Maybe I was the only guy that was looking towards the demo and expecting to see a glimmer of GT5 in there somewhere. Come on! If EVERYONE were being honest with themselves, they would be saying the exact same thing.
I'm a #1 GT fan as the rest of you guys are, but I'm not blind! Yes the time trial challenge is a demo, but surely it should of been a demo of the actual game, not some mocked-up something that doesnt relate to the final game. PD owed it to us loyal fans to at least deliver a pant-wetting demo, in some ways to say thanks for the patience, but they failed miserably to do that.
Its getting to the point now that I am expecting no less than an epiphany when I place that hallowed GT5 blu-ray in my PS3. Shortly after I start the game, the doorbell will ring, and as I open the door, I will be bathed in warm light, with a host of angels standing on my driveway singing 'Hossanah!', as a gentle mist rolls over my doorstep.
A gliimer will catch my eyes in the distance, as I watch in awe as the Angel Gabriel swoops down from the heavens to land gracefully right infront of me. 'Michael' the Angel will say, 'The father, Son and the Holy Ghost, humbly request a lan party!' as he points off into the distance. Following his gesture, I will see the stairway to heaven, and three figures casually walking down towards me, each with a PS3 under one arm, and a HD monitor under the other.
The eldest of the three, will kneel before me, and say, 'With compliments from Sony and Polophony Digital'. The youngest will step forward and say to me 'Go easy mate, I've got bad hands!', I laugh, and invite them in for a heavenly session of GT5!
No... I was talking about onboard cam with different angles, I even showed you pics and videos.Yes you are.
You were asking how to get the cockpit view. :|
I don't know about you, but the physics surely were pant-wetting to me. I can't go back to prologue now![]()
Yea i agree. I think that all of the details was there but there's not that much quality as GT5P. The TT demo was probably an early build dealing with the physics for PD to decide maybe whether they should include this in the final release. And they allow the public to test it out later maybe.
Maybe I was the only guy that was looking towards the demo and expecting to see a glimmer of GT5 in there somewhere. Come on! If EVERYONE were being honest with themselves, they would be saying the exact same thing.
I'm a #1 GT fan as the rest of you guys are, but I'm not blind! Yes the time trial challenge is a demo, but surely it should of been a demo of the actual game, not some mocked-up something that doesnt relate to the final game. PD owed it to us loyal fans to at least deliver a pant-wetting demo, in some ways to say thanks for the patience, but they failed miserably to do that.
Its getting to the point now that I am expecting no less than an epiphany when I place that hallowed GT5 blu-ray in my PS3. Shortly after I start the game, the doorbell will ring, and as I open the door, I will be bathed in warm light, with a host of angels standing on my driveway singing 'Hossanah!', as a gentle mist rolls over my doorstep.
A gliimer will catch my eyes in the distance, as I watch in awe as the Angel Gabriel swoops down from the heavens to land gracefully right infront of me. 'Michael' the Angel will say, 'The father, Son and the Holy Ghost, humbly request a lan party!' as he points off into the distance. Following his gesture, I will see the stairway to heaven, and three figures casually walking down towards me, each with a PS3 under one arm, and a HD monitor under the other.
The eldest of the three, will kneel before me, and say, 'With compliments from Sony and Polophony Digital'. The youngest will step forward and say to me 'Go easy mate, I've got bad hands!', I laugh, and invite them in for a heavenly session of GT5!
I am honest with myself in saying that whatever PD gives us I will be happy with and not whine because its not the game that the PS3 cant handle. Also PD doesnt owe us anything. We are already after getting a lot more than any other company would have given us. We alreafy got GT HD and GT5which they updated a few times and which has a lot of cars in it.
As for the rest of your rant , well you need to ease off the drugs.
I also think your wrong to suggest that PD owe us nothing. PD DO owe me, and others like me who have made the franchise what it is. I've been a loyal fan since day one, as have many here, KY may have given us his vision, but it is us the loyal fans that have made Gran Turismo what it is. Only a fool would turn his back on those that have given him the status he is now affored with! 👍
We have had a lot more than any other publisher or developer would have given us by giving us GT HD and GT5 Prologue. I am a loyal fan myself and own every GT game I could get my hands on but I dont ask for any more than what I am getting.
On website if anybody looked at the screen shots of the time trial cockpit view there's a difference between the graphics on there's. I notice that the quality of the shading is more smoothened out and the lighting is not so bright. On the demo that we have, the shading looks zig zagged it's not smooth. I actually compared there's and mine. Did anybody notice that?
+1 bullshotsThe screens you see there are not gameplay. They appear to be from photomode. Looks pretty much the same but without the imperfections. People call them bullshots. Screenshots released by the developers that are not direct gameplay captures.
Of course you dont because you just havent read what I have said properly. Saying that PD owes us something is being greedy. We are after getting enough from them so far. Even though we paid for GT5 Prologue we still got that from them even though it wasnt free.I dont see you logic. They gave you a game, GT5P, which you payed for, how does this vary from any other company that gives you a game, which you pay for? T10 have bought out both Forza 2 and 3... how does this vary from PD giving you a prologue, which you paid for, and eventually GT5?
Plenty of devs and publishers are bringing out good games, some of them give free content and demos... I dont see how PD is any different.
Of course you dont because you just havent read what I have said properly. Saying that PD owes us something is being greedy. We are after getting enough from them so far. Even though we paid for GT5 Prologue we still got that from them even though it wasnt free.
We are already after getting a lot more than any other company would have given us.
I didn't see the logic of that thought, given they've given us nothing that 90% of game devs/publishers give.
You keep convincing yourself that.
Umm, ok?
You say it as if I'm somehow deluding myself that PD aren't giving us more than other developers when really they are, despite the fact your argument for them giving us more than other developers is that they've given us a paid demo, which I dont see as any different from any other developer giving us, ya know, a paid game. By that logic devs that give free games or large free demos must be gods amongst men![]()
My argument is that people say PD owe us something more as if we didnt get anything between now and GT5 which isnt true. Also when I say PD gave us more than any other developer would have , I mean that most any other developers wouldnt have given us GTHD or GT5 Prologue in the 5 year development.
Also if you are complaining about paying for prologue then you must not care much about funding the development of GT5. I am sure if we didnt pay for prologue then PD would have financial difficulties in this recession to de3velop GT5.
We arent owed anything from PD because they are after giving us enough and if anybody else says they owe us more then I see them as being greedy.
I think GT5 will be different from previous GT releases in one noticable aspect: We'll likely see a drastic # increase of real tracks versus fantasy tracks, and because of this, all the REAL tracks might end up disapointing us because they arent flashy or full of shrubbery and hills. (trial mountain).
I never said we were owed anything by PD. I never complained about paying for prologue. YOU said PD gave us a lot more than other developers, I was simply saying they haven't given us anything special that any other games developer wouldn't or hasn't given. I never complained about anything, I'm not sure where you got that idea from.
Nurburgring - most popular GT track.
Indy circuit is a bit dull but the authenticity and pleasure of driving a real circuit outweighs the clinical nature of it's reproduction. I think the mixture in GT5 will be just fine. I recall original GT circuits being fairly dull. The improvement made to High Speed Ring from older GTs to GT5is fantastic. Hopefully the choice of real life circuits will be exciting based on their layout (ignoring surrounding shrubbery). Spa should be a sweet, mini 'ring.
Yet again you took my post wrong. I wasnt trying to say you think PD owes us anything. That was aimed at those who do think so.
My apologies, I'm sure you can understand that I'd think you are addressing me given that you quoted my post when you said it.