The Flash (2014)

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I haven't even dabbled with The Arrow yet but;
That facility kind of reminded me of the tunnels in the particle accelerator, what if he's hiding in the spot that they wouldn't bother looking? Right under their noses.
I was watching the episode last night on Hulu, and in my head I was like "called it!" :lol:
To be honest, the way they did it was cheap. They've been hiding the setup.

Eddie has become a victim of what I'm now calling "How I Met Your Mother Syndrome", and I don't care for that. Of course it wasn't done in the same fashion but it instantly reminded me of it.

I loved the episode though. Loved.

EDIT: Oh my god I just had a thought but I'm not reading too much into it. Just know it involves Jay's helmet and Barry's father.
I was able to watch the episode last night.

I have one major issue.

The show violated its own established (meta)physics. When talking about Barry changing one day with time travel Cisco asked if they were in a parallel universe and Stein said yes, explaining that time travel and altering the past creates a new timeline. When Eddie shot himself it should have created a split timeline where Eobard Thawne didn't exist, not destroy Thawne in our own timeline. That creates a paradox. No Eobard, Eddie never has a reason to kill himself, thus Eobard exists, thus Eddie kills himself... It has to stick to the split timelines rule. If Eobard never existed in our timeline, as they make it seem, then none of anything that they have experienced in the last 20 years happens.

Nerd moment over.

Jay Garret helmet, "and that is my cue to leave," Very nice.

"Rip Hunter would be proud. He built the first one of these."

One issue bothers me. Everyone said that if Barry stopped Eobard that there would be no metahumans. Did everyone conveniently forget that a non-explosion metahuman has emerged? The Flash is a necessity with or without the particle accelerator exploding.

I also got mildly confused about the scene with Barry and his mom. Did his other self stop him from stopping Eobard, or did he really only go back to say goodbye to his mother? His comments to Eobard after he returned seem to indicate that he never meant to actually save her.

And Cisco is finally becoming Vibe.

And in case you weren't paying very close attention to the Speed Force images that Barry experienced:


That looks a lot like Caitlin Snow in the iciest of moods.
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I didn't even consider that at all. I didn't notice the chill either, but in that particular defense I was paying more attention to Barry for whatever reason.
Dat Jay Garrick tho.

Also, Edge (Adam Copeland).

Briefly, the beginning excited me a little too much as I thought it was foreshadowing Barry getting back into his own proper timeline but alas... nothing (?).
I think this week's episode definitely recreated this comic book cover of The Flash.


Also, the return of Harrison Wells!

Can't wait to see how next week's gonna be like.
Large necrobump here, but the preview of next week's episode (even though The Flash is supposed to appear in Supergirl next Monday):

for @FoolKiller: (seeing as you made your post in May, I might be retreading some material)

The Particle Accelerator that created the metahumans was created by Harrison Wells (a real one on Earth-1 and a real one on Earth-2). However, around the time of Nora Allen's murder, Harrison Wells on Earth-1 got into a car crash not far from the Allen's house. However, while the police were investigating Nora's murder, Eobard Thawne, The Reverse-Flash, happened upon Earth-1 Harrison Wells (because he ran out of the Speed Force) and spoke how his particle accelerator created The Flash, and killed him, absorbing his DNA to take on Harrison's appearance. From that point on, he accelerated the accident that created The Flash because he realizes that he needs him to finish his plan, which is the murder of Barry Allen himself as a young boy.

On Earth-2 however, it is the particle accelerator that nearly brought the real, for Earth-2 anyway, Harrison Wells (for the sake of simplicity, I'll refer to him as Harry as the show did at one time) to near ruin. However, since Nora's murder, Harry had a daughter, Jessie,
who was held captive by Zoom to blackmail Harry into stealing Barry's Speed Force. A masked captive, who taps in code, "JAY GARRICK", was also held prisoner, along with Earth-1 Barry Allen at one point. However, when the rescue party, led by Killer Frost, was intercepted by Zoom, only Barry and Jessie was freed from Zoom's control and escaped to Earth-1.
and the accelerator created Jay Garrick as The Flash.

Most of the adventures that Jay had on Earth-2 were under wraps, sort of speak, but one thing is known, one day, according to Jay's own accounts, Jay encountered Zoom, and no matter how fast he tried, he can't catch up to him, so he experiments with a drug called Velocity-6. However, the drug had adverse side effects, which caused him to lose his connection to the Speed Force, and cellular degeneration. While Barry was on Earth-2, he and Caitlin Snow worked to create Velocity-7, Velocity-8, and Velocity-9 to battle Geomancer. Jay is killed when Barry returns to Earth-1.

