The Fear thread

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Isn't every fear a legit fear? I mean they exist and people usually get them through some kind of experience.
Being afraid of Wasps is IMO pretty legit because their poison can be very problematic, the sting hurts and chances of getting stung are pretty high, compared to other absurd fears. Like Kinetoptophobia, the fear of motion itself.
Being afraid of Wasps is IMO pretty legit because their poison can be very problematic, the sting hurts and chances of getting stung are pretty high, compared to other absurd fears. Like Kinetoptophobia, the fear of motion itself.
I think it only seems like that to you because you actually have a fear of it, we don't understand what it is like to afraid of motion and most don't understand why I have such a massive problem with Chewing Gum.

I don't truly understand the fear of any Animals. I never have had a bad encounter with Wasps and Spiders and in Australia you can't live a single day without running into a Spider. I always never bother a Wasp and the Wasps never bother me so I don't truly get how Wasps in your area just go out and attack for no reason, especially since animals usually have a reason for an attack.
I think it only seems like that to you because you actually have a fear of it, we don't understand what it is like to afraid of motion and most don't understand why I have such a massive problem with Chewing Gum.

I don't truly understand the fear of any Animals. I never have had a bad encounter with Wasps and Spiders and in Australia you can't live a single day without running into a Spider. I always never bother a Wasp and the Wasps never bother me so I don't truly get how Wasps in your area just go out and attack for no reason, especially since animals usually have a reason for an attack.
Trust me, wasps are :censored:holes, especially yellow jackets. You don't have to do anything to piss them off. They'll sting you just for the hell of it.
I'm not afraid of wasps myself, I said its a legit fear.
Saying it is Legit really doesn't mean anything. Legit is another word for Real or Not Fake, ever fear is real. Kind of redundant, really.

Trust me, wasps are :censored:holes, especially yellow jackets. You don't have to do anything to piss them off. They'll sting you just for the hell of it.
I've yet to have a bad encounter with a Wasp, maybe you unknowingly entered its territory? Magpies do that.
One of my biggest fears is stairs and escalators. More specifically, going down stairs. I can go up stairs all day but as soon as i go down, i freeze and half to take small steps until i get familiar with the height of each step. Escalators are worse since i can't even go down them sometimes. I'm also perfectly fine with elevators, it's just going down escalators.
Heights. It was devastating to me while flying. I eventually took some decent anti-anxiety pills for flights and forced myself to spend enough time in high places that I've gotten over it a bit. I'm not "cured" by any stretch, but I can cope better now.
I forgot this thread was even a thing :P.

I'll say now, I think I've gotten over my fear of chewing gum. I have had a lot of contacts with it for my job (even if I try my best to avoid touching it) and now it doesn't irk me anymore and I'm fine around it.

Makes me curious if there's anything else I'm afraid of, probably heights but haven't been on heights for so long
My biggest fear is getting stuck in a lift and then having it fall to the ground.
Quite unlikely to happen. But fear is fear.

My current fear is ketchup. My class regularly get sauce with their breakfast and it gets everywhere. I’m wary of touching the door handles because I know their grubby little unwashed mitts have been on it. I’m constantly telling them to clean up their mess. I’m so please on the days they get porridge or cereal.
Having an operation. Well, the 'going under' part. I've had two and am going in for another on Tuesday, very anxious about it. The only thing I'm looking forward to is the possibility of intravenous morphine, as I've had that once after surgery and it was simply awesome.
The only thing I'm looking forward to is the possibility of intravenous morphine, as I've had that once after surgery and it was simply awesome.
Second that. Morphine is awesome.

Good luck with your remaining surgery.
Second that. Morphine is awesome.

Good luck with your remaining surgery.

Cheers for the good luck, it all went fine. The anaesthatist looked like Javier Bardem which made me chuckle! I was given Fentanyl (spelling?) After coming round which didn't seem to do a thing other than make me queasy, strange as I thought it was a bit more powerful than morphine.

Oh well, on to healing.

Still have a fear of going under
Fentanyl (spelling?)
looked like Javier Bardem
That would creep me the **** out.

