The General Anime Thread...

  • Thread starter Kent
I've been on a roll, guys. Having been stuck in a shonen bubble since 2005 (save for rare exceptions like Death Note, Blood+, Elfen Lied), I finally broke out of that this past January and have been on an unsettling but rewarding rampage through romances and slice-of-lifes. I've consumed just about everything Crunchyroll has to offer, but I gotta say, Love is War has probably been one of my favorites. I'll put Darling In The Franxx up there too, because even with its bizarreness at times, its parallels to Elfen Lied make it pretty sentimental to me.
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RWBY: Ice queendom wasn't bad. They added some things like Team JNPR's growth and screen time and kind of game some animation time for Team RWBY. It has a small nice BRS cameo. The production team introduced new monsters and a blood borne instructor.
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Today curiousity over Guilty Crown won me over this weekend, and I binged my first re-watch after 11 years when it first aired.

I remember the show was really cool at first but fell apart later.... but how and why it fell apart I do not remember.

Watching this now blows my mind how much of a trainwreck the show was and how many scenes that did not serve to the plot or have any coherence. Why Yuu even exists in the show baffles me. It seems he's merely there to push the forward an inevitable fate, aka plot armor.

Cool art style, good music, but like others have shared, avoid this show if you're looking for a good story.
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In case some of you don't have Prime, Netflix now has Vinland Saga streaming. At least Netflix Canada does, so it's worth checking. It's a great show, truly.

@JTB10000 I'm a few episodes into Monster and I'm really liking it. This is the kind of anime I love to watch at night. Relaxing, yet thought provoking, like a good book. The YouTube playlist you posted is gone but I found another. I hope I can get through all episodes before it gets taken down.
In case some of you don't have Prime, Netflix now has Vinland Saga streaming. At least Netflix Canada does, so it's worth checking. It's a great show, truly.

@JTB10000 I'm a few episodes into Monster and I'm really liking it. This is the kind of anime I love to watch at night. Relaxing, yet thought provoking, like a good book. The YouTube playlist you posted is gone but I found another. I hope I can get through all episodes before it gets taken down.
Yeah I was expecting that to happen. I'm glad you like it! I'm thinking about giving it a 3rd rewatch too lol
Currently caught up with Spy X Family. I like the variety of music themes it has and the stereotypes in it. So far it is easy to get into and has a good pace for it.

Really "good" show.

...this show needs to be able to conclude with Twilight completing his mission, because the show was spending more time than I thought on side missions.

I'm glad the show didn't keep reverting back to moments of Anya hearing her parents' thoughts and reacting to them. Anya having these moments was what hooked me into this show because it's a wild card in the Mr. & Mrs. Smith relationship, but having that interfere with Twilight and Yor to have their own thoughts all the time was going to get old.

Throughout this year I've been watching Diamond No Ace, which is a baseball Anime.

I was quite enjoying myself, like usual sport shows it more plays out in the mind of the players than the actual action which I think is a lot more exciting, the characters don't do much to stand out but they still made you want to root for them and how much the Team cared for each other, I even rooted against them in one match because the Clockwork guy was made out to be such a fascinating player, I wanted to see him win.

However I stopped watching because the Baseball itself eventually got really tiresome and incredibly long. The final round of the Summer Tournament lasts for 10 Episodes and I swear I was watching Dragon Ball Z at some point. I was getting sick of it that I looked up the spoiler of who was winning it. I know I complain about Anime that only last 13 episodes and being a rushed mess but this was the opposite end of the spectrum. I can only assume they are just stalling to catch up to the Manga but I honestly just couldn't continue and I rather cut my loses than be a victim of the Sunken Cost fallacy.

Would only recommend if you have more patience than I do.

I watched Ace of Diamond when I was younger. I developed a greater appreciation for Baseball, solely on the mindgame dynamic between batter and pitcher. The second pitcher, the dude who had nothing but a crazy fastball served as a good character for the main dude to bounce off of, as the two of them on their own would have made for a lame story to sit through. Can't say I remember the summer tourney being 10-episodes long, but I do agree I like watching these sport shows that go into greater detail about what they are thinking as they make those split-second decisions. As someone who doesn't follow the sport, it gives us an opportunity to bring ourselves up to the same level of baseball knowledge as the writer (assuming they are passionate about the sport).

But the most important thing of all for sports shows to earn a following is how they design the characters to be ones you like and build a connection with. This makes you want to see them become successful in their games, and makes the long dreadful battles so very rewarding when the winning point is scored.

