The Crew 2 Official Game Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter dice1998
It only seems to be an issue when I try it pvp other players are behind me before the jump then I get landed on or passed mid air lol crazy game ;)
I just got an email. wouldn't happen to know if that mail's coming to the mail that's linked to your Ubisoft account thingy or the mail that's linked to the whatever you play on? 'Cause if it's the earlier, I'll keep my hopes up for a little longer.

Does it say when you'd get to test it?
It says testing starts tomorrow to the 25th.

..given that sort of time scale and the current lack of Ubi-mails in my inbox, I'm guessing this is payback for the extreme get-to-try-things-early luck I had in '17. You win some, you lose some..

Do let us know if it's awesome and something the playerbase at large will benefit from.
Well, I can't tell you much about what it's like since it's the same setup as the closed beta. But I'll let you know if it's a good update to look forward to.
I wanted that to be a surprise
We all expected Summit 2.0, this was gamechanger for The Crew 1. Actually, I asked at Crew 2 public in VK about is it Summit 2 and some guy said it is. Also, something else should return, but he doesnt said what it is.
..Summit 2.0.. that's about all I needed to know.

As for the "something else should return" bit, I wonder if it's a particular feature people have been asking for pretty much since the game launched and may or may not involve race routes that aren't made by the developers? I mean, it's either that or something that goes nee-naa/woo-woo* and puts NFS out of business, and I'm not sure which I'd rather see make a return right around now.**

*I guess it could technically be the abandoned cars or not-radio towers, but I'm not sure how or why they'd introduce either of those at this stage of the game's lifetime.
**actually, if the nee-naas can be liveried up and we get more space for liveries, it's a much easier choice.
**actually, if the nee-naas can be liveried up and we get more space for liveries, it's a much easier choice.
Or, if we could possibly modify our cars with nee-naa parts...

Anyway, I don't think I'm going to mess around in the test build since you basically have to re-download the WHOLE game again, and I don't have the patience for that. At least I looked at the patch notes, though...

I just let the download go through the day while I was at work and it finished when I got back :)
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We all expected Summit 2.0, this was gamechanger for The Crew 1. Actually, I asked at Crew 2 public in VK about is it Summit 2 and some guy said it is. Also, something else should return, but he doesnt said what it is.

To be honest i would prefer Calling All Units style of new content... This game begs for some Police action (especially that recent NFS games aren't good)

Not really, mostly balancing stuff. Will be more changes with April patch

I hope they will fix advantage of Bikes and Lambo Huracan. You can't really compete with anything else.
More leaks:
Cayman GT4
Lancer X

Weekly summit and PvP rewards, affix reroll, new events, physics redone.
MR track car
the least popular Lan-Evo
concept hypercar

Blegh. I know it's free, but the DLC cars for this game are so lame.
To which deity need I offer every goat in the world to make sure #2 comes in Rallycross spec for reasons of rally heritage?

Also hopefully the reworked physics will help balance the Street Race category. The Huracan may be OP, but anything that isn't blessed with the modern-sports-car handling model is basically useless. I'm all for a bit of variety in the handling department, but the extent to which things like muscle cars and TVR Griffiths are hopelessly left behind is staggering.
I'm actually excited by the leaks, I'm looking forward to...

... Trying out 3 of the 5 cars. I'd imagine 2 of them will be freebies for Season Pass holders, but I can't imagine the Divo being one of them. A physics redux is a game changer, interested to see what direction the game heads in from now on.
Lamborghini Egoista is ugly then again I cant wait to drive it and treat it like a fighter jet.

I sure do hope Cops make a come back at least!!
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Beat some dude in pvp tonight he was lvl 1700 ….good grief penfold
original_crikey-penfold-danger-mouse-mug.jpg I've just noticed something in the post on the next update, and I'm not 100% sure what to make of it just yet:

Obtaining a Platinum medal will always earn you an exclusive reward. The last Live Summit of every month will up the stakes, to reward all Platinum medals with an exclusive vehicle!, if it's a thing much like either the Season Pass where you get a vehicle free of charge and the rest'll have to wait a little while to buy it with money or the Forza Editions/NFSPB abandoned cars where it's just a slightly upgraded version, that's fine. I can live with that.

While what trailers have been released at this point (featuring an Evo X with red lights and a Focus RX that shoots electricity from the tyres - there's a Spyro joke in there somewhere) and previous history suggests any of the former is most likely, their usage of the word "exclusive" - combined with how the game manages vehicles - is just vague enough that this might also include genuinely unique vehicles that'll only ever be available to anyone who Platinums the Summits and tough luck to anyone else.

I guess time will have to tell on that account.

As for the Summits that don't reward you with a vehicle but some exclusive reward anyway, that could be where stuff like the headlight glow and tyre "smoke" comes into play - perhaps a few exclusive clothing items because that's a thing people care about in their driving games.
I would be still interested if some of the things that were in TC 1 in this one.
Because who would love to take 2000 miles on dirt for a new license plate?
I may check it out again once update hits but to me, I think TC 2 is a flop.
..there is definitely a point to be made that QoL isn't the game's strongsuit, and I question Summit 2.0 (as in the actual events) is going to change that. PvP was supposedly a big thing, but here we are, barely anything has changed, nevermind changed for the better of the game.

And when I say "QoL needs to be better", I don't mean "please lock more items behind ridiculous grind walls like they did with the things in TC1 and is currently doing with locking cars behind Icon ranks in TC2". I mean more like the exact opposite. Realize that TC2 - if it wanted to - could be a 🤬 fantastic sandbox, and embrace that.

It's beginning to feel a lot like GTA Online circa 2016. And that's concerning.
Since when did parked cars become immovable objects? I was doing PvP races for a Contract and they just stopped me dead.