The Crew® 2 Photo Mode Thread

  • Thread starter torque99


Yesterday evening, trying to get used to how to zoom/angle the camera and the settings to get the sharpest 3840x2160 (PS4 Pro) photos (without jaggies). I am not sure which ones to post in here!! (all will be in my thread over time) so I will post/share them here as well initially. Great game the further you get in to the events. The boats out at sea look amazing. The sunsets, fog and lighting looks stunning sometimes. :drool:
pt i

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Great shots @Miths I am only taking them to practice the settings as I have a few days off work, next i will concentrate on grinding races for some more $$ So I will slow down now as back to work. I have taken quite a few again though ! These are the latest. I was planning today to take only 4 of the nissan but ended up with 20+ photos! (Many opportunities and it is addictive finding new spots on the map)

Last few :ill: (Latest set) now off to catch up with World Cup Footy and then back to work :) Enjoyed all the vehicles and all the changes from Crew1. Long term, this should keep me going in between other racing games hopefully right up to FH4 release ! :cheers:
pt ii

Little tip if you have a widescreen monitor/TV/Tablet on GTP this setting is great as it allows the photos to go larger than 800px. I found it a while ago but keep forgetting to post it as a reminder to others. 👍
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The amount of jaggies this game has can be kind of annoying when using the photomode, but it's definitely still enjoyable. Just a few shots to test out the photomode, should hopefully have some more later..if I can just get my Xboxdvr to let me download them!


