This post is a response to a driving style comment I made, in the following thread;
Now, this is to discribe my recent tune for the
Lamborghini Murcielago LP 640 '09
The specific 'style' I'm talking about, is the combination of drifting and regular street racing. It involves cars that are naturally heavy in the rear, or constantly have the ass end buck out. Normally this is an annoying feature, and can get you in trouble often. Normally, you would tune it out if possible.
In the case of this Murcielago, it actually wasn't that bad to begin with. During my tuning process, I actually
added some rear end shift to cause this 'defect'. The purpose is obvious, to create turns that you normally only see when doing drifting races. This can cut 1/2 seconds here and there, and ultimately cut full seconds off your overall lap times.
Here's some examples in Tokyo;
Here, I'm throwing the ass end out before the turn. This is done to prevent the need to slow down, and create a faster base speed when the turn is done and the LSD kicks in for accelerating.
Here, I hit the gase, tap the brake quickly, lift off brake, and slam the gas again, throwing the ass out mid turn to create a straight away cutting the turn into 2 turns instead of 1 long turn. This allows for the passing of the opponent as he is maintaining a slowing speed for the corner, and I'm burning the middle right past.
This is obvious. A simple drifting corner. But see how the ass end is burning to the right during the turn? This gives you the perfect direction of the nose earlier then you would doing a normal turn-in-apex-turn-out scenario.
Also, I set it up and kept tweaking it as I was tuning, to keep it manageable while pulling these drifts. If you take her for a ride, you will notice while your drifting, that the car never completes the spin. Every throw out, the car remains in a straight pattern. The tail end never actually overwhelms the car, and the nose always stays in a position of control.
Now, as I mentioned in the thread about loose back ends, this is a dangerous objective. Playing like this will cause a lot of screw-ups while your practicing and mastering this. Some things just aren't meant to be done at 150mph, lol. But to me, this is the fun of it all. Good luck, and have a blast