The General Anime Thread...

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Hmm, finished Koyomimonogatari the other night. Ending had me close to punching something, but thankfully there's more to go. Now that Kizumonogatari is finally all said and done (still need to watch those), I'm hoping we'll see a return to usual and get the last few series broadcasted.


That said, you know it's a Monogatari when you're actually educated as to why donuts have holes...
Sat through the entire series of Yu Yu Hakusho

I really did like it, for something so old it felt like the writing would fit in todays anime. Granted Yusuke is as Shonen as shonen can get (though like I said it is very old), every other character was enjoyable to watch and had enough reasons for me to either see them prevail or for the villains fail. Made me get past my biggest gripe about mosf anime and made it all about Humanity being some sort of special snowflake. My favourite definitely had to be Kurobara from someone who was just comic relief who was obnoxious, he turned into a respectable person who had a lot of passion for what he was doing, his farewell during the last arc and the dilemma between the 3 other main characters got me, just comparing him to when he was introduced to how he was in the final episode showed how he has grown and what happened to him thrugh his journey.

Though I must say their middle school is 🤬 up, were teachers in Japan allowed to get away with physically punching their students in the face and making them bleed at the tike it was made?
That's called "trigger discipline."

It's rule #3 of firearms safety -- don't put your finger into the trigger well unless and until you are ready to shoot.
Exactly. I was only pointing it out because the person I quoted was pointing out the safety.
Finished Sakamoto desu ga? the other day. Andy really was right, it's a serious brain turn off to enjoy some of the down-right absurd 'skills' Sakamoto possess. Still, it was an entertaining watch with an expected flat storyline.


I think I'll watch the Kizu movies next.
Man that brought back memories..

Good ones, I hope. :P

But yes, I had to share that one. I don't think I've ever laughed with so much in so little time in a single anime sequence. It can literally be "Fumoffu in a nutshell", and also "Full Metal Panic in a nutshell", since that episode was in the original manga but wasn't reproduced by the first anime season...
But what really makes it is that PE class, man. That freakin' PE class... :lol:
I just finished JoJo's Battle Tendency now, and...
I'm amazed Smokey survived being in such close quarters with Nazi soldiers.[/quote]

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