ad absurdum. to the point of absurdity.
ad hoc. for this special purpose.
ad hominem. appealing to feelings rather than reason.
ad infinitum. without limit.
ad nauseam. to a disgusting extent.
alma mater. one's old school or university.
alter ego. other self.
anno domini (abbreviated AD). in the year of the Lord.
ante meridiem (abbreviated a.m.). before midday.
bona fide (adjective). genuine, sincere.
bona fide (adverb). genuinely, sincerely.
carpe diem. seize the day.
casus belli. the circumstances justifying war.
caveat emptor. let the buyer beware.
circa (abbreviated c. and followed by a date). about.
cogito, ergo sum. I think, therefore I am (Descartes).
compos mentis. sane.
corpus delicti. the facts of a crime.
de facto. in fact (especially in contradistinction to "de jure").
deus ex machina. a contrived event that resolves a problem at the last moment.
ego. consciousness of one's own identity.
emeritus. retired after distinguished service and holding an honorary title (for example, emeritus professor).
ergo. therefore.
errata. a list of errors (in a book).
et alii (abbreviated et al.). and others
ex parte. by only one party to a dispute in the absence of the other.
ex post facto. retrospectively.
fiat. let it be done.
habeas corpus. you may have the body. (The opening words of a prerogative writ requiring a person holding another person to bring that person before a court.)
id est (abbreviated i.e.). that is.
imprimatur. let it be printed.
in absentia. while absent.
in extremis. near death.
in memoriam. in memory.
in vitro. observable in a glass test tube; outside the living body and in an artificial environment.
ipso facto. by that very fact.
magna carta. Great Charter (issued by King John in 1215, granting various liberties).
magna *** laude. with great honour or academic distinction.
magnum opus. great work.
mea culpa. by my fault (used as an acknowledgement of one's error).
modus operandi. the manner of working.
ne plus ultra. impassable obstacle.
non compos mentis. insane.
non sequitur. it does not follow (used as an English noun meaning "a conclusion which does not accord with the premises").
per annum. per year.
per capita. by the head.
per diem. per day.
per se. taken alone.
persona non grata. a non-acceptable person.
post meridiem (abbreviated p.m.). after midday.
post mortem. after death (also figuratively).
prima facie. on a first view.
pro bono. done without charge in the public interest.
pro forma. for the sake of form.
pro se. on one's own behalf.
pro tempore (abbreviated pro tem). for the time being.
quasi. as if.
quid pro quo. something for something.
regina. queen.
rex. king.
status quo. the existing condition.
supra. above or on an earlier page.
terra firma. dry land.
verbatim. exactly as said.
versus. against.
vice. in place of.
vice versa. the order being reversed.