The Crew 2 Official Game Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter dice1998
I thought they were fixing the wall riding. Or am I thinking of Horizon? I know they both have the same issue.
Still a bit salty the Evo seemingly doesn't come in Rallycross spec. Hopefully it will down the line.

That said, Corvette; how much do you want to bet I can predict which livery will be the most popular? Still, glad to see it return.

As for the earlier discussion, I'm fairly certain they did "fix" the wall riding - by making even the lightest of brushes slow you to a halt.

Also, yup, it's tires and smoke effects that you can also just buy with Crew Credits. Also Spare Parts could prove interesting.
Still a bit salty the Evo seemingly doesn't come in Rallycross spec. Hopefully it will down the line.
I'm very certain it will.

That said, Corvette; how much do you want to bet I can predict which livery will be the most popular? Still, glad to see it return.
It was already in the game, but only as a Touring Car, which was weird. Glad to see the Street version come back.
locking cars behind Icon ranks in TC2".

I hate that... I wanted to buy Ferrari LaFerrari, and i haven't went above 200 icon level since game launched... That sucked. Is there any why to farm this fame points without killing my brain by doing same single thing for hours?
Following the substantial Hot Shots Update, The Crew 2 will be free-to-play this weekend.

For those of us with the game already, the update is a whopping ~15GB across all platforms. It comes with a whole host of tweaks and improvements, including new activities, some visual enhancements and physics changes. You can find the rather sizable patch notes below:

I hate that... I wanted to buy Ferrari LaFerrari, and i haven't went above 200 icon level since game launched... That sucked. Is there any why to farm this fame points without killing my brain by doing same single thing for hours?
Unfortunately, no. You could put all your skill points into the Popularity perk, but it really doesn't do much at low levels. I just passed Icon 150 and what I'm doing is just grinding for parts for my rides so they're maxed out. My favorite grinder is the Demo Derby events, they never get old :)

PvP does give you a bit more followers than the actual events, and you probably get more if you finish in the podium.
The new update is available for download now. It is 14.823 GB on PS4. Maintenance is planned for about three next two and a half hours.
Does anyone knows how much costs Elite Bundle for this update? I mean in Bucks not crew credits.

Unfortunately, no. You could put all your skill points into the Popularity perk, but it really doesn't do much at low levels. I just passed Icon 150 and what I'm doing is just grinding for parts for my rides so they're maxed out. My favorite grinder is the Demo Derby events, they never get old :)

PvP does give you a bit more followers than the actual events, and you probably get more if you finish in the podium.

Well.. I should forget my favorite LaFerrari. 499 Pista should be good replacement xD
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Quick thoughts on the update:
  • Weather cycle: they weren't lying when they said they'd improved it. Considering I'd almost forgotten the weather was dynamic, nevermind that it could snow, and I happened to come across all possible weather patterns in a few hours? It's definitely better than before.
  • The Bugattis are utterly ridiculously expensive. We're talking proper pride-and-accomplishment levels of BS here.
  • Spare parts is alright. Modifying affixes gets fairly expensive pretty quickly, though, so keep an eye on that.
  • Vanity items: god I hope they've thought of adding bog-standard white-lettering tyres for reasons of improving literally every single muscle car in the game.
  • Speaking of muscle cars, they're still hopelessly unbalanced for Street Race.
  • Liveries on windows - why not? *Might* be reason enough for me to completely rejig my rally cars. It'll be a pain, but it *might* be worth it.
  • The Summit itself? S'alright. Nothing spectacular, and nothing that - in and of itself - will keep me engaged for hours.
  • Speaking of Summits, if anyone's seen the many videos floating around of "last week's Summit", RALLYCROSS IS FINALLY GETTING AN EVENT OUTSIDE THE ARENAS AND IT'S ON ONE OF THE BETTER RALLY ROADS.
I'm still grinding up after buying the Chiron :)

And as for the Summit: I know I already played it in their Test Server, and it's basically the same thing. The 'Bishi and 'Vette are amazing additions, love them both. Plus, if you can't get Premium in next week's Summit, you can pretty much turn the base Evo into a cheap version of the Red Fury.
Loving the patch so far I started with 20mil now im down to 9 that new HC lambo is crazy fun to drive :).I started doing a few SC races just to see what leader board times I could get after the wipe and had a 2nd and 3rd overall the 3rd was behind my m8 in 2nd :) the summit was fun I got into platinum but still have a mustang air race to try and if you try the escape event take a very hard left it maybe better. And what's with the beta cars I didn't get time to test one??
See, that's the thing - I haven't even bought the Chiron yet.

