The ctrl+v thread!

  • Thread starter sn00pie
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In order to understand gravity as an electro-magnetic phenomena, we must first separate the primary cause and effect form the secondary and tertiary effects. Included in these secondary and tertiary effects are curved space, red shift, and time dilation. Implicit in the term "Electrogravitics" is the assumption that electro-magnetism is the root cause of the gravitational effect. This assumption is not new. Both James C. Maxwell and Michael Faraday believed in the electro-magnetic basis of gravitational interactions, though neither was able to marshal the needed experimental evidence or mathematical models to prove their assertion. Many key pieces of supporting evidence and physical models required to understand the nature of gravity did not exist until the beginning of the 20th century.
1. Does this bassist have a sexy image for our band?
2. Do you think he could play the bass well?
3. Would you throw your underwear at him in a live concert?

Haha, those were my survey questions for my film in drama. :lol:
Take away the pain,
I'll never see the way,
You live so vain,
But you Live Today.
So she ****ed you over
And stabbed you in the back,
And now you're sober,
Desperate to get back on track.

Don't ask....
This mission is, in my opinion, one of the best in the entire game. Why? Meh,
who knows? It’s just fun! Anyway, you’ll find the gang waiting for you when you
take the elevator down. Follow them to the end of the hall and ride the left
down below.

Head down the hallway and you’ll encounter a Metal Head to your left. Take it
down before Krew’s guys pee their pants. A few more resides in the room just
ahead, so take them out or your buddies won’t go inside. After your three pals
enter the room, a bunch of MH’s will start to climb down the walls. Take them
out as fast as possible and make sure they don’t get anywhere near your
escorts, as they only have limited defensive skills.

When you’ve taken them all out, one of the punks will step out and blow away
the garbage blocking your path onwards. Take cover with the other two to avoid
being hit by any flying debris. Once the path is clear, you can head forward
and take down the Metal Heads that lurk ahead. Do it quickly, though, because
some MH’s will also appear from behind you.

When the area is cleared, you can head up to the top and ride the lift down to
the ground level. In the area ahead, I like to hop onto my Jet-Board and ride
to the first dry area to take down the two MH’s that will appear, then hustle
back and help out the straggler with the two that attack him.

The path forward is blocked by Metal Heads using their "beams of death". Since
your buddies are much too scared to go on, you need to go in solo and take down
the MH’s. Just jump over the beams and start shooting once you get in range.
After the first group goes down, though, a second will appear to your left.
Apply the same tactics and shoot them down quickly, then rejoin your buddies.

Keep up with Krew’s guys and you’ll have to stop to blow open another
blocked-off passage. Unfortunately, the explosion pisses off a legion of Metal
Heads, so they decide to come and kill you! Whip out your Vulcan and keep
shooting, making sure nothing gets behind you to attack your pals. If you run
out of ammo, use either Dark Jak or your Scatter Gun, as the Blaster Weapon
won't be very useful against so many foes all at once.

When the area is finally cleared, head into the tunnel you just blew open and
you’ll come to the statue. Congrats on a job well done! On your way out, Krew
will contact you and tell you about a gun upgrade stashed in the port. Go find
Cartwheels4amile: im gonna get it this weekend
transmetalzero: ?
Cartwheels4amile: grand theft auto liberty city stories
Cartwheels4amile: it just came out today
transmetalzero: no thanks
Cartwheels4amile: why?
Cartwheels4amile: its gonna pwn
transmetalzero: no viloent games
Cartwheels4amile: HAHAHHAHAHA
The Turbonator is much less expensive and more efficient than any turbocharger, supercharger, blower, or intercooler.



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Big deal, my dad often farts in his sleep, though he enjoys farting more when he's awake so he can see/hear/smell them.

Come to think of it, my whole family farts. I try my best to make as much noise as possible, but to make it sound good. I'd take a high-pitched, smooth sounding fart over the "cards in the spokes" sounding ones.

You see, there's really a technical side of farting. It depends on what you're after: Loud but odorless, quiet but very hazardous, or loud and hazardous. This is all variable depending on A. How long you hold onto your gas. B. How hard you push it out. and C. Your position.

For the loud but stinkless ones, sit on a wooden chair or a hard floor, something that will magnify your noise. You also will need to quickly rid the gas, so when you feel it, quickly get into position and rip it off.
For the quiet but horrible smelling, you'll need to hold onto your gas till it hurts. Then you'll need to stratigically release it at a point where no one hears it. This is best done in a loud environment or by hiding it behind a sneeze, cough, or whatever you can do. You can also, ehm, "open wide" to just release the gas in 1 big volume.
For the loud and smelly, just hold the gas for as long as you can, then use the same steps as in the loud but odorless farting process.

For a maga fart bomb, get in a closed pool, like a hot tub or jaccusi. If done correctly, you can fart underwater which will form a very toxic gas bubble. It'll rise to the surface, detonate(pop) and the smell will be highly concentraited and horrible.

This message is by your friendly nieghborhood GTP mod, MazKid.

This is .......uh.......strangely informative.
This is almost as good as Boombexus' "laid quote".

FFS, how about a thread about someone scoring? Huh? That would be f'ing awesome! Some threads about positive results!

Tell ya what, I'll start. I got laid last night. Yep! Not once, not twice, but three ****in times last night. It was a god damn marathon of animalistic sex. I hit that **** doggy style. I tapped that **** side ways. I pinned her legs up by her ears and hit it that way too!
Did I stop and make a thread asking if this chic is sending me signs that she wants to do me? **** NO! I took a chance, followed my dick and what do ya know?!?! SCORE!!!

Grow some ball's kiddies and quit askin us what's up and go find out for yourself.

That is all.

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