The General Anime Thread...

  • Thread starter Kent
Dem's some fine bewbies. I refuse to believe that she's 14.
"They won't be fine in 40 years..."
*sprays Asuka with LCL*

*shoots Mari with a tranquilizer rifle with 100% accuracy and secretly takes her body*

Screw you, she belongs to neither of us. I'm giving her back to the guy who really deserves her - you know who he is already.

I also heard about Haruhi's order being impossible to predict too.

Less of these talk and more on you watching the show itself.
You're just trying to make us jealous!

But out of what you have, my favorites are:


The ones I've deleted I've either never seen or didn't think were that good... so if I deleted something you think is great let me know, because that probably means I haven't seen it yet but really should!

Wait, there's such an anime as Great Detectives Poirot and Marple?????

Yes, there certainly is such anime. :lol:

Anyway, out of your list of favorites, here's the ones I haven't watched:
Edit: Removed the titles that are already on my schedule.

Azumanga Daioh
Baccano! (Well, haven't completed. Stalled at Ep. 9, but not the show's fault)
Crest of the Stars
Darker Than Black (S2)
Gunbuster (S1+2)
Infinite Ryvius
Initial D (Stage 1-4)
Legend of the Galactic Heroes (S1-4)
Lucky Star
Lunar Legend Tsukihime
Patlabor TV
Record of Lodoss War
Sora no Woto
The Tatami Galaxy
The Vision of Escaflowne
Twelve Kingdoms
Wangan Midnight
Wolf's Rain

Any titles in there that stand out as things I absolutely must watch ASAP? :P
All this anime stuff is SO confusing.
I, for some reason, watched an Anime movie called 'Spirited Away' and it was a prime example of this.
All this anime stuff is SO confusing.
I, for some reason, watched a movie called 'Spirited Away' and it was a prime example of this.

There's a lot of people in this thread who'd disagree with me, but...

Spirited Away sucks. One of Miyazaki's worst. :yuck: 👎

That said, there's a lot of anime out there that is much less trippy than Spirited Away. It's not as if all anime makes the viewer wonder if they accidentally ingested some LSD.

...but there are crazier anime out there than even Spirited Away. :lol:
All this anime stuff is SO confusing.
I, for some reason, watched an Anime movie called 'Spirited Away' and it was a prime example of this.

You want confusing? Watch Neon Genesis Evangelion, and the subsequent follow-up, End of Evangelion.

Then, and only then (there are other prime examples of what we call "mind 🤬" around here, some even better than both) will you know what confusion truly is.
There's a lot of people in this thread who'd disagree with me, but...

Spirited Away sucks. One of Miyazaki's worst. :yuck: 👎

That said, there's a lot of anime out there that is much less trippy than Spirited Away. It's not as if all anime makes the viewer wonder if they accidentally ingested some LSD.
...but there are crazier anime out there than even Spirited Away. :lol:

Exactly that. :D

There was another one as well, can't remember the name, but it basically involved a little girl visiting a 'World Of Cats'. :P
Yes, there certainly is such anime. :lol:

Anyway, out of your list of favorites, here's the ones I haven't watched:
Edit: Removed the titles that are already on my schedule.

Azumanga Daioh
Baccano! (Well, haven't completed. Stalled at Ep. 9, but not the show's fault)
Crest of the Stars
Darker Than Black (S2)
Gunbuster (S1+2)
Infinite Ryvius
Initial D (Stage 1-4)
Legend of the Galactic Heroes (S1-4)
Lucky Star
Lunar Legend Tsukihime
Patlabor TV
Record of Lodoss War
Sora no Woto
The Tatami Galaxy
The Vision of Escaflowne
Twelve Kingdoms
Wangan Midnight
Wolf's Rain

Any titles in there that stand out as things I absolutely must watch ASAP? :P

Wolf's Rain. Might seem odd at first, but by the end will be one of the most satisfying shows you ever watch. And not too long.

Then Twelve Kingdoms and Baccano! (Bac may seem slow to start but seriously 9.5/10 program.)

And OMG man, you're on GTP and have never seen WM or ID?!? Neither are great works of art, but for car/racing fans, certainly both qualify as guilty pleasures.

Lucky Star for great humor, also Azumanga.

Crest/Banner and Legend for epic galactic political intrigues with great stories/characters/animation/voice acting.

Mushi-shi and Sora no Woto for deeper, more intellectual, beautifully animated stuff. Sora is more touching of the two, very different but somehow on the same level.

The rest are more actiony/adventury, great for some downtime.

Yay! I love The Cat Returns, and Whisper of the Heart, and Spirited Away, and My Neighbor Totoro, and absolutely anything that Miyazaki has ever touched! But those are all movies, and anime for the most part is about serials, like 13-26 episodes or more with about 21 minutes of content each, and mostly not so family oriented. But I have to say Miyazaki is a cultural warrior on the side of good and justice. He's telling great stories which make us better people. I love that guy. But it's not necessarily entertainment, and can sometimes be quite preachy (Princess Mononoke...)
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Well, I'll probably do some major revising to my list.

I've watched about 13 episodes of Initial D and about 6 of Wangan Midnight. Initial D was pretty enjoyable, but I got sidetracked and stopped watching it. Wangan Midnight wasn't quite as good... better artwork than Initial D, but the story was awfully boring.

