The Funny Screenshot Thread

Brokelegs staircase.jpg

rude pizza.jpg
The video is hilarious in that it seems so easy to escape this way.
Less than 5 seconds and he’s gone.
What surprised me most was how he got through the razor wire.
Been spotted 8 times, once by a trooper, and he still manages to elude them.
Heck he’s been seen as close to the prison as a mile.
We've reached an interesting tempo with this, might be our crowning achievement.
When I heard you were going to start doing Ford puns I was in like Lightning but now there's no Escape until the mods have Taurus a new one.

I guess Nobody's Prefect.
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I've already had an Eifel of this thread and it's starting to give me Flashbacks. Think I'm going to have a Pinto two and then have a Fiesta siesta.
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You sure you don't want to channel your inner explorer and venture out for any further excursions?
This thread lost its Verve a long time ago. It's even beginning to affect my SYNuses.
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I can always count on GTP to model a freestyle session at a moment's notice.

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