives.
Originally posted by 12sec. Civic

The corporation, among the humans. It is almost like the newest form of life. It exists, completely dependant on humans

This seems to be the crux of your point, and it is totally wrong. Illustrate your point in some, non-cellular, way. Show how corporations exist independent of human beings.
The corporation is its own organism. Perhaps another species further evolved than humans. This corporation has humans instead of cells. It is omniscent and indestructible. It can only really be destroyed by another corporation.

Corporations do become thier own entity like a building, book, atwork, or theory, but they are in no way above people. They are run by people, created by people, and die at the hands of people (not necessarily through other corporations).
I didn't say it was independant of the humans. I said DEPENDANT on humans.

This is a rock solid analogy:

Humans are to Corporations
Cells are to Organisms

That is what my previous post was saying, whether or not I spelled it out clearly enough. Thats what I meant.
Originally posted by 12sec. Civic
I didn't say it was independant of the humans. I said DEPENDANT on humans.

This is a rock solid analogy:

Humans are to Corporations
Cells are to Organisms

That is what my previous post was saying, whether or not I spelled it out clearly enough. Thats what I meant.

I misread. Sorry.
Until the last few days, I didn't see the forums as a good thing.

It was kind of my guilty pleasure, to come and piss away an hour here.

But I never even thought of going into the opinions thread. I don't know why. I love to have debates with people around me. And its WAY better having debates, where technically ANYONE from ANYWHERE in the world can join.

I dont think most people realize how amazing the internet is.

It could be the greatest single "invention" of all time.

Of course it depends on other inventions, but I mean, think about the difference between now and 50 years ago.

I love all of you people.
I love to have debates with my mother. My grandpa died 2 years before I was born. Apparently he was always on the search for people to debate with in his sleepy Saskatchewan farm town.

I don't know what he would do if he ever got a hold of the internet.

Not just for debating reasons. But, with the internet nearby, every human can learn anything they want in under an hour basically.
Originally posted by milefile
Awww... :embarrassed:


I am just as amazed by the power of the internet. I know exactly what you mean.

I love everyone, but I love people that are always trying to learn and be generally inquisitive.

Stagnant people really bother me. They are essentially dead.

Einstein says it best. I can't remember the quote, but the rough message was:

Amazement and wonder, are the greatest things we can feel.....anyone who has lost the ability to be amazed are as good as dead, a snuffed out candle.

I would try and find the quote but I am supposed to be studying for a Calculus final exam that is in 3 hours.......
Originally posted by danoff
Humans do become thier own entity like a building, book, atwork, or theory, but they are in no way above cells. They are run by cells, created by cells, and die at the hands of (groups of cells, another organism, or a single cell like a disease)

Also, I understand, that corporations do not ONLY get defeated by other corporations. But can you defeat Microsoft. Not on your own, you little ameoba you.
Not on your own, you little ameoba you.

Don't underestimate me. I could invent a new operating system that usurped Windows, create my own company and put them out of business. All through my own steam. If people worked for me it would only be because I was paying them to - which is still me.
The people working for a corporation are just doing to get paid. There are still the main people that run the company.

But the people who run the company are amoebas with the people working for the corporation who get paid who are cells... What?