Blood is absolutely horrible for me. Watching gory horror movies or even something as simple as having a nosebleed is an absolute ordeal because I’ll be trying to clean it up without being violently ill and/or fainting.
I also have emetophobia (The fear of throwing up), which is both linked to and further compounds my aforementioned fear of blood.
Blood is absolutely horrible for me. Watching gory horror movies or even something as simple as having a nosebleed is an absolute ordeal because I’ll be trying to clean it up without being violently ill and/or fainting.
I also have emetophobia (The fear of throwing up), which is both linked to and further compounds my aforementioned fear of blood.
To the extent that this fear has a negative effect on your life, I would advise that you actively take steps to confront it. Having a blood draw once made me pass out, just from watching. The first time it happened I was a teenager and had just cut my finger badly. It was bleeding quite a lot and I fainted in the bathroom and hit my head on the edge of the tub. I also used to be unable to fly in a plane without being a puddle of stressed out goo when I landed. Both the flying and the blood issues are no longer a problem for me. Heights still can be, but not to the extent that it hampers my life, and so I haven't tried to solve the remaining heights fear.

The solution for me was to get used to it, and medication (there are multiple kinds) can help deal with that. Getting your brain to recognize that it's ok is the key, and the best way I've found to do that is to show yourself that you can repeatedly do the activity without being harmed.

Specifically I was taking Klonopin prior at any plane flights. My first attempt was Zoloft (I think), which did help with the racing heart and sweaty palms but left my mind freaked out still. Klonopin allowed me to feel much more mentally relaxed on a plane, and that, combined with repeated flights, ultimately cured my fear of flying.

For blood, I got myself into a medical situation where I needed to do blood draws regularly. Eventually I just got used to it.

See your doctor, have a conversation, confront your fear, and free yourself from it. Maybe start with some anti-anxiety meds and a good horror flick.
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Originally posted this in the 5 Random Facts About You thread, but figured I'd sort of expand upon it.

With today's day and age of nearly everyone having access to a "camera" and internet on their phone, I fear becoming "famous" (or is it infamous) as something like a viral meme or video. Of course it's not just that, but being filmed or photographed and the person who captured something of me falsifies a story about something I did. I see it all too often of stupid social media posts of someone's back to the camera and a story that could be true or false, but sensational enough to be posted on the internet and shared beyond a small group.

One personal example:
Had something close happen last year, where I got into a road rage incident with a lady who filmed me in my car. I was taking the more local route instead of the highway to get home and got stuck in heavy rush hour traffic. The light was green for my lane, but traffic wasn't moving for a while and I didn't want to cause a gridlock by sitting in the middle of an intersection. But this lady behind me was upset that I wasn't moving at a green light, despite traffic not even moving and the potential of the light changing whilst sitting still. She was waving her arms and yelling in anger behind me and I raised my hands, trying to show that traffic wasn't moving, but she wasn't having any of it. Finally traffic starts moving, but of course the cars in front of me are moving slow, but she believed that I was purposely holding her up after the intersection. Next thing I know I see her pull out her phone and I can only assume to film me to post somewhere on the internet about me being the offender of her troubles. With my license plate in clear view I'm sure, so it only brought up my paranoia of fear I described above.

The internet can be great for things like finding a suspect of a crime, but also used for some seriously bad cyberbullying. Especially if something "small" blows up the internet and the individual who was filmed/photographed is "hunted" down by the internet.

On the viral meme part, I just never liked looking at myself in the mirror. Last thing I'd want is to see my face used all over the internet for something....
I’m not a huge fan of heights. I don’t mind being in a plane or in a high building. I don’t even mind watching people do silly things up mountains or on buildings etc. however I do not like it when I’m high and close to an edge with no barrier.

As for wasps they can be a pain when they visit and get in the house or hang around while you’re trying to eat. The big thing for them is carbon dioxide. This is a trigger for them to defend themselves so groups of people talking and laughing can send them wild as can blowing on them or at them when they fly close. Personally I find them quite interesting insects and they play a big role in ecology. Also they’re amazing at papier-mâché.

Spiders don’t bother me unless they drop on my head while I’m in the cellar. That’s annoying and freaky when you feel one drop and then slid down you back under your t-shirt.

Earwigs freak me out a bit. They do the same and drop on you and it’s not a great feeling.
I’m still watching South Park. I still laugh at the censorship of Muhammad. I still laugh at Tom Cruise packing fudge. I still laugh because that’s what they fear.

If you can’t say it without repercussions, be fearful, because that is where the danger lays.

