"the Fast and the Furious"

Dom drove it to RaceWars, but he never actually raced it there.  Then that night all of them piled into his RX-7 and the yellow GT-R and left them at that big place in the desert to get the black Honda Civics.  That was it's last scene in the movie.
No problem.  I was wondering the same thing during the movie until I finally saw it again.
I thought the movie was phat.  It rocked my world.  Its now my favorite movie next to Matrix.  I liked the part where they race in the end.  The house came down when they took off and the black Dodge did a wheel stand.  I was the loudest one there rooting for the Dodge.  LOL
Going to see again.  You gotta see this movie.  
:lol:  Everyone was pretty quiet at my movie theater.
Has anyone seen or heard anything about Dom's RX-7 since the movie? Surely it's been on show somewhere with the Eclips or the Supra or something ... any word?