The Jay that you saw being killed wasn't Jay or his Earth-1 counterpart Hunter Zoloman either, but rather he is the Earth-2 Everyman, a literal shapeshifter. However, what he can not copy is the Speed Force, hence the need for the Velocity drug. Zoom is Zoloman, and the masked figure is the real Jay Garrick.
I'm thinking the masked prisoner is Earth 2's Wally West...another speedster.
Lame plot twist alert...

Not sure they thought this one through.

Ehhh and you are who?



One could think lame plot twist, but till now most of Flash plots were decent and thoughtthrou....

So I guess they know what they doing.

But yeah still haven't figured it out yet too as to who is/was who, and what that means for the other who. If that makes any sense

@FoolKiller to the rescue
Which episode are you all on? A quick google makes it appear to be 16, "Trajectory," or 17, "Flash Back." We just got EP 18. I don't want to address the wrong thing and spoil stuff.
I'm up to episode 18 but I meant the general reveal of
Jay, Zoom and Hunter all being the same guy and the Jay who was killed being a "time remnant"

Long time Flash comics writer Mark Waid wasn't impressed either.


It's a shame since the show's been a great watch so far.
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Yeah. They botched that. If I were them I would have

Have Jay be the Earth-2 Hunter who has a different name because his parents were killed by Zoom when he was an infant.

Have Zoom be Hunter from an Earth-3 who wound up on Earth-2 after a Velocity experiment. He's been trying to get back, killing himself, and has now started trying to steal speed force from other speedsters. He went back in time to kill Jay's parents, hoping to take his place in what gave him speed, but time, being the prickly thing it is, still lead to Jay becoming The Flash with different parents and a name.

This could even explain where the prisoner in the iron mask (Wally) comes from. He's the Earth-3 Flash.

Also, they already showed us how this current issue gets resolved, but you had to be paying very close attention.

When Barry was testing the tachyon device he went in and out of a time portal for a second. It was so fast no one noticed.

No one but Barry. When he got back to STAR Labs he said, "Oh hey, I'm back. How long was I gone?" I'm betting that he accidentally time traveled to the future, where he helps defeat Zoom. He can't say anything about it because then it won't happen.

He even gives Wally a worried look when he gets home and suggests a better design for the tachyon device, because he knows how those things play a role in stopping Zoom.

And can we address the somewhat racist joke?

During the fight Zoom says, "You can't lock away the darkness." Then he immediately kidnaps the black guy to lock him up.

I knew where that was going immediately.
I think that we can all agree that...

Earth-3 is the Supergirl Earth if not the Earth where the Crime Syndicate is based out of, and the portal that Barry ran through is him going to that Earth. The reason why is that Supergirl and The Flash had different TV production schedules, and Supergirl Season 1, Episode 18 aired first because of that fact.

And the idea of time remnants are not entirely new to the series either...

Eobard Thawne became one when Eddie Thawne committed suicide at the end of Season 1. That is why he appeared in episode 11 in this season as Eobard Thawne before he "possessed" (for lack of a better word) Earth-1 Harrison Wells.
I'm not watching Supergirl, so if that's related then I missed something.
When he first tests out Thawne's device, disappears for a second and then comes back and asks how long was I gone the entire Supergirl episode appears to me to take place between those two (lower case f) flashes of light.

That Supergirl episode was crazy fun, especially the look of horror that crosses Barry's face when her boss Cat points out that "The Flash" sounds like someone indecently exposing themself in a dark alley. The whole ep was a shining example of superheroes meeting up and getting along fine, unlike in other media.
So... where do we go from here?

an other timeline....

Need to say, it was wierd the last 10(ish) minutes, having no cliffhanger, then they pull this... :embarrassed:

What a fantastic season this was and the whole show...

But yes, interesting to see "where" they go on from here
Here's something I didn't consider because I'm the st00pid, and I don't know Flash nearly as well as, say, Batman.

Is it possible next season is going to be Flashpoint? That would be... incredibly interesting as there's already been hints of things changing quite a few times throughout this season alone. Even better, it already has a working concept as at the end of the episode you see Barry's past self (I presume he ran back to the point where he originally wanted to save his mother's life but decided against it) disappeared.