But if it’s the truth and it makes you laugh, be even more fearful because they’re coming for that too.

Never stop making fun of ridiculous ideas. Mohammed (DBUH) never spoke to god. Jesus didn’t cure the blind and Moses was tripping on shrooms or something. Your high school teachers were probably stoned and Hollywood is full of pedaphiles. You know it to be true.

The fear of speaking opinions openly has become a major factor in the current climate. It’s what the Ministry of Truth would want.

Fear for you mind. No one else can save you. Lol.

At whet point does this get weird?
The fear of speaking opinions openly has become a major factor in the current climate.

Definitely not the case in the US today. Spewing literal nazi propaganda will get you elected. You can even straight up call yourself a nazi and run for governor of North Carolina. It doesn't just get said here, it seems to be the fastest way to actually have power in the US government.
Definitely not the case in the US today. Spewing literal nazi propaganda will get you elected. You can even straight up call yourself a nazi and run for governor of North Carolina. It doesn't just get said here, it seems to be the fastest way to actually have power in the US government.
It is in UK and I'd wager Europe (no 1A). Globally it is a problem with religion, for sure.
It is in UK and I'd wager Europe (no 1A). Globally it is a problem with religion, for sure.

Given the US penchant for exporting our bad attitudes, I'd wager that the backlash you want looks a lot like ours, and it results in not enough fear around awful, violent, dehumanizing statements. Lacking a social stigma around spewing hatred for your neighbors results in actual violence and fear and ultimately a lack of freedom of expression.

For example, it is not social justice warriors who currently threaten our free speech in the US, it is fascism. It is the people who wanted the social permission to be bigots.
Given the US penchant for exporting our bad attitudes, I'd wager that the backlash you want looks a lot like ours, and it results in not enough fear around awful, violent, dehumanizing statements. Lacking a social stigma around spewing hatred for your neighbors results in actual violence and fear and ultimately a lack of freedom of expression.

For example, it is not social justice warriors who currently threaten our free speech in the US, it is fascism. It is the people who wanted the social permission to be bigots.
Needs to be a middle ground, i.e. fear and ostracisation around the dehumanising statements but little to no stigma when acknowledging certain truths. Without the latter you get Trump, Reform, Brexit etc.
Most people have the ability to spread their opinions further and wider than ever before in human history by a possibly exponential factor. The notion that we're less able to express opinions these days is ridiculous.

If people feel that they're now not being heard amongst the billions of other people that now have the ability to express their opinions further and wider than ever before, and decide to stretch, emphasize, ratchet up, or embellish opinions, that's on them.
Most people have the ability to spread their opinions further and wider than ever before in human history by a possibly exponential factor. The notion that we're less able to express opinions these days is ridiculous.

If people feel that they're now not being heard amongst the billions of other people that now have the ability to express their opinions further and wider than ever before, and decide to stretch, emphasize, ratchet up, or embellish opinions, that's on them.

Also, I'm not sure what this meant??
You should probably lay off the algorithm for a bit.
EDIT: This isn't to call you out, I'm genuinely interested.
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Definitely not the case in the US today. Spewing literal nazi propaganda will get you elected. You can even straight up call yourself a nazi and run for governor of North Carolina. It doesn't just get said here, it seems to be the fastest way to actually have power in the US government.
Bollocks. Any nazi stand points will be invalid. Calling somebody’s point of view “nazi” is just a tactic to suppress it.

How many Nazis does anyone know? Probably 0. Being concerned for the state of your country and wanting an orderly solution, like reducing immigration or deporting illegal migrants doesn’t make one a nazi.

Any kind of opposition to nationalism or patriotism these days is met with the term Nazi or Facist. Whatever. Call me that if you like, doesn’t make it true. Doesn’t mean I’m talking **** when our countries are literally being invaded by foreign entities. Look at the statistics.

“Spewing literal Nazi propaganda”… I’ve not heard any candidate call for the eradication of Jews or a eugenics program.

Live in the real world, yeah? That scary force of facists, racists and bigots that are feared by the mainstream… that’s the everyday person who doesn’t care for woke culture that emphasises identify over meritocracy.

If the candidate running for North Carolina is down with eliminating Jews, blacks, and anyone’s else who isn’t Arian in nature, feel free tell the world and let the powers that be know there’s an actual Nazi in your midst. I’m sure we’d all be pleased to see him disappear.