Why do they keep insisting on a carreer mode? This is effing PSP!
This is a
Gran Turismo game. The entire point of the series is the Gran Turismo mode, and has been since day 1 back in 1997. Yet this game lacks the mode completely. The fact that this is a portable game does not excuse the fact that a major facet of the series is simply not in this game. You can not buy a car and modify it to your liking. You can not take part in a successively-harder single player mode using said car until you make enough money to replace it/upgrade it. You can't even buy all of the cars' from all of the manufacturers in the game whenever you have the money to do so.
I also find it rather funny that you think the game is
better off for lacking a major feature the has defined the series over the past 12 years. And quite frankly, if I wanted a pick-up and play game, I would not get a GT game anyways. The series itself at its basest of levels is at odds with the idea, and if Kaz thought "who cares, they won't notice" than I think he has missed the point entirely.
And by the way, it is completely normal for PSP racing games to have career modes. I own 3 games for the system that have such, not counting the PSX games I have on it that are also perfectly playable.
You don't have the time to play the Sunday Cup when you are going in the bus to school!
The PSP has a sleep mode, you know.
You may say "Yeah, but I have time to play it in my home, and when I'm there I want to race in the GT Cup" and to that I answer "BUY A FRIGGIN' PS2 AND GT4! IT'S ONLY 99 BUCKS NOW AND THE GAME SHOULD BE 20 BUCKS!".
So, what you are saying is, GT Mobile is crap, but that's okay because you can always spend more money and buy the superior PS2 game.
This is supposed to be played ON THE GO! So the whole point IGN and CVG use is flawed!
The game, if the reviews are to be believed, tries to make the single player like an ultra-shallow Pokemon but with cars; with multiplayer being ad-hoc only at that so there isn't anything to do anyways. I don't get how you see that is okay, because:
Its Pokemon' but with cars. its cool idea i guess.
That doesn't strike you as a problem considering the game is
not on the DS, meaning you will never find another person with a PSP and a copy of the game? The game's main apparent reason for existence is to chase after a niche (people sitting down and swapping cars/racing via ad-hoc) that will
never exist.
Without playing the game, i still find it hard to believe this game could be soooo bad especially when ridge racer was given a 9.1 by ign on the psp.
Ridge Racer was also a launch game.
I thought PD made it clear (since E3) that this isn't a conventional GT. KY said that it was "pick-up-and-play" right? Weren't you following the game?
He also said that the game would offer the true Gran Turismo experience. The fact that we knew they were changing something in regards to single player well in advance does not mask that they didn't bother to include
anything as a replacement for those that actually want depth.
I don´t really know why you want to know this, please spare me with "You only like it because it gave the game 9/10" if this is what you planned.
Not at all. My point was, ignoring the score, that review slams the game
far more than the IGN review does. The score is the thing that idiots flock to Metacritic to see. The meat of the review is what matters.