The Gentlemen's Virtual Racing Club (Closed for now)PC 

  • Thread starter BrandonW77
Was great fun guys and had some good battles. Not exactly sure who was who, but was a blast.

In the 2nd race it was with me, until I succumbed to a mistake and tires. Also in the 2nd race I had a good start but a touch in the first corner sent me to the grass and to last place. Oh well :lol:
Yeah I didn't do enough practice and it showed by not being very consistent. I think I turned 10 laps before joining. :embarrassed: Will do more practice next time.
Start practicing GT3s at Bathurst now :)
Havent made my mind up on that one yet. I like the track, but really get zero enjoyment out of driving those cars. If I had to make up my mind today though the answer would be no thanks. I am not sure why I don't like driving them I just know that I don't.
Havent made my mind up on that one yet. I like the track, but really get zero enjoyment out of driving those cars. If I had to make up my mind today though the answer would be no thanks. I am not sure why I don't like driving them I just know that I don't.
I got my main FFB gain on the low side (around 60), and for most GT3 cars i need to up it to 120 on their individual FFB sliders at the app menu, otherwise they feel way too light. Maybe that's worth trying?
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Did that and solved the problem and the wierd thing is that the SLS will be my choice for the race. Standard setup, no tune whatsoever and I pulled a 2:17.606. I also like the Z4. And to whom dominates the psychotic GT-R it'll have a weapon, 2nd in my brief shakedown with a 2:18.342.
Race #2 replay.

1st half is my battle with whats, 2nd half is trackside cams of various battles.

Damn, smoke really did come out of my rear tyres O.o
It's weird though, I've seen some cars do the same thing IRL with no smoke coming out of them... Assetto Corsa I guess lol
Looks like a great time, guys! :cheers: Thanks for the streams and replays, those are GOLD, fun to watch.

I did some practice laps on Bathurst and I now totally get why @BrandonW77 used a GT6 image for the race pic. :lol: You can abuse these cars if you leave TC/ABS on. :scared:
Only did 1 outlap and 1 hotlap with each.
EDIT: All cars on Softs

2'14s in both Merc's, 2'13s in the Audi & BMW Z4, McLaren's could match, but they feel weird to drive, as many have noted. (swivel on-power)

Are the C7R and Ferrari GT2 legal? Or the Glick P4/5?
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Looks like a great time, guys! :cheers: Thanks for the streams and replays, those are GOLD, fun to watch.

I did some practice laps on Bathurst and I now totally get why @BrandonW77 used a GT6 image for the race pic. :lol: You can abuse these cars if you leave TC/ABS on. :scared:
Only did 1 outlap and 1 hotlap with each.
EDIT: All cars on Softs

2'14s in both Merc's, 2'13s in the Audi & BMW Z4, McLaren's could match, but they feel weird to drive, as many have noted. (swivel on-power)

Are the C7R and Ferrari GT2 legal? Or the Glick P4/5?
The C7R is a GTE/GTLM spec car, as is the Ferrari (GT2 became known as GTE). These do not share a balance of performance with GT3 cars at all.

The P4/5 Comp was built to GT2 specifications as well.

The SCG003 IS a GT3 car as per the rulebook, but I'm not sure if the BOP is quite right with it, either. Perhaps that is just my driving though? Give it a test - I managed a lap 2 seconds faster with the SCG than anything else, but that may just be my driving...
Thanks @Punknoodle. :cheers: The SCG003 is called out in the regs as too fast, and the Vette & Ferrari are probably best saved for later. :mischievous:

Car/Track: GT3's at Bathurst
(Scuderia Glickenhaus SCG003 will not be allowed as it's too fast)

Format: 2 10 lap races with a 20 minute combined practice/qualifying session before each.

Track Conditions: 11:00, Fast, Mid-Clear, 25c

Total event time: Approx. 1.5 hours

If I can make the race it'll be a German car, I'm pretty sure. Leaving the Lambo's for last, on the testing schedule. :D
@BrandonW77 Perhaps I was a little quick to dismiss the SCG as too fast.. You may have to test it for yourself? I might have just been quicker in that initially as it was a little easier to drive, however now that I have the track quite well known and the Merc quite well known too, in Optimum conditions I managed a 2:11.868 in the Mercedes - 2 seconds faster than I initially got in the SCG.
Looks like a great time, guys! :cheers: Thanks for the streams and replays, those are GOLD, fun to watch.

