I think dopedog you get carried away on this topic. Obviously you're a big fan of the game. And you simply want things to go according to what was advertised. I have/had some of this feeling when dealing with GT6.
The Ultimate Promise Simulator.
The thing is, the folks who paid into WMD did so because they were hungry for a SIM that would be enjoyable for gamers in general. And of course for them selves. They joined of their own volition, using their money and their judgment.
It's what they wanted. And they really don't deserve to be tarred and feathered for that.
And I am sure many of them may have felt bad that certain items did not make it to final production.
Perhaps even worse than you. Because they vested a lot of time and emotion in addition to their money.
I'm sure they were not all happy, happy joy, joy upon hearing of tracks, cars and or features being removed or undone.
But having read their responses, I can say that none of these people are idiots. And having interacted with you dopedog, the same thing is true. You are not a mental midget.
However, your distain for Ian, and most things WMD/SMS is boundless. And as hard as it may be for you, you can't let it put you on to calling people names. I've never had to confront Ian, or any of the over zealous fans of Project Cars head on as I suspect you have. I was not a WMD insider. I am was just a Grand Turismo refugee.
I agree that you should be able to "bitch" to you hearts content in this thread. However, don't allow the bad things that SMS has done to make fellow posters, gamers (WHO LIKELY WANT THE SAME THINGS AS YOU DO FROM THE GAME) want avoid or ignore you. You have good ideas. And I suspect are generally a good person. Keep your distain for SMS Ian.
But don't let it control your dealing with other people. I say let it go and try getting on with these folks at GTP.
You may find you have more in common with them than you think. For sure you'll see they are not all idiots.
You're better than that dopedog.