I blame a combination of having put everything I can towards getting Followers in an attempt to get that snowball rolling (if it's any consolation, this doesn't magically get better once you reach Icon 500), getting distracted by plenty other "ooh-shinies" whenever I had the money, and just generally not having played an awful lot recently, never mind with a considerable focus on making money.

Also I forgot to mention there's a new two-players-required-but-it's-outside-the-usual-hotspots-so-good-luck-with-randoms photo thingy. I'm here if you want me.
Hey, does anyone else here play TC2 on Xbox One? I may need some more friends to play with since the playerbase here is kinda barren (plus FH4 has probably stolen away a vast majority of it too).
So, I've noticed a few things:

1. I feel like the handling has been significantly improved. Cars feel a bit more planted than they used to be. Or maybe it feels like the wings are actually doing something now. Don't know. Feels better.

2. Everything looks better. Like, I've noticed light reflections on wet roads and I don't know if those were there before.

3. The Spyker can be liveried.

4. The Escalade has visual upgrades!

5. In fact, lots of cars got lots more visual upgrades.
So, I've noticed a few things:

1. I feel like the handling has been significantly improved. Cars feel a bit more planted than they used to be. Or maybe it feels like the wings are actually doing something now. Don't know. Feels better.

Yep, the patch notes did mention some vehicles got a significant rework, particularly the Rallycross and Monster Truck classes. Other than that, I don't feel a massive change but cars steer more from the front than the centre, as they should.

However, the real improvements can be found with the "Beta Handling" cars. I only took the C63 for a spin and discovered a significant difference; the front wheels feel far more connected to the road and the floaty feel associated with the handling model has been virtually eliminated. The car still gets quite slidey if you make quick directional changes at high speed, but cars definitely feel more stable if you drive with controlled inputs. I'm intrigued to hear what others think, particularly @ImaRobot as you've really shown your disdain towards the current handling model. ;)

PSA: You can test drive the Beta Handling Model cars at the Street Racing HQ if you do not wish to buy them.
I'm intrigued to hear what others think, particularly @ImaRobot as you've really shown your disdain towards the current handling model. ;)
Awwww, you remembered! :lol:

I'm not sure when I'll get around to it because I'm playing Mortal Kombat 11, The Division 2, and Anthem currently, but I'll see to reinstalling it this weekend and maybe give it a shot.
Awwww, you remembered! :lol:

When you ranked The Crew 2 above Need For Speed 2015 in terms of racing games with the worst handling model, that left a permanent image in my memory! :lol:

I'm pretty optimistic things have changed so I thought I'd consult you to see if TC2 is no longer worth the dubious honor. ;)
Awwww, you remembered! :lol:

I'm not sure when I'll get around to it because I'm playing Mortal Kombat 11, The Division 2, and Anthem currently, but I'll see to reinstalling it this weekend and maybe give it a shot.

The Crew 2 > Anthem. But...that's not really saying much.

I'm enjoying the new shortened weather. It's always a surprised what weather is persisting every time I come out of the preset races.
Would anyone care to share their G29 settings with me please?
On PS4 and struggling to find a good update set of values.
Google data is out of date.
Thanks in advance.
I've notice some things with the summit that are well, exploits.

Since the use of "Planes" it gives skills an unfair advantage by switching at the right time to the required "Spec" before the skill.

For me personally I would like to see the summit be where you have loner car/plane/boat where everyone is on the same page and can adjust settings at max level.
I've notice some things with the summit that are well, exploits.

Since the use of "Planes" it gives skills an unfair advantage by switching at the right time to the required "Spec" before the skill.
Looks like legit tactic, fastfav make sense now. As long as everyone have at least one plane.

For me personally I would like to see the summit be where you have loner car/plane/boat where everyone is on the same page and can adjust settings at max level.
Affixless pvp wasn't enough? Lets kill progression completly

Score somewhere between 1500 and 2000 without maxed airrace, rallyraid and drift vehicles.
Would anyone care to share their G29 settings with me please?
On PS4 and struggling to find a good update set of values.
Google data is out of date.
Thanks in advance.
Well you cant do a lot I just lower the streeing ratio too 300 on my t300 I think the g29 has a ffb in reverse bug
You know, trying this again on the free weekend, I gotta say

For something seemingly so simple, I'm actually fairly surprised to see a racing game include colored tires as a customization option, kinda odd how rare it is, actually.
Ok I'm so out of touch with, well, basically all of my newer games, TC2, RDR2, FH4 mainly because of Elite Dangerous making a comeback into my life.

What have I missed? I haven't even tried the demolition derby thing yet. In fact the last thing I tried were the Hovercraft races.