The Funny Screenshot Thread

To be honest, doing a vasectomy is one of the dumbest things a men can do. Your wifes forced you? :banghead:

Let’s gets some facts straight for You so you don’t have to make this kind of statement again.
1. For a man, it’s a simple outpatient event. You go in, get a little sedation and numbing agents and then a very simple and small incision is made. The whole surgical process takes 10 mins at most.
For a woman (my wife) it is MAJOR surgery under full anesthesia! The post recovery time is much, much longer and more painful.
It was an easy choice to make.
2. My wife and I are partners. Nobody makes anybody do anything. We discuss. We weigh options. We make the best choice for us. Nobody else.
3. This was the farthest from the dumbest thing I have ever done. It was actually one of the smartest.

Sorry for going off topic. I thought a little info might help.
@Boston77 that was fantastic. One teeny tiny bit that I want to add to your first point--which really isn't all that teeny tiny and only adds to the case for vasectomy and against the stupidity that was displayed here*--THE PROCEDURE IS REVERSIBLE. The vas deferens can actually be reconnected and the procedure restores pregnancy rates between 30 and 90 percent. If those odds are less than desirable, cryopreservation of sperm prior to the vasectomy is a very real option.

*Isn't it nice when they make it so easy to spot them?