I do need to finish Baccano! It was badass, but like with Initial D, I got sidetracked.

I'll probably work Legend of the Galactic Heroes in, because it was actually on an earlier revision of my list and I removed it to make room for something else.

In order to accomodate some of these, I'll probably have to lengthen my list a little bit. Definitely been interested in Mushi-shi and Sora no Woto, so I'll put them in. I'll get Twelve Kingdoms and Wolf's Rain in there too. I'm guessing that once I expand it enough to fit all those in, I may have a few empty spots which I'll fill with some of those comedy or action shows. 👍
Yeah, both ID and WM are pretty weak in the story dept. That's why guilty pleasures. ID for great racing with many different models, and WM for the quest for absolute freeway speed between a monster Porsche and an unbelievable underdog Datsun, and yes with prettier animation than ID.

And I believe based on what I know about you that adding the others to your watch list will be total win for you, enjoy! but let me know either way.
I watched FLCL and...I'm sure that show would be fun to watch when you're high...Finished Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood. Definitely better than the first series. All the humuncli made sense, the storyline, itself, made sense...and General Armstrong kicks ass. And the ending was satisfying. (Crap...All I remember about the end of the original FMA series is a bunch of weird stuff about the other side of the portal being our world and Al getting trapped over there or something. It seemed to end in a way that made you feel like you just wasted several hours of your life watching the series...and then the movie didn't really do anything to help.) Speaking of...they're redoing the FMA movie, too...or...more accurately, they're doing a FMA Brotherhood movie. It's called Full Metal Alchemist: The Sacred Star of Milos...sounds like it takes place sometime before the events of the series, though.
Well, here's my revised schedule:


In addition to adding some things, I decided that I'm not going to watch multiple seasons of a show back-to-back, and thus I ungrouped the few shows where I had multiple seasons grouped as one item on the list.
Yes, there certainly is such anime. :lol:

Anyway, out of your list of favorites, here's the ones I haven't watched:
Edit: Removed the titles that are already on my schedule.

Azumanga Daioh
Baccano! (Well, haven't completed. Stalled at Ep. 9, but not the show's fault)
Crest of the Stars
Darker Than Black (S2)
Gunbuster (S1+2)
Infinite Ryvius
Initial D (Stage 1-4)
Legend of the Galactic Heroes (S1-4)
Lucky Star
Lunar Legend Tsukihime
Patlabor TV
Record of Lodoss War
Sora no Woto
The Tatami Galaxy
The Vision of Escaflowne
Twelve Kingdoms
Wangan Midnight
Wolf's Rain

Any titles in there that stand out as things I absolutely must watch ASAP? :P

Dude, Patlabor. Watch that. Also finish Baccano! and start Azumanga Daioh.

All this anime stuff is SO confusing.
I, for some reason, watched an Anime movie called 'Spirited Away' and it was a prime example of this.

Try giving it a second chance. Spirited Away is a great movie. Just keep in mind most anime aren't realistic.


Keeping tabs on multiple forums is such a PITA. Man I need more attention here but it seems that I shouldn't contribute to the conversation simply because I have nothing to say at the moment.

But yeah, I <3 Sayaka. And I'm off to bed now. Tomorrow's a holiday, so I'mma be with you guys while doing my homework and projects and stuff. See ya.
Tomorrow's a holiday, so I'mma be with you guys while doing my homework and projects and stuff. See ya. get the day off AS WELL?!


Gimme a fist bump brah. :cheers:

Also hey look! It's Messenger Asuka! :lol: No seriously she does look like a darker version of Asuka though. It is a repost for sure but still an awesome pic :)
You said it was ok to go offtopic over there :irked:

That's not what I was getting at What I was saying is that, it's not a PITA to keep track of 2 threads if the off-topic stuff was kept to a minimal amount, but we also have an actually off-topic thread there, so use that for anything not-anime related. I've told you guys many times to do this and yet Sephy still hasn't stepped outside of said thread.
Are you a skipping record, because that was so a repost.[/corny joke]

It was posted by you before. It's never been posted by me as an official OADA post. How many times do we have to go over this?

Sephy still hasn't stepped outside of said thread.

Not true. I browsed around a few different places this morning. It's hard to just jump in there though. I don't know those people.

Seven episodes left of K-ON!!. I might finish it today. If not then I'll definitely finish it tomorrow.
Just jump into Random Thoughts and bicker about anything....

Regarding K-ON!!, did you get to the Sawako shredding scene? :D
Regarding K-ON!!, did you get to the Sawako shredding scene? :D

Yeah, that was awesome. :lol:

Also according to MAL the movie airs on December 3rd. It's one of the reasons I decided to start K-ON!! so soon and why I'm watching it relatively fast.
No spoiling allowed. You shall encounter airborne axes for spoiling anything, and severed arms....:lol:
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*shoots Mari with a tranquilizer rifle with 100% accuracy and secretly takes her body*
NO!!! My only weapon!
"Pfft, as if." get the day off AS WELL?!

It's Messenger Asuka! :lol: No seriously she does look like a darker version of Asuka though. It is a repost for sure but still an awesome pic :)
In the almighty test suit, too.