The new released photograph isn’t a photograph at all. It’s a composite of datasets from a bunch of different intruments on satellites circling the globe and they take data from phytoplankton content in the see what colour the ocean is going to be and then there is another instrument that’s looking at the light coming off of the land.
1968 the austronauts saw earth rising and when looking at it in photoshop a big box appears around the earth's photo.
With all the data the make an image (2:59) When taken the data, there are gaps between the ribbons and they photoshop in clouds and stuff (3:19). The next blue marble won’t be photoshopped.
NASA’s Robert Simmons admits he faked globe earth pictures for NASA. He removed the clouds for colouring the image according to how much phytoplankton there is. After that he put the clouds back in but there is a problem. There is a small gap in between each orbit. It is photoshopped but it has tob e (5:40). There is another layer to simulate the atmosphere. Then there is the specular highlight = the reflection of sunlight off of water. Didn’t look realistic >> flat, see through, so he used Command Z a lot (6’).
When bringing the “levels” up in photoshop, using a photo of earth taken in’68 or ’72, a square box appears around the photo of the earth. (6:55)
Watch from 8:20 – 14’: explanation of how they faked the live feed of Apollo 11.
From 14’ on, a part of another flat earth video was edited in the video explaining the exact same thing about the data compiled into an image earth. He also says: “that there is no authentic video of the earht, so you don’t have evidence of a globe earth, so this is one of the biggest flat earth proofs there is”. Until 14:42.
According to him it is a illuminati attempt to brainwash us that we are flying to space on a globe circling the sun to hide what life is, what humanity is what inside a structure that we are living in, a structure that was build for us and that is called earth. Why can’t all the satellites give you a picture of earth, he asked (15:25).
All the pictures of the planets in the solar system are not real either. Pretty much every picture you received from NASA has been a CGI.
According to him, NASA says that the pictures are not real.
Watch from 16’ - : picture taken by DICOVR in 2015. It took over 40 years to take another picture of earth from a million miles away. He then compares wifi in your basement with a picture taken and send from a million miles away. With wifi or your cell phone, you can barely get a signal.
He then starts to talk about the pictures not being real because they are taken at different times and are composites of date, compiled together. So it is photoshop. Because the images are from compiled data, earth can’t be a perfect circle. Yes, he said a PERFECT circle, which of course earth is not (perfect circle I mean) (red.)
Neil Degrasse Tyson (17:35) This guy commenting on the video says that Neil said the the earth is pear-shaped. But Neil said, that due to the spinning the earth is wider at the equator than it does at the poles. So it is actually not a sphere, it’s officially an oblate spheroid. But not only that, it is slightly wider below the equator than above the equator, like it’s peer-shaped. Look at the ridiculous photo in the video at 18’.
Then he goes on that it is not possible for a big bang accident to create such a perfection (showing NASA’s perfect and beautiful photos of the earth (1972 and 2015). He keeps talking about the big bang accident and it can’t create perfect things like this (the NASA photos of earth). He clearly doesn’t understand that Neil explained in the video that the earth is NOT a perfect globe and still he refers to the NASA photos of ’72 and ’15.
READ THE MESSAGE AT (18:52) He keeps repeating that all the pictures of NASA are fake because they are data stitched together. It’s not real and photoshopped and would not be admissible in a court of justice (he said the same thing earlier).
His reasoning is that because it is a collection of data from different satellites it’s not a picture, so it’s not real and NASA is lying and misleading us because NASA doesn’t have pictures.