So next season I'm expecting him to either be a complete outcast with no powers, or to come back to a point where literally everything about Earth 1 is alien to him now (Hi, Supergirl).
Flashpoint Paradox with the Trial of the Flash possible, I mean Barry just reset all the universes of each show.
Um, this is exactly how Flashpoint starts.

By the way,

That was the best possible way to have John Wesley Shipp leave the main storyline. Of course, he'll be back as Barry's living dad until the timeline is corrected.
Um, this is exactly how Flashpoint starts.

By the way,

That was the best possible way to have John Wesley Shipp leave the main storyline. Of course, he'll be back as Barry's living dad until the timeline is corrected.
I'm not familiar with Flashpoint, but I know it's a thing. I know there exists an animated adaptation of it, and it's on Netflix.

Now that Barry has dramatically altered 20 years of the timeline, what now? At the least, I was waiting for him to go back a second time, since we saw the second Flash the first time he went back. What's the Speed Force gonna think about this? How will they fix whatever damage Barry may have done to the timeline?

Also, a while back, they confirmed a 4 way crossover between The Flash, Arrow, Legends of Tomorrow and Supergirl for next season, now that Supergirl has moved to The CW.
I'm not familiar with Flashpoint, but I know it's a thing. I know there exists an animated adaptation of it, and it's on Netflix.
The Netflix film gives you the gist of the story.

Basically, when Barry returns he doesn't have his powers. The butterfly effect ripples throughout the entire DC universe. Villains are heroes. Heroes are villains. Batman kills. Cats and dogs living together. Mass hysteria.

Now that Barry has dramatically altered 20 years of the timeline, what now? At the least, I was waiting for him to go back a second time, since we saw the second Flash the first time he went back. What's the Speed Force gonna think about this? How will they fix whatever damage Barry may have done to the timeline?

Also, a while back, they confirmed a 4 way crossover between The Flash, Arrow, Legends of Tomorrow and Supergirl for next season, now that Supergirl has moved to The CW.
I was actually thinking that this had to lead to a Legends of Tomorrow crossover, as in their season finale

They stop Savage but since they also destroyed the Time Masters there is no one to prevent time from being messed with. Their mission now is to protect the timeline. This makes me feel like time wraiths are only a speedforce thing, since Legends of Tomorrow wouldn't be a thing if they showed up anytime someone messed with time.

I could see the larger effect here being that Arrow kills everyone who crosses his path (as a replacement for Batman), Savage or something worse (Zoom again?) has led the world to war, and Barry no longer has his powers and the ability to fix things.

Legends of Tomorrow has shown us alternate timelines and how minor changes affect the larger world. It'll be interesting to see what happens. [/quote]
They stop Savage but since they also destroyed the Time Masters there is no one to prevent time from being messed with. Their mission now is to protect the timeline. This makes me feel like time wraiths are only a speedforce thing, since Legends of Tomorrow wouldn't be a thing if they showed up anytime someone messed with time.

I could see the larger effect here being that Arrow kills everyone who crosses his path (as a replacement for Batman), Savage or something worse (Zoom again?) has led the world to war, and Barry no longer has his powers and the ability to fix things.

Legends of Tomorrow has shown us alternate timelines and how minor changes affect the larger world. It'll be interesting to see what happens.
Not necessarily. When Barry first encountered the time wraiths, Eobard Thawne said that they only appear if someone travels back in time and they don't know what they are doing. Since Rip Hunter is an experienced time traveler, he should know how to avoid them much like Eobard Thawne. Part of that is knowing what the concept of a fixed point in time (a Doctor Who concept) actually is, and not to change the event.

In season two, we have Zoom, who commits time crimes and is ultimately punished for it, Eobard Thawne, who knows, for lack of a better term, how to travel back in time safely, as he has proven on at least two separate occasions, and finally, Legends of Tomorrow introduced Rip Hunter who also knows how to travel time successfully.
I don't think there's likely to be an appearance from Batman like the above article refers to in the comics version but we do kind of know that Citizen Cold is the new timeline's local hero and Barry has lost his powers for a third time.

Although this helps to keep that CG budget down (the CW needs to save some money for Supergirl after all) we know that the comics Flash recreated his lab experiment to regain his powers so TV Season 3 Barry may have to do a few laps around the particle accelerator again.