The General Anime Thread...

  • Thread starter Kent
No spoiling allowed. You shall encounter airborne axes for spoiling anything, and severed arms....:lol:

Why haven't you gone and finished it yet? Seems like you're asking for a spoiler to me.
Mirai Nikki 8:

Akise Aru rules! He figured out that Yukki is a diary holder. But Hino and Mao are after Akise! So why the hell are they holding Yukki hostage? Because he can predict movements. And Hino LIVES?!

This show is awesome! :D --- Randy
Just finished Ep. 7 of Bebop. I can't believe V.T. was a chick...:ill:
Shana Final Episode 8:

Yes! Rebecca Reed = MAI WAIFU'S VA!! :D Okay, the real start of the battle and while they are getting there butt kicked in Tokyo, the group in the other world started kicking in high gear. Khamsin is an awesome dude!
The only way Shana can help Yuji, is with love.

Looks like this series is about to get interesting!!! :D 👍 --- Randy :)
The first episode of season 1 is still better than the latest IMO. Shana III has been quite disappointing. It's still good, but man is it failing to beat either season in quality.
Yes, there certainly is such anime. :lol:

Anyway, out of your list of favorites, here's the ones I haven't watched:
Edit: Removed the titles that are already on my schedule.
Lucky Star
Sora no Woto

Any titles in there that stand out as things I absolutely must watch ASAP? :P
Not really, but I've seen the ones I didn't delete. Sora no Woto was a pretty good show. As for Lucky*Star, surprised you haven't seen it. It's popularity is absolutely massive, though that popularity didn't help the singles sell well enough for Bandai to do limited editions for all, they cancelled the limited edition for the last volume. Anyway on that show, it's pretty good, you'll love all the anime references in it.

Blood+, it's good, but I'm not really sure how much you'd like that.
Just finished Ep. 7 of Bebop. I can't believe V.T. was a chick...:ill:
Are you :censored:ing serious?:lol::lol:I figured it out early on when I first watched that episode a few years ago.:lol:
My sister isn't home, but yet, the laptop is still in her room, and it's on, a clear sign she might still be using it.:mad:I have 7 catch-up episodes, and 5 today, I'll go crazy if I can't watch today. I want to get Birdy the Mighty: Decode off my on-hold list and into watching, but I can't until I rewatch episodes 1 and 2 (I never saw past episode 2.).:ouch:I think I'm starting to go through withdrawal, haven't watch an episode since Sunday, and that was Dragon Ball Z episode 50.<_<

Dat animation, dat lighting.
Also, I get to see that beautiful packaging finally!!!:DGoing to be idle for about 17 minutes to watch all of that.
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Wow, forgot to post the link to the video I was referring to at the end of my last post. It's this. After it being delayed for nearly a year (Due a production issue that was caught too late. It was supposed to have come out in February.), it's finally coming out!!:DI better get the limited edition fast, this show I suspect will sell fast as it's really popular, and many have been waiting for it.
BRAD is slowing down the thread!!!D:

Also, I was bored, and I added up the total episode counts for all the shows on my on-hold, seeing how many episodes would be if I completed all those, they added up to a few thousand episodes, more so than what's in completed, despite completed having 126 entries, and on-hold 56. I blame you Hamtaro (296 episodes) for being so long, no wonder why you're still in on-hold.:grumpy:

By the time I've watched everything that's peaked my interest, it'll probably be at around 15,000 episodes total.:lol:I can't help but think if I'll ever have enough time to rewatch all those shows multiple times, while still being able to do other things, including responsibilities as an adult and having a family.:(
Heads up all you collector's, Rightstuf is doing 12 Days of Savings.:)
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These...these are just 🤬 up posts. :lol:

Thanks, we try. :)

Well, I do at least. Not sure if Loliblade even has to try... :P

Anyway... Pokemon Purple development is on hold until early/mid January. You can read the details of why over at my blog. 👍
No it's not. It's a lot less worse if people didn't get too chit-chatty.

It's just my consequence :lol: get the day off AS WELL?!

Yea bro, I'm here now. *brofist*

NO!!! My only weapon!
"Pfft, as if."

Pffft, you said you know how to clone... I even plucked out around 10 hair strands off from her so that you can get a DNA sample.

And Asuka, come at me brah.