The General Anime Thread...

  • Thread starter Kent
To be in the U.S. (and not that far from me) may I ask who you are with that has a cap?

Edit: The cap is only specified in the fine print, which I just looked at again. Apparently it's been raised to 350. :lol:

Wouldn't you?!

Yes I would. But then, I'd probably take advantage of Asuka in ways that wouldn't require me wiping my fluids off my hands. :sly:
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Yes I would. But then, I'd probably take advantage of Asuka in ways that wouldn't require me wiping my fluids off my hands. :sly:

Hmmm never heard of Metrocast.

Also I agree but she'd probably definitely end up pregnant. I guess I wouldn't mind so much. If this is against the AUP please tell me and I'll edit this post because I saw nothing against impregnation in there.

Back on topic...
Also I agree but she'd probably definitely end up pregnant. I guess I wouldn't mind so much. If this is against the AUP please tell me and I'll edit this post because I saw nothing against impregnation in there.

What? It's in there:

Acceptable Use Policy
You will not impregnate or discuss impregnating any individual or group.

Oh wait...

Acceptable Use Policy
You will not knowingly post any material that is false, misleading, or inaccurate.

Don't report me. :nervous:
Today's mobile suit of the day isn't a mobile suit at all, it's a mobile armor. Like a Gundam is one step above your average mobile suit (of course these "steps" vary from MS to MS and Gundam to Gundam), mobile armors are two, three steps above both (again, the range is dependent on the MS and/or Gundam). The MA in question is the AMX-002 (or, AMA-X2) Neue Ziel piloted by the "Nightmare of Solomon" himself, Anavel Gato.


Weighing in at an absolutely massive 403.5 metric tons and standing at 76.6 meters (251.32 ft) tall there's no way you could miss the NZ, not even if your head was turned; quite the prominent shadow it would cast. Interestingly, the NZ was developed by Axis under the direction of Haman Karn (a very, very dangerous Newtype) and as a result was the Delaz Fleet's supreme ace in the hole for Operation Stardust. The Neue Ziel was, without much doubt, one of the most powerful mobile armors at that time (UC 0083; the only real challenge in terms of power would be the Big Zam...but even then the NZ has more advantages in that scenario than disadvantages). In the hands of Gato the NZ single-handedly decimated, no not good enough, destroyed, no still not good enough, it single-handedly obliterated several Earth Federation fleets with sheer ease. It even bested the Dendrobium Orchis (GP03S + the unmanned unit, Orchis) and crippled Solar System II a Federation super weapon. The Neue Ziel, or literally "New Goal" attested to every bit of skill Gato possessed and would prove his nickname to be every bit as terrifying as it was during the One Year War (0079). Ultimately, Gato and the NZ were defeated, not through Federation effort but through suicide, kamikaze-style...right into a Salamis-class cruiser.

Even today, er, rather even in the later years of the Universal Century when Minovsky physics were more understood and put to better use, the Neue Ziel would still be a threat. NZ implements the "Half-Control System" a Newtype-derived technology that would allow Gato to utilize certain attacks he wouldn't be able to do himself. In terms of armament the NZ is armed with the following: mega beam cannon, nine directional mega particle cannons, six mega particle cannons, four large missile launchers, twenty-four small missile launchers, two wire-guided heavy claw arms, two large beam sabers (emitted from said arms), four sub arms (underneath the shoulder binders; shown in the pic), four large beam sabers (emitted from said arms; that's a total of six (6) large beam sabers), and finally a mega beam cannon. Can you say "OMGWTFBBQHAX!!!!"?
Bah, just get out of here then. I don't appreciate that, jerk!

Going to have a Doctor Who/Blood+ marathon tonight, awwww yeah.
Loliblade what did you say?

T-12 how is every mobile suit so freaking crazy?!

And also wouldn't this be the second one for today?

EDIT: Just finished K-ON!

A very cute show and I gave it a solid 3 stars. <3 Azunyaaaaaaan (I want one) and Sawako. I still have the specials (for season1 ) to watch and they will be watched soon.
Goddam. The epicest day in the Anime thread ever. Had to read through like 6 pages of loli this loli that.

Loved the dancing, and Minchi reference.

Also, yay, Capeta's best episodes were rather early on, wouldn't you say? When he was evolving his karting.

And, AOS-, could we move the cat to the middle and Saya to the right? Nice karaoke Shinpachi!
Also, yay, Capeta's best episodes were rather early on, wouldn't you say? When he was evolving his karting.

Tough to say. I thought it was consistently good throughout. :)

The best episodes though are probably when he first starts karting, the kart race in the rain, and then the last couple episodes.
T-12 how is every mobile suit so freaking crazy?!

And also wouldn't this be the second one for today?

I know how to pick 'em? :lol:

And no, the...what the hell did I post? The...Ex-S was yesterday's MSoTD, you just saw it late. :P
Tough to say. I thought it was consistently good throughout. :)

The best episodes though are probably when he first starts karting, the kart race in the rain, and then the last couple episodes.

I enjoyed it throughout but hoped there would be a shot of him in F1. I am a huge F1 fan though so that may have wanted me to see that more.

I liked the show a lot but hated how it would be *exaggeration time* 4 episodes for 1 race, skip 5 years, 5 episodes for 1 race, skip 200 years, 8 episodes for 1 race, etc.

I loved how it showed him and his friends growing up together and him progressing but I thought the pacing could have been just a little bit better.
I enjoyed it throughout but hoped there would be a shot of him in F1. I am a huge F1 fan though so that may have wanted me to see that more.

I liked the show a lot but hated how it would be *exaggeration time* 4 episodes for 1 race, skip 5 years, 5 episodes for 1 race, skip 200 years, 8 episodes for 1 race, etc.

I loved how it showed him and his friends growing up together but I thought the pacing could have been just a little bit better.

Yeah. I didn't mind the jumps in time, but the pacing definitely could've been a little brisker for some parts.

It would've been cool if the show had continued on to show his F1 career, but since it doesn't, I don't mind that they didn't actually show a shot of it. We know he made it, and that's all that matters.

What I wanted to see was Capeta hook up with Minamoto's mom. :lol:
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We know he made it, and that's all that matters.

Yeah but there's no anime (or any TV show) that is about F1 :(

And right now they are in their month long break and I am getting the shakes :(

That last race was pretty awesome though.

What I wanted to see was Capeta hook up with Minamoto's mom. :lol:

To be honest I just wanted her to be naked the whole time.
And get fapped to by Shinji while unconscious. :D

I bet he wiped his hand off on her too...

:lol:... Oh boy... :ill:.

Tough to say. I thought it was consistently good throughout. :)

The best episodes though are probably when he first starts karting, the kart race in the rain, and then the last couple episodes.

Looks like Capeta's something I'm gonna watch :D.

Yeah but there's no anime (or any TV show) that is about F1 :(

This makes me equally as sad :indiff:
Also, Shinji...seriously? Topless unconscious chicks arouse you? What are you, Quagmire?

When I saw that bit of EoE, all I was thinking in my head was "That's what Sephy would do....probably.... probably right now actually LOL"

One A Day Loli :sly:
If you can do that while keeping it SFW (not just AUP-violating-free), mad props to you.

Thanks. Acquiring.
I've already got dibs on her.

Well Team Sephy is a stupid name, you should have gone with something better. Like Team Asuka! That has a GREAT ring to it.
Team Asukasaber

And, AOS-, could we move the cat to the middle and Saya to the right?

One minute later, here you have it!