I did some practice laps on Bathurst and I now totally get why @BrandonW77 used a GT6 image for the race pic. :lol: You can abuse these cars if you leave TC/ABS on. :scared:

Glad the Twitch worked out, I think it's a cool feature and it's nice that it archives the replay for later viewing, even it if is just of my view (which was a bit boring for both races on Saturday).

Was wondering if anyone was going to notice the GT6 picture. :lol: I couldn't find any good ones for AC showing all the GT3's and since the GT one was at Bathurst I figured it would do the job.

I'll check out the SCG tonight and see if it's allowed to make the cut. I don't think I've ever driven it so I have no idea how it measures up.

Edit: Speaking of Twitch, did anyone see me lagging Saturday? Wiz ran the server which allowed me to stream, Friday I was getting some stuttering and reports of slight lagging but I dialed the recording quality back to 30fps from 60fps and at least on my end I didn't have any stuttering.
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So, I tested the SCG last night and while it does similar lap times to the other cars (wasn't faster) it has a major straightline disadvantage. Going down Conrad straight it was about 6-7mph slower at the Bentley sign and over 10mph slower at the right-hander leading down to the Chase. So, I'm going to leave it off the list. Also, since we're limited in how many cars can be allowed, the more cars that are allowed will mean fewer of each will be available and that will increase the likelihood that someone can't get their chosen car. So we'll just stick to the other GT3's for this race.
Yeah I did a little bit of testing again tonight and it appears my initial testing when I said it was too fast was simply me being crap at driving the others. Now that I'm more comfortable with the track I'm finding it's slower than the others.
Yeah I did a little bit of testing again tonight and it appears my initial testing when I said it was too fast was simply me being crap at driving the others. Now that I'm more comfortable with the track I'm finding it's slower than the others.

Yeah, my lap time was just barely slower than the others but it was way down on top speed and at Bathurst that's going to be a problem. I also found it more difficult to drive than the others, it's a bit rowdy but I kinda liked it. We might do it as a one-make at some point in the future.
I just discovered there's another BTCC Cavalier and it gets very positive reviews. Has anyone tried this one?

I like the 1993 version but in a couple of the corners (especially the final corner) it does feel a bit funny to me. I'm going to test the 1990 version tonight, if it happens to feel better than the 93 version I might pull a switch-a-roo and run the 90 version instead.
SCG's - I agree the 003 should be dropped, the P4/5 was super quick, as well as the Ferrari and Vette, but the lack of ABS means that the brake points would be quite different. The reason I asked about them was because I setup a race against the AI and it let me choose from the GT cars for opponents.

@RReed43 could you make a Bathurst practice server? :) I've not messed with creating servers and such.
SCG's - I agree the 003 should be dropped, the P4/5 was super quick, as well as the Ferrari and Vette, but the lack of ABS means that the brake points would be quite different. The reason I asked about them was because I setup a race against the AI and it let me choose from the GT cars for opponents.

@RReed43 could you make a Bathurst practice server? :) I've not messed with creating servers and such.

I only tried one of them, I think it was the P4/5 (the one with the black carbon fiber body in the preview picture). Either way, we already have plenty of cars to choose from and as a result there's a small chance someone might not get the car they want so I'm just going to leave the SCG's out for this one.

I plan to do some practicing this evening, I can open up a server around 5:30-6pm if anyone wants to practice.
The server is up if anyone wants to practice. I'll be around for about an hour but I'll leave it up all evening.
I just discovered there's another BTCC Cavalier and it gets very positive reviews. Has anyone tried this one?

I like the 1993 version but in a couple of the corners (especially the final corner) it does feel a bit funny to me. I'm going to test the 1990 version tonight, if it happens to feel better than the 93 version I might pull a switch-a-roo and run the 90 version instead.

Tested this, the 93 version is better so we'll stick with that.
For the GT3 race, what's your guys' opinion on tires? I'd like to keep a level playing field so I'm leaning towards restricting the server to just the Mediums, the still have good grip but should last the entire race fine.

Fine by me, there's already enough room to make a difference seeing we can pick different cars. Haven't tried different compounds yet though.
Mediums sound good to me. That's what I've been using for all my practice so far. I'm really looking forward to this one. I've probably done 100 laps already in various cars.

Here's my best lap so far, any car. This is with optimum settings.

Hug those walls!!! :)

Watch in 1440P for best results.
