The General Anime Thread...

  • Thread starter Kent
Aight, I'll start with Angel Beats! now that I finished watching the first episode of Kony the Phoney.



So wtf is this, Inception: Comedy Version?
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TTGL Recap:

This has to be one of the best mecha anime I've seen to date. I can appreciate every little single thing about it - from the inspirational tones to the completely ridiculous juxtaposition of the terms coined when battling - everything just felt right. Kamina was the driving force until the bitter end, and in turn, Simon became a driving force but for an entirely different reason. It's truly a shame that Yoko and Simon couldn't have better endings for themselves though; the both of them lost someone not once, but twice.

I will definitely watch this again and again. I'm actually saddened by the fact I actually finished it.

The final battle was an epic one, it even had a bit of NGE in there with the impromptu Instrumentality beforehand. Rossiu redeemed himself, although I'll actually have to re-watch the episode (20, I think it was) as I didn't get the entirety of why he was acting the way he was. Viral was/is completely awesome, putting a grudge behind him and finally being able to understand what Kamina, and even more relevant, what Simon is all about - what Team Gurren is all about. In closing, I would recommend this to anyone.

Oh, and I swear to God, the Anti-Spiral (Dave Mellow) sounds exactly like Paul Ending (Roy Campbell).
You should watch Gurren-hen and Lagann-hen now :P

Oh and for the record:

Asia Clan-Clan is too annoying in the dub for me to watch it in dub form. 👎
You should watch Gurren-hen and Lagann-hen now :P

Oh and for the record:

Asia Clan-Clan is too annoying in the dub for me to watch it in dub form. 👎

I will. Believe me. :D

As for Asia... I don't know. I've watched OS in both original and dubbed audio, and I could honestly go either way. Gene, on the other hand, I entirely prefer him with his dubbed VA. Not because I can understand him without having to resort to subtitles, because it fits his personality so damn well.
Ah TTGL. Good show. I remember back in the day when I had Boota for an av. I caught the dub on Sci-Fi once, had to turn it off once I heard Yoko speak. All I kept seeing was Dojima from Witch Hunter Robin (one of two anime I actually like dubbed, BubbleGum Crisis 2040 being the other.)
*Looks at ANN*
Nice, there's a skin for the Fate/Zero Blu-ray Box.:lol:

Can't wait to see the sales. It's going to sell AT LEAST 40,000 copies in week 1 in Japan, which will destroy the best-selling Blu-ray Box (The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya's.) which took longer than a week to reach its total of 34,000 copies.

Oh, and in anticipation of the release, what my new wallpaper is.
Tachibana Kanade is adowwable. :3

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I hoard fictional females like I hoard my computer seat. Feel free to splooge though.

I would have said DVDs but I don't own any discs.
Maaaaann, I used to watch anime really quickly. Haven't done that in a while. I'ma try again when I get home.
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Episode 10. 30 minutes. The time in my area is 10:16 PM.

Episode 11. 10:46.

Episode 12. 11:16.

Episode 13. 11:46.

Looks possible...

I'll just multitask and do homework at the same time to make it productive.
I don't know why I like Mawaru Penguindrum so much... it's just so... fabulous max

Not this again...

TTGL Recap:

This has to be one of the best mecha anime I've seen to date. I can appreciate every little single thing about it - from the inspirational tones to the completely ridiculous juxtaposition of the terms coined when battling - everything just felt right. Kamina was the driving force until the bitter end, and in turn, Simon became a driving force but for an entirely different reason. It's truly a shame that Yoko and Simon couldn't have better endings for themselves though; the both of them lost someone not once, but twice.

I will definitely watch this again and again. I'm actually saddened by the fact I actually finished it.

The final battle was an epic one, it even had a bit of NGE in there with the impromptu Instrumentality beforehand. Rossiu redeemed himself, although I'll actually have to re-watch the episode (20, I think it was) as I didn't get the entirety of why he was acting the way he was. Viral was/is completely awesome, putting a grudge behind him and finally being able to understand what Kamina, and even more relevant, what Simon is all about - what Team Gurren is all about. In closing, I would recommend this to anyone.

Oh, and I swear to God, the Anti-Spiral (Dave Mellow) sounds exactly like Paul Ending (Roy Campbell).

Glad you liked it! Took you long enough though :P. The show really is perfect. I need to re-watch it again sometime.

Tachibana Kanade is adowwable. :3

Yes she is. <3




fabulous max.

The only two words that define dice1998.



Yuri Nakamura, 2012 Parkour Queen.
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Papa no Iukoto wo Kikinasai! 6: YAY a whole episode focusing on Miu! I like how she acts like a kid, while at the same time is more mature than normal because of the circumstances. Fantastic episode.

This might make me sound like an asshole, but I'll be mad if their parents are actually alive and found at the end. I want them to stay with Yuta.

EDIT: Ending illustration done by Madoka Magica character designer:

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What? Can't an asshole have feelings?

As for the FabMAX crap... it's a catch-phrase that gets you hooked from its strange but catchy tone I reckon. Those who hear it of it before reading it in a forum won't realize how unfunny it is due to how grammatically incorrect it sounds... It's not to say the catch-phrase itself is unfunny entirely, there applicable ways to use it, be funny and not annoying.... unfortunately, those who use it have not found the right place and time.

So I'm listening to Guilty Crown ED2...... and I've realized how OP1/ED1 makes the show sound all serious about what it is, and then OP2/ED2 makes me think the show degraded to a show tailored to 13 y.o's with the crappy pop/rock... Honestly ryo, throwing in synthesizers and pianos doesn't mean the song will instantly be good. Think about the context and overall mood ffs.

edit: 'Kay I really don't like Koeda's voice... I really hate the pitch of her Ahhhhhhh's. She does it in My Dearest, Kokuhaku, and Black Rock Shooter's ED. The instrumental is not shabby in the latter single, but I wished it was a different vocalist.
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Not this again...

As for the FabMAX crap... it's a catch-phrase that gets you hooked from its strange but catchy tone I reckon. Those who hear it of it before reading it in a forum won't realize how unfunny it is due to how grammatically incorrect it sounds... It's not to say the catch-phrase itself is unfunny entirely, there applicable ways to use it, be funny and not annoying.... unfortunately, those who use it have not found the right place and time.

I know when I'm not wanted

TTGL Eps. 23 and 24:

Yoko, what the hell are you wearing? :odd:
Something borrowed from Bada Bing. ;)
Asia Clan-Clan is too annoying in the dub for me to watch it in dub form. 👎
Damn, even the name's annoying! :lol:
This is also the same chick T-welve had back in his avvy a while back. Good taste.

I know, dat ass has class. :drool:

Time for me to go for a while, I need to come up with some ideas for my Eva fanfic. I've already come up with a working title, "You Must (Not) Regress".