Looks like you like the more serious shows so you might enjoy Monster. It's really long (74 episodes) but an interesting and well received story. I looked it up and it's available on Netflix. Others: Cowboy Bebop, Psycho Pass (1st season only), Black Lagoon

Monster is definitely not a show you want to have conclude in 12 episodes.. and not even 24 either. I've said before here that Monster finds a part of its success in making the chase feel genuine in timing. Got a mysterious dude on the loose, and that gets you so engaged in unfolding the many layers he's got underneath that mask.

You know a show is written poorly when the protagonist is within plenty of reason to complete their goal when it's right in front of them, and the writer decides to sidetrack them or throw a random illness out of nowhere to set them back.

The doc does get close to reaching his goal midway, but ends up failing for reasons much more believable and human. This is so good now that I think about it. Guilty Crown on the other hand FLOPPED so hard in an attempt to stall the character's progress with how they chose to handle it.

I found Psycho Pass on Prime but it only has season 3 and maybe 4. Rats. It looks like a great recommendation, too. Highly lauded.

Psycho Pass has such a cool premise....
they did such a great job with designing Makashima that they couldn't write a different antagonist to top his caliber.
Been awhile since I posted in here but I recently got my hands on a collection of Anime DVD's due to a local shop clearing old stock to make room for new stock.

Can someone confirm if I have complete set of these or am I missing any DVD's in the set

Darling in the Franx 1 (1-12)
Darling in the Franx 2 (13-25)
Evangelion 1.11
Evangelion 2.22
Evangelion 3.33
Re: Zero Part 1 (1-12)
Re: Zero Part 2 (13-25)

From checking web it seems I have complete series but just wanted to make sure as I like to watch in order if possible so not sure if there were any movie substories in between etc.

Thanks for any answers!
Not big on anime in the slightest, but I must admit, I have found moderate amusement watching some clips from the show "The Boondocks" and it has me wondering one thing. Is The Boondocks considered anime?

I have looked it up and people seem to have varying responses to it, but I am not too sure what to conclude from it or if there really is a conclusion to be made on this. 🤔
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Been awhile since I posted in here but I recently got my hands on a collection of Anime DVD's due to a local shop clearing old stock to make room for new stock.

Can someone confirm if I have complete set of these or am I missing any DVD's in the set

Darling in the Franx 1 (1-12)
Darling in the Franx 2 (13-25)
Evangelion 1.11
Evangelion 2.22
Evangelion 3.33
Re: Zero Part 1 (1-12)
Re: Zero Part 2 (13-25)

From checking web it seems I have complete series but just wanted to make sure as I like to watch in order if possible so not sure if there were any movie substories in between etc.

Thanks for any answers!
I know nothing about the other one you mentioned (love what I've seen from Trigger, though) but I'm quite certain there is a fourth Evangelion rebuild movie. 3+1 or something like that.
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I know nothing about the other one you mentioned (love what I've seen from Trigger, though) but I'm quite certain there is a fourth Evangelion rebuild movie. 3+1 or something like that.
Ok Thanks, I'll check on Amazon and put it on my Xmas list if there is another one since it's that time of year of people wanting suggestions!
Not big on anime in the slightest, but I must admit, I have found moderate amusement watching some clips from the show "The Boondocks" and it has me wondering one thing. Is The Boondocks considered anime?

I have looked it up and people seem to have varying responses to it, but I am not too sure what to conclude from it or if there really is a conclusion to be made on this. 🤔
My argument is that anime cannot be nailed down to a style. The only thing that defines it that it's animated and from Japan. If you define it based on style, then what happens when you have something animated, from Japan, but doesn't follow that style?
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My argument is that anime cannot be nailed down to a style. The only thing that defines it that it's animated and from Japan.
And I can understand that. I have read that The Boondocks is an American TV show and some don't consider it anime because of that.
If you define it based on style, then what happens when you have something animated, from Japan, but doesn't follow that style?
Now that is a good question.
I heard there was a big shock in the World Cup yesterday.
Now I see what all the CSM hype was about.

I kinda feel like I've been spoiled already by all the memes about Makima, though.
Since I want to relieve a past that I didn't participate in because I was a literal baby when they came out, I'm currently watching Excel Saga and almost finished Azumanga Daioh.
Truly, some of the anime I've ever watched :)
I'm sure that, given a couple of months tops, I will watch every comedy anime of the 00's and the 2000 weeaboo anime list starter pack will be completed :lol:
Scott Pilgrim is getting an anime Adaptation by Netflix.

Edgar Wright and Bryan Lee O'Malley are at the helm.

Science SARU is handling animation duties.

95% of the original cast is reprising their roles from the movie.

I am so freaking hyped for this its not even funny.
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Batman Ninja, seems cool and all, but was an incredibly meh film. They sure came out with some cool character designs, which I imagine was their real goal:


Paging old man @Cano. I finally got around to checking out the Alita movie, and well... sorry but I kinda liked it.

Imagine tagging a dude who's basically never here, just to tell a slumbering man for a many-years-overdue response for the purposes of trolling him about his favourite show of all time. Never change :lol:
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Imagine tagging a dude who's basically never here, just to tell a slumbering man for a many-years-overdue response for the purposes of trolling him about his favourite show of all time. Never change :lol:
And I'll do it again when they make the sequel.
Paging old man @Cano. I finally got around to checking out the Alita movie, and well... sorry but I kinda liked it.
Just now saw this. You suck.
Imagine tagging a dude who's basically never here, just to tell a slumbering man for a many-years-overdue response for the purposes of trolling him about his favourite show of all time. Never change :lol:
Same old.
And I'll do it again when they make the sequel.
Ah, so you plan on keep sucking 👌
I decided to watch Beastars again despite how I didn't like it, just to see if I got the whole thing right the first time because I seem to be alone on my stance that whenever the show isn't about Rouis and his inferiority complex, the show is horrible.

However, in rewatching it, I think it more reinforced my stance on how much I think it's terrible. The whole Haru problem of her actually being horrible despite the show trying to make her sympathetic is earlier than I thought, and there are so many plot threads I didn't remember because they come up once and are immediately abandoned (like people from the school trying to assassinate Rouis so he can't become Beastar and Legoshi wanted to protect him, or the whole Beastar thing in general, even the Murder Mystery is only shown in Episode 1 and is never advanced until Season 2). It's like the Manga author only ever wanted to make the love rectangle story and everything else was just bait to lure you in and Rouis amazing character arc, the one saving grace was a complete accident.

This Anime would've benefited greatly if it wasn't a 12 Episode, Season show and had a more old school approach with longer Seasons and Episodic Filler episodes to properly explore all the important characters and abandoned plot threads could instead just be there own episodes. I at least could say "well I didn't like the story much but the Rouis episodes were fantastic"

Though it makes me curious how this train wreck crashes harder for the final season, I heard even the Manga readers didn't even like the final chapters.
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Holy crap, 4 posts in here this month?

I need to get back on the CSM hype train...come to think of it, I've got to catch up on a good few anime series. It turns out that being gainfully employed eats into your spare time. 🙃
After pushing myself through Beastars again (and getting even more frustrated with the disparancy of Louis amazing character arc being contrasted with how horrible everything else is, like it was written by 2 different people). I checked out a few pages of the Manga to see what to expect for the final season.

...and I'm prepared to the Hate-watch the **** out of it, the romance even after the Love Rectangle is finished is as awful as ever with the pairings having terrible chemistry (which funnily enough Legoshi and Louis had pretty good chemistry so they probably should have just been gay and ditched Haru and Juno entirely) and Louis, the only thing worth value in this property looks to be put through the shredder, and more nameless nobodies when the nobodies from before could've just been somebodies...

Kinda makes me intrigued in a way to see this being adapted into a gigantic car crash of an anime season. Weird for something I'm most certainly going to hate :lol:
Holy crap, 4 posts in here this month?
It turns out that being gainfully employed eats into your spare time. 🙃

HAH. Welcome to the End Life. I haven't been here much because my show watching began declining when I took a break from anime to watching shows/movies that contained more real people in it, in hopes to increase the amount of things I can make conversation with. Anime just doesn't get me very far as I prefer watching more obscure things and the people I find watch the popular (crappier) shows and/or don't say much to begin with.

In any case, I've caught up to all of Demon Slayer by this point, still great animation for a show with unappealing dialogue. Not a 10, not a 9, could be an 8, but the...

formulaic plot armor, plot twists, and character flashback/back-stroy exposition JUST before they're ]supposedly about to meet their end happen at very predictable times knocks points off for me.

7 at best, but dropping to 6 for some of them.

"Special Breathing Attack number 49!!!!!" still doesn't sound like something I'd shout when executing an attack, but I get this show is catered to younger audience. It's like when we used to watch TMNT or Transformers when we were wee lads.

Yeah it does. Try being fully employed and married lol. Its hard to find time to play games now.

You're married now?! Congrats Jon! Since when?! It's why I'm on BoardGameArena, play turn-based games with people around the globe, but I can check in once a day to take my turn. I will always have time to do something that brief, and I still get the opportunity to play a full game.
@-AOS , bout a year now

They finally made it!! Ooku: inner chamber. I have waited a years for this to translate into a anime.