This is what they changed. It used to be possible to vote for friends if you agreed a time to submit the entry, because your entry always appeared in the show around 10 mins after submitting it (longer at busy time when lots of people were submitting entries). They appear to have now made it random when vehicles appear, which has stopped the organised groups of friends from getting lots of votes, but hasn't really helped anyone else. The top 10 contains many completely unremarkable vehicles.
I've been trying the lossless scaling app with the game on PC. It lets you run at high frame rates by creating intermediate frames. It has to be said, the difference between 60 and 240fps is absolutely stunning (on a 360hz monitor), I wish I could somehow let you all see just how incredible the difference is. Even just looking around the custom show, the difference is incredible. I don't think it gives a competitive advantage, because it makes input lag worse, but everything looks so much clearer, and it's so much less fatiguing. There are some visual artifacts, but overall what it's doing is like some sort of voodoo magic, the results are so good, bearing in mind it does it for any game with no support from the game whereas DLSS frame generation only works for specific games that give it the additional help it needs.