The Gran Turismo PSP reviews thread

  • Thread starter JToipa
He does explain better in the comments afterr someone commented that comparing GT to Motorstorm made no sense, on any system.

To be fair, yes-- if you want a game that simulates cars and driving to the most realistic degree possible on the PSP, then by all means get Gran Turismo. It won't disappoint there. But it's a car-lover's car game, and not so much a "racing" game. The more in-depth career modes are simply absent.

And I think that is the main problem he was left with by the way the article was done. Comparing the two games leaves you with driving simulator vs raw arcade just-for-fun racer. His statment here shows that there is more to it than can be said in a short paragraph making the comparison, but the nature of the article doesn't leave room for that kind of statement.

The only true similarities are gaming elements, which Motorstorm is good at. But if you were to compare them on things like physics, realism, car content, etc Motorstorm would compare poorly and be given a very unfair treatment. GT lacks a gaming element that it did before and nothing about GT's nature prevents that from being present. Motorstorm's nature prevents all those other things that make would put GT on top in they were the criteria for comparison.

The article itself was fine, given how preposterous the assignment was, and that one sentence was his attempt to explain GT's primary difference, but it came out weird.

I mean, in all honesty, no one familiar with either series would be confused about which they should get if they know what they want. No one is getting Motorstorm and then complaining that the AI isn't getting flagged for bumping them, and no one is getting GT and complaining that they aren't doing barrel rolls off of jumps.
Tetris sucks because you can´t shoot people in the head. It doesn´t even let you put decals on the blocks or download costumes for them. You´re much better off with Gears Of War 2 and Bioshock. :indiff:
I´m really baffled by how much worse the game looks in these reviews compared to the 60fps footage:
Really shows what a big difference 60fps makes, especially in a game with low resolution and occasionally muddy textures. I think that when everything moves so smoothly, jaggies and low details backgrounds won´t be nearly as bothersome as these video reviews make it seem. Seriously, after watching the avaiable reviews I was really feeling a bit torn on the game, but when I watched the Gamersyde footage again my excitement instantly came back :embarrassed:
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I actually wanted to do a video on this, asking if you'd recommend getting this game. I've been a bit skeptical on this after seeing a video review on YouTube from IGNore. I've heard so much about some of the fallacies of GT PSP. You know, no Career Mode and stuff. Speaking as a GT veteran and fan, I don't really know if I'd get this if I had a PSP. I am just not absolutely sure about this game. Don't hate it in any such way... just not sure what to make of this title.
Just wait a few more days and you can be sure you will be SWAMPED with impressions ;) Trust me, I´m tired of trying to make up my mind on what to expect from this game too!
It has the Granturimo Feel GT Mode or not. I said it before its not a big deal if you don't already own a psp. No single game is worth the cost of a system.
. No single game is worth the cost of a system.

I bought a PSP S&L SPECIFICALLY for Ridge Racer 2, and it´s been worth every penny. However, the PSP was pretty affordable at that point already ;) And while I was about to sell my PSP at some point, now with GTPSP coming out I´m glad I didn´t. Some people spend outrageous prices for rare arcade boards or sealed copies of obscure games - someone buying a system just for one game isn´t something I would consider THAT unusual, especially for games with virtually unlimited replay value.
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I don't believe in the "I only want (a system) just for one game." I've wanted to play Forza Motorsport and the first two PGR games, but I never want to get a system unless I can know full well I can enjoy the console for more than just a few games. I don't believe in that thing. Why waste three figures on a console or portable gaming device if you're not going to get other games to enjoy with it?
I don't believe in the "I only want (a system) just for one game." I've wanted to play Forza Motorsport and the first two PGR games, but I never want to get a system unless I can know full well I can enjoy the console for more than just a few games. I don't believe in that thing. Why waste three figures on a console or portable gaming device if you're not going to get other games to enjoy with it?

Nobody said you´re buying a system to play just ONE game on it. In my case, I was talking about a certain game that caused me to buy a system, but I knew very well that other good games were on it (or would eventually be released). Yeah, I bought a PSP for Ridge Racer 2 but that doesn´t mean I sealed the UMD drive shut ;) I´ve done similar things in the past but there were mostly used systems. On the other hand, I tend to buy systems when I can get them cheap, either used or after price drops, so I won´t certainly rush out to buy a pricey console at launch day just for one specific title.

When people say (for instance) "I´ll buy a PS3 for GT5", it means that this is a game they really want to play, but it doesn´t mean it´s the only game they every going to buy for that system.
I mentioned this before- first game I got for the PS1 was Gran Turismo. First game I got for the PlayStation 2 (Christmas 2001) was Gran Turismo 3. If the trend continues, then I'll get GT5 (or even GT5: Prologue) when I get a PS3. I surely want a PS3 because the PS2 is really becoming obsolete, feeling like I'm missing out on staying with the latest systems.

I do get your point, though, Frederik82.
I do not believe in that either. I got my systems to maximize the uses out of them, PSP and PS3, not because there was ONE game that got me interested. I'm interested in many games on the platforms.
Some more reviews. Some are repeat, but pick and pull the ones that aren't.
No score, but postitive
No score, but positive.
I mentioned this before- first game I got for the PS1 was Gran Turismo. First game I got for the PlayStation 2 (Christmas 2001) was Gran Turismo 3. If the trend continues, then I'll get GT5 (or even GT5: Prologue) when I get a PS3. I surely want a PS3 because the PS2 is really becoming obsolete, feeling like I'm missing out on staying with the latest systems.
I too got my consoles for Gran Turismo, and then added to it. It was Gran Turismo that made me get a PS1. I held out on the PS2 until GT3 came out. And I paid $600 for a PS3 just to download the free GT:HD Concept and had no other games for a month. Now my PS3 is the multimedia hub in my house.

The only exception to this for me was the PSP. I was planning a trip to Hawaii and so I wanted something I could use on the 11 hour plane flight. Seeing how the PSP could integrate with the PS3 sold me on it.

So, it technically was not a GT related purchase, but it was an extension of my PS3.
I don't understand how all these reviews criticize GT for no online play. Doesn't adhoc party allow for online play?

Sure you need a PS3 as well but considering GT is essentially an extension of GT5 then the two consoles should be going hand in hand as well.
I don't understand how all these reviews criticize GT for no online play. Doesn't adhoc party allow for online play?
But Ad-Hoc Party isn't out yet in any place but Japan, so the reviewers can't test it. What I don't get is how many PSP games come out with Ad Hoc only and that is a brief blip in a review.

And I wonder how many of them have actually tried some of the online PSP games. There are a lot of issues with it. One game I have (I think Worms 2 or Star Wars Battlefront 2) requires a Gamespy account or a Verizon hot spot (really?) and the only Wi-Fi anywhere online I have seen had no one else playing it because it was an older and not popular game.

Honestly, I think Ad Hoc only became the more common thing because the true online play was never being utilized. When at home you could actually sit down with a steady connection to play online, but as many point out, that is not where they are playing their PSP. Train and bus rides are not ideal for online anything.

The only thing I think might be having an effect, and I agree here, is that if you wanted to design the game with a car trading aspect you needed to have something readily available for everyone to use that didn't require being within eyesight of the person. I know two people in person with PSPs and only one of them has an interest in GT. Basically, design choice A (car trading heavily suggested) does not mesh with design choice B (local multiplayer only). Once Ad Hoc Party is available in the US then I will be set, but until then the best hope for trading I have is to find the one GTP member I know is in Kentucky and likely to get the game.
But Ad-Hoc Party isn't out yet in any place but Japan, so the reviewers can't test it. What I don't get is how many PSP games come out with Ad Hoc only and that is a brief blip in a review.

And I wonder how many of them have actually tried some of the online PSP games. There are a lot of issues with it. One game I have (I think Worms 2 or Star Wars Battlefront 2) requires a Gamespy account or a Verizon hot spot (really?) and the only Wi-Fi anywhere online I have seen had no one else playing it because it was an older and not popular game.

Honestly, I think Ad Hoc only became the more common thing because the true online play was never being utilized. When at home you could actually sit down with a steady connection to play online, but as many point out, that is not where they are playing their PSP. Train and bus rides are not ideal for online anything.

The only thing I think might be having an effect, and I agree here, is that if you wanted to design the game with a car trading aspect you needed to have something readily available for everyone to use that didn't require being within eyesight of the person. I know two people in person with PSPs and only one of them has an interest in GT. Basically, design choice A (car trading heavily suggested) does not mesh with design choice B (local multiplayer only). Once Ad Hoc Party is available in the US then I will be set, but until then the best hope for trading I have is to find the one GTP member I know is in Kentucky and likely to get the game.

You bring up some good points there actually. It is much the same here. Unless I am at home I am unlikely to be able to access a wifi hotspot which in this case I am close to my ps3 anyway and can use adhoc party. This fairly much negates the need for having an online mode and saves hosting servers for games.

Just wondering, why can't you just use a Japanese PSN account and download Adhoc party? It doesn't appear too hard to do. Infact I have a guide for it:
Just wondering, why can't you just use a Japanese PSN account and download Adhoc party? It doesn't appear too hard to do. Infact I have a guide for it:
For me personally, my PS3 is Wi-fi and Ad Hoc Party requires a hard line. I will be running one when I get a 360, so I will be on it at that point.

But for the general populace, most of them don't go to other stores. If it isn't officially available in their region they don't know they can get it, and game reviewers can only review what is officially available. If every workaround and mod gave bonus points then half the bad games would have worked in good reviews.
Hey guys,

i decided to get GT-PSP but i dont have a PSP console yet, so i want to get myself one of ebay.
I once already asked the question which console is better, the PSP-1000/PSP-2000/PSP-3000 or PSP-GO.

Which one of them would you guys recommend me, keep in mind that i'm only getting a PSP for GT:M.


Which one of them would you guys recommend me, keep in mind that i'm only getting a PSP for GT:M.
If you prefer the form factor of the original PSP design then I suggest the 2000 or 3000 as they have slightly less energy usage than the 1000.

Other than that it is really just a matter of how one design feels in your hands and money. A 2000 or 3000 will clearly be cheaper with just a 2GB card being necessary if all you are playing is GT PSP.
If you prefer the form factor of the original PSP design then I suggest the 2000 or 3000 as they have slightly less energy usage than the 1000.

Other than that it is really just a matter of how one design feels in your hands and money. A 2000 or 3000 will clearly be cheaper with just a 2GB card being necessary if all you are playing is GT PSP.

great thanks! im looking and PSP 3000 are selling here for around ~150€.

I mean, in all honesty, no one familiar with either series would be confused about which they should get if they know what they want. No one is getting Motorstorm and then complaining that the AI isn't getting flagged for bumping them, and no one is getting GT and complaining that they aren't doing barrel rolls off of jumps.
Maybe that's because people do not expect to be able to do barrel rolls off jumps in Gran Turismo...