The funny thing in this thread is all these failed guesses about total sale volume of the different series.
Try reading this:
Take, for example, the top 20 selling console games of all time. What do you see?
1. Wii Play (Wii 24.43 million)
2. Wii Fit (Wii 22.5 million)
3. Nintendogs (DS 22.27 million, all five versions combined)
4. Pokémon Red, Blue, and Green (Game Boy 20.08 million)
5. New Super Mario Bros. (DS 19.94 million)
6. Mario Kart Wii (Wii 18.36 million)
7. Super Mario Bros. 3 (NES 18 million)
8. Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day! (DS 17.41 million)
9. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PS2 - 17.33 million)
10. Pokémon Diamond and Pearl (DS 16.81 million)
11. Mario Kart DS (DS 16.09 million)
12. Gran Turismo 3: A-Spec (PS2 14.89 million shipped)
13. Pokémon Gold and Silver (Game Boy Color 14.51 million)
14. Super Mario Land (Game Boy 14 million)
15. Brain Age 2: More Training in Minutes a Day! (DS 13.71 million)
16. Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire (GBA 13 million)
17. Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen (GBA 11.82 million)
18. Super Mario 64 (N64 11 million)
19. Gran Turismo (PS1 10.85 million shipped)
20. Animal Crossing: Wild World (DS 10.79 million)
The only stuff on the list which isn't Nintendo is GTA:SA, Gran Turismo 3 and Gran Turismo 1. And GT4 is only just off the top 20 list.
The best damage in a simulator is that of iRacing: It wins hands down over all other race sims. Do I miss the damage when racing GT5P, though? No I don't. Couldn't care less. I want to watch pretty cars looking unharmed. If I wanted to see wrecks I'd go buy Burnout.