The General Anime Thread...

  • Thread starter Kent
People of GTPlanet who surf the General Anime thread! Help me settle this debate I've been having with myself regarding which anime I should watch first out of this list:
Afro Samurai
Highschool of the Dead
Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
Outlaw Star and last but for gods sake nowhere near least:
Soul Eater
People of GTPlanet who surf the General Anime thread! Help me settle this debate I've been having with myself regarding which anime I should watch first out of this list:
Afro Samurai
Highschool of the Dead
Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
Outlaw Star and last but for gods sake nowhere near least:
Soul Eater

I'm going to recommend The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya or Outlaw Star. It mostly depends on what your personal preference in anime is though.

I need to watch Outlaw Star again. I've haven't seen that show in ages.
Outlaw Star is probably your best bet.

Skip Highschool of the Dead.

Afro Samurai is great since its short. Do it.

Melancholy of Haruhi, then season 2 (2009), then Disappearance of Haruhi (it's a must).

Then skip Soul Eater and watch Psycho-Pass.
Cruchyroll now also has both the complete Haruhi mini series aswell.
saw them a week ago they were pretty good especially drunk :lol:
I would watch souleater though eventually.

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Really? I had been wanting to try it out based on how much its soundtrack rules. Does it suck?
It doesn't suck, but it takes a bit of a quality drop at a certain point when it diverged from the manga like the original FMA did, and the ending absolutely sucks.
Railgun episodes 13-19: a bit of a slump in quality after the previous few episodes. The start of episode 20 has my hopes up, though.
^ I knew that series, Crest of the Stars. It was shown back when Tech TV was still alive, along with Parallel Dual and Serial Experiments Lain. :)

-> Unfortunately, I never got the hang of never grabbed me at all! :indiff:
My rating for Toaru Kagaku no Railgun: 8/10.

The ending was great. The final 4 episodes helped to tie everything together.

The final villain, for some reason, had an "evil smile" that reminded me of Heath Ledger's Joker.

The show loses 2 marks for some pointless episodes. The show may have been better off as an 18- or 20-episode series, as some episodes didn't seem to advance the plot that well.
Dat ass. *bites lip*

Anyways, I've started watching Psycho-Pass. I'm getting a kind of Cowboy Bebop/GitS/Black Lagoon vibe off of this for some reason.