The General Anime Thread...

  • Thread starter Kent
That lazy artist thought they could get away by filtering and blurring photos of their figurines... Nope, I caught it; they're as flat as Sora.
...flat as you. :sly:


Manga Lucy's the best :drool:


Nice. 👍 The eyepatch reminds me of worse times, though.
"I thought a hentai like you would like getting choked." :3
The sales for Fate/Zero are out. It sold 42,690 copies in week 1, topping the Oricon chart as people expected. I was predicting 40,000 (Based off of the Amazon Japan stalker site.) being the lowest it would sell, and 50,000-60,000 being the highest. Though 60,000+ for this in week one would be really shocking and unlikely.

With this, Fate/Zero is already the top-selling anime Blu-ray box, topping The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya which sold around 34,000 copies, but Haruhi's BD Box has long since sold out.

It should be noted, this is the first release Fate/Zero has ever received (The extremely, extremely rare straight to box set release.), and Haruhi was a re-release (One where it was the first time it ever hit Blu-ray.). Both F/Z and Haruhi had an MSRP of 39,000 yen, or at today's exchange rate, $470.55.
$470= New Strut or Arcade stick or Tution, or money to save or shirts or Gas or PS3. Just Sayian.

Or 1 week's supply of beer for Misato. :lol:
Ah Sailor Moon, what was really big on Toonami back in the early 2000's during the anime boom, and the series is long OOP here.

I'm a fan, though I'm waiting for the series to eventually come back into print so I can see all of it. It's only a matter of time until America joins in the worldwide revival of the series that started in like Italy.

For some reason I don't think we'll have a chance to see any new episodes since last two seasons were major step down in the eyes of critics (although they did well with fans.). Repetitive action, bunch of blocks and non-subbed last season stopped this season for good. If they didn't decide then I don't think they're gonna do it now after 10 and more years!

Also, in order for the series to become successfull again, they need to completely rewrite whole script and add some fresh elements otherwise it would look like cheap method to earn some quick money. The reason why manga is very popular even today probably lies in aural reputation - they did excellent job back in 90's and had left monstrous impact that still holds their fans on spire.

When it comes to Italy, newly aired episodes might be good commercial for Sailor Moon: La Luna Splende, italian exclusive DS game.

While the characters are still in their early 20's

World saviours are always teenageres, fulled with elder-like experience and capable of solving dramatic and life-threating decisions. What would you expect ? :P

The series use to be brutaly popular here in Croatia, up to the moment they decided to dub last two seasons with only 7 voices to act across 50 important characters. :yuck::yuck:
Don't bother, he doesn't get how money works yet.
Get back to me when you learn why anime is priced so high in Japan, and why people will buy/import the stuff.
Interesting quote from the Fate/Zero production materials booklet (Translated).
On average, how many background art paintings do you produce per episode for a TV anime?
About 200 to 300. In terms of cuts, I think it's about 350, but some backgrounds are shared between scenes. In terms of number of paintings, I'd say that's pretty close.
How many staffers paint all those, and how long does it take?
For Studio Easter, the background art studio I'm affiliated with, we have four or five people, and I think it takes two to three weeks for us to put out one episode. In the case of typical TV anime, that period is actually much shorter. You finish an episode in a week to ten days, maybe two weeks. The work for "Fate/Zero" is intensive, so it takes a long time. The backgrounds for episode 7 are taking a long time to paint. Episode 10 had a lot of urban shots, so that one is going slow, too. We've already spent one or two months painting episodes 7 and 10.
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Get back to me when you learn why anime is priced so high in Japan, and why people will buy/import the stuff.

I understand why, according to your reasoning. I just disagree with it heavily because it doesn't agree with most business and economic models.

But I wasn't talking about the industry, but your personal concept of money, which usually goes something like

"My family can't afford to send my sister to college, and I'm going to live at home for 4 years for school because of the money, but I'll spend hundreds dollars on anime."

As others have pointed, in the real world, $400 is a decent chunk of money and many, many people find it absolutely stupid to spend that much on a season of a show when it could pay rent, insurance, bills, food, etc.
Can you both stop with the money crap now?

Cody, he's not going to listen. Scott, no one here agrees with you so if you wish to avoid this dumb argument, please stop posting prices.
Not going to happen. Even if they do stop it's just a matter of time before they unearth this subject yet again...

I just scroll past really.
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Can you both stop with the money crap now?

Cody, he's not going to listen. Scott, no one here agrees with you so if you wish to avoid this dumb argument, please stop posting prices.


Fine. I won't mention it again, even when other people are like "lol wut is wrong wit u cray cray kid?"

Or something.
But I wasn't talking about the industry, but your personal concept of money, which usually goes something like

"My family can't afford to send my sister to college, and I'm going to live at home for 4 years for school because of the money, but I'll spend hundreds dollars on anime."
Sigh, how many parents do you know pay entirely for their child's college expenses? I sure as hell don't know many.

Also, living at home when the college would be close actually saves money. I've seen what the costs for room and board are. It's not cheap, and that's the very reason why my sister decided to stay at home while she went to college (And to clarify: 2 years of community college, 2 years at the University of Minnesota, and a third year there coming.).
As others have pointed, in the real world, $400 is a decent chunk of money and many, many people find it absolutely stupid to spend that much on a season of a show when it could pay rent, insurance, bills, food, etc.
What do you have left after that's all done? Disposable income. I have no bills to pay, absolutely none. All I got really is disposable income when I get money for stuff like mowing the lawn, snow blowing, shoveling the entire driveway because the snow blower can't handle wet, slushy, heavy snow, yard work, and more.

As for finding it stupid, yes most people do as simply, Americans are too used to cheap prices for DVD's and Blu-rays.
Fate/Zero finally made the news on ANN.
The trouble I have with watching older shows is that you always want to keep up-to-date with the new shows so it ends up taking all your time.
Just finished watching this which is on my Fate/Zero Blu-ray Box. Unfortunately, they did not sub any of the extras, but I felt like watching this one that you definitely need subtitles to appreciate anyway. (The other extras you didn't, especially since Aniplex USA had uploaded all those other extras onto their YouTube page subbed basically, but in not as good of quality, and with yellow subs-F/S's subs for episodes are white.)

It was basically explaining many things about the Holy Grail War it seems. The last episode with Assassin, I have no idea what that was about. I understood a very small bit of the dialogue, but they did go too fast for me most of the time when I did understand some things.

It gave me quite a bit of laughs, and it probably would have made me laugh more if I knew every word Irisveil and that other girl (Who for whatever reason is wearing only panties.) were saying, along with Assassin in that last episode. Overall, 7/10, strange as it may be for me to rate an anime I watched raw.
The trouble I have with watching older shows is that you always want to keep up-to-date with the new shows so it ends up taking all your time.

Never had that urge. How strange.

I have no interest in keeping "up-to-date", I just have an interest in watching damn good anime. Thus, if an older show sounds better than a newer show, I'm going to watch the older one.
Never had that urge. How strange.

I have no interest in keeping "up-to-date", I just have an interest in watching damn good anime. Thus, if an older show sounds better than a newer show, I'm going to watch the older one.

I have this urge so I can talk to you guys about something. You're doing your programming crap so that's why you don't care as much.
The trouble I have with watching older shows is that you always want to keep up-to-date with the new shows so it ends up taking all your time.

Ummmmmm, nope.

Just finished watching this which is on my Fate/Zero Blu-ray Box. Unfortunately, they did not sub any of the extras

Sucks for you, but the rest of us will enjoy it when someone subs it for us. For free.
I have this urge so I can talk to you guys about something. You're doing your programming crap so that's why you don't care as much.

You could watch older shows too. You don't have to watch all the latest and often-not-the-greatest anime immediately.

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