Also, a stranger walks up to you, compliments you on your car, and asks to drive it. Who says yes to that? I'm not convinced that actually happened.
I rode as a passenger in the front seat of a right hand drive car once. It was terrifying.A fellow parent at my daughter's pre school was willing to let me drive his car when we first met and I started talking to him about how cool it was that he had an imported MR2 SW20. It was right hand steering and all, I declined when he offered because I didn't want something to happen
I drive a right hand car every day,I rode as a passenger in the front seat of a right hand drive car once. It was terrifying.
I rode as a passenger in the front seat of a right hand drive car once. It was terrifying.
(Noodles aren't pasta)
[obligatory head up arse joke]
[obligatory head up arse joke]
I don't...
Yeah, I saw this, and for a moment, I thought... finally, those deep, guttural, armour piercing, slightly too warm farts that I wake myself up with have become acceptable to the opposite sex...
...then I realised they meant cologne.
Just imagine what Chrissy Brookfield is going through.PULL. WHAT. OFF?!?
I'm too invested. I need closure!
Doesn't take much. Neither of us knows what the hell is going on.Just imagine what Chrissy Brookfield is going through.