The General Anime Thread...

  • Thread starter Kent
I just watched the first 2 episodes of DanDaDan, I can see where all the hype came from. The only problem is I now have to wait for the episodes to be dripfed every week.
The wait between anime episodes is almost as excruciating as the wait between manga chapters. Season 2 is planned. I hope it lasts. Things get really weird. 😅
I waited for Eva 4.0, I think I can handle waiting for a week. :lol:
Now that Planetes is on Crunchyroll it's probably time I sub for a month or so but I'm not really into anime, it's more that I like good sci-fi and lots of good sci-fi happens to be anime so I'm sure proper anime aficionados would regard my taste as predictable and boring.

Can anyone recommend anything on Crunchyroll that might appeal to someone who likes Akira, Ghost in the Shell, the Animatrix, Cowboy Bebop, Blame!, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Cyberpunk, FLCL, Trigun, the Blade Runner 2049 prequels... I've seen that Desert Punk and Outlaw Star are on there, haven't seen those for some time so those are on my list, along with a Blade Runner series and the Trigun remake. Wasn't a fan of Gundam Wing (too much politics, not enough giant mech combat) or Attack on Titan (felt a bit too silly yet took itself too seriously for me) though. I haven't seen, but would like to, Samurai Champloo, Afro Samurai, Terminator Zero, Neo Tokyo, Memories and, probably quite predictably, Lazarus. Going way, way back there was Riding Bean, Patlabor and... Probably some more. Appleseed? Was that a mech thing?

Oh and I would watch the hell out of Initial D if I had access to it, but... I don't. Amazon Prime has an OVA of it but I think it only covers the first season (which I did "find online" many many years ago.)

Umm... Yeah. Would appreciate some guidance on what else I could watch to make a subscription worthwhile, please and thank you!
You haven't left a lot of stones unturned there. The first thing that springs to mind is Steins;Gate. It doesn't have the same uber-futuristic aesthetic as the likes of Cyberpunk, GitS or Akira but it's still sci-fi. Chainsaw Man isn't sci-fi, but what it does have is great combat scenes and characters.
Thanks @DK, I just watched a few seconds of Chainsaw Man between ads and it reminded me I also enjoyed Hellsing and Vampire Hunter D! The only series of Steins;Gate on Crunchyroll is Steins;Gate 0 which is an alternate timeline or something - any harm in starting there?
I haven't watched Steins;Gate 0 myself, I can't help you there.
Thanks @DK, I just watched a few seconds of Chainsaw Man between ads and it reminded me I also enjoyed Hellsing and Vampire Hunter D! The only series of Steins;Gate on Crunchyroll is Steins;Gate 0 which is an alternate timeline or something - any harm in starting there?
It's best if you start with og Steins;Gate, S;G 0 needs some context from the former first to be enjoyed properly.
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I used to rave heavily about Steins;Gate here when it was airing, but in hindsight I do agree the beginning feels like it's not going anywhere. It's a slow start, but I had attributed that as part of living through the experience of a timeline.

Umm... Yeah. Would appreciate some guidance on what else I could watch to make a subscription worthwhile, please and thank you!

So you've listed off a bunch of older shows, so I'm unsure how open you are to newer things. It does sound like you're after serious shows that are well written. In which case I will always recommend:

-1st season of Psycho Pass
-Shinsekai Yori (From the New World)
-Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood
-Samurai Champloo
-Perfect Blue (I need to rewatch this)
-a handful of Ghibli films.

And because you lean towards Sci-Fi:
-Ghost in the Shell

Are you open to dramas/supernatural, stuff that isn't typically accepted by people (usually dudes) for lacking action and "cool" things?
I'm not drawn in by school/student themes, but there have been shows that have been touching for me for the character building/growth throughout the series.
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Thought of another , Armor Hunter Mellowlink, thanks YouTube shorts algorithm!
I used to rave heavily about Steins;Gate here when it was airing, but in hindsight I do agree the beginning feels like it's not going anywhere. It's a slow start, but I had attributed that as part of living through the experience of a timeline.

So you've listed off a bunch of older shows, so I'm unsure how open you are to newer things. It does sound like you're after serious shows that are well written. In which case I will always recommend:

-1st season of Psycho Pass
-Shinsekai Yori (From the New World)
-Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood
-Samurai Champloo
-Perfect Blue (I need to rewatch this)
-a handful of Ghibli films.

And because you lean towards Sci-Fi:
-Ghost in the Shell

Are you open to dramas/supernatural, stuff that isn't typically accepted by people (usually dudes) for lacking action and "cool" things?
I'm not drawn in by school/student themes, but there have been shows that have been touching for me for the character building/growth throughout the series.
Perfect Blue rings a bell, I might've seen that, I was trying to remember the name of a film that I was sure had "blue" in the title. Thanks for the suggestions, I'll check them out!

I'm not really into drama or supernatural/fantasy too much, the former because I legitimately don't have the energy or space in my brain to remember names of characters, what they're doing when they're off-screen, etc. since having a kid, which admittedly makes everything a challenge to watch, and the latter just because I've never really been into it, I've always been a mechs, guns and punching type rather than a dragons, swords and magic type.
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So the first half of Beastars Final Season.

From someone who hates the first two seasons and I only kept watching cause Louis is somehow a 10/10 character when everything else is a 1/10. The final season is so far a massive improvement. I wouldn't call it good, it still has problems that plague the entire show (Haru, that Sheep neighbour, the whole Zootopia-esc metaphor absolutely fails when trying to make it complicated, the terrible romance and the cut away pacing does get obnoxious with five different POVs happening all at once) but now Louis isn't the only thing good about it that I can say the first half of the final season is OK(though he is still the best thing about it).

The new characters introduced are far better than the side characters in the other 2 seasons taking advantage of this season overall being longer and getting more time to be involved. I end up caring more about the henchmen rat than Legoshis friends from school because of the relevant screentime characters can finall breathe in now. It just elevated my take that 13 episode of less shows are a bad idea and we need to go back to at least 24 episode seasons.

Melon is also a much better villain than Rizz and the original Sishigumi boss. Simplicity works much better with this story.

Legoshi is also a massive improvement, he was ok in the first 2 seasons but was plagued by the terrible stories and lack of an actual motivation or cornerstone of a motivation. They actually give him one now to make him compelling as a character for once, which is weird that it took 3 Seasons to know the cornerstone element of the Main Character yet Louis Inferiority Complex character arc was established and completed in 2 :lol:.
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I finished off DanDaDan this morning. It's a solid show, it's just a shame that Netflix have pulled repeated the same stunt they did with JoJo Stone Ocean's gaps between releases.

I say that, but I've also just started Sakamoto Days. Shin is just Eric Elric with blue eyes and a 5head, change my mind.
I finished off DanDaDan this morning. It's a solid show, it's just a shame that Netflix have pulled repeated the same stunt they did with JoJo Stone Ocean's gaps between releases.

I say that, but I've also just started Sakamoto Days. Shin is just Eric Elric with blue eyes and a 5head, change my mind.
I just thought of it as a Shonen